Fairy Winner

Chapter 3635: Hinder

The closer you get to the abyss, the wailing in the sound of the wind becomes more and more obvious, so harsh and harsh, making Qingque frowned.

"It feels like cultivating your heart in a nine-story tower, right?"

Zhou Shu said calmly, "This is not much different from the **** created by the state of mind."

Looking at the abyss not far away, Qingque nodded, "The **** of the fairy world."


Xiao Su thought of something, and his mind was stagnant, "I heard that these voices have not stopped for tens of thousands of years. In other words, the immortal world has been torturing the people inside for tens of thousands of years? It's terrible."

Zhou Shu shook his head, "No, it's because the power of the law of sound has been enclosed in the mist of the abyss. The power cannot leave or be consumed, and the sound cannot disappear. It can only always reverberate. Of course, it is hard to say that there is no inside. Sealing some unjust souls, they can't do without this barrier, so they kept wailing inside."

Xiao Su thought for a while, "I feel like you and I are talking about the same thing."

Zhou Shu was stunned, and said slowly, "That's what I said."

Qingque stopped and looked around vigilantly, "Don't talk about it, we should go down, there are many guards cruising around."


Zhou Shu took out two tokens, "You hold this to temporarily isolate the outer mist."

Qingque took it and said suspiciously, "I just took it from the guard? Don't you use it yourself?"

Zhou Shu shook his head and smiled, "I need to try the mist here, maybe I can use it."


The two took the order and jumped into the abyss.

Zhou Shu immediately followed. As soon as he touched the mist, the power of the law of force driven by the power of order surged like a tide, wave after wave, one by one, stronger than one, trying to squeeze Zhou Shu out. .

He is not afraid of himself.

Give out some comfort, feel it, and then carefully deduct the calculation.

Within dozens of breaths, he understood the basic control methods of these fogs or formations.

A little disappointed.

However, his understanding of the law of order is not as good as the person who created the abyss back then. He cannot fundamentally change the structure of the fog. In other words, his power of order or comfort is not enough to control the fog or the fog in a short time. Talk about the direction of the formation, let them be used for their own use.

This fog, which is nearly a thousand miles thick, is filled with a huge amount of power of law. It may be the most worthy power in the abyss, but it is a pity.

Sure enough, it is impossible to be omnipotent.

Zhou Shu laughed mockingly.

Of course, the disappointment quickly disappeared. Anding City has existed for so many years and is highly valued by the fairy world. It will not be easy to do anything here.

Xiao Su and Qingque seem to be very leisurely, visiting left and right, wanting to find something. They have a magic token on their bodies. They are not strongly blocked by the fog of the abyss, but they have a feeling of entering the deep sea. For them, this is not a problem.

"Shu, there really is a wandering soul."

Qingque suddenly turned his head and pointed to a group of dark shadows in the distance, "Should I bring it here and ask about the situation?"

Zhou Shu looked at it, "It's not a wandering soul, it's a trap arranged by An Ding City, but you can try it."

"That's it... Then I will try."

Isn't Qingque a person who easily confessed to defeat, he is obviously a wandering soul, can he make mistakes in his own housekeeping?

She quickly released some spirit power and summoned the wandering spirit along the gap in the mist.

The Ten Thousand Soul Sect has many abilities to attract wandering souls. Using the wandering soul to obtain the information they want is their specialty. However, more disciples of the Ten Thousand Soul Sect treat the wandering soul as a delicious delicacy to nourish their souls. Regardless of whether there is wisdom.

The wandering soul clearly sensed it, and it swayed slightly and swam past it. Seeing that its posture was quite agile, its wisdom must still be there.

The green bird is also a joy, a wise wandering soul, a clear self-will, and the possibility of communication.

Seeing that the wandering soul is no more than tens of feet away, the originally docile and agile wandering soul suddenly became violent and turned into a black sharp blade, not only itself, but also the surrounding mist also changed its appearance. The wind was surging, like a giant beast suddenly opened its fangs.


Qingque stagnated, and was about to fight.

Zhou Shuwen said, "You don't need to move, it's okay."

Sure enough, before the wandering soul reached the blue bird, he became docile again, took a look at the blue bird, and then swam away again. At the same time, the humming sound rang from the wandering soul, "Two idiots! Don’t use your power on the outer layer a hundred times, don’t you understand? Get out!"

Qingque nodded, agreeing.

When the wandering soul wandered away, she looked at Zhou Shu with a bewildered expression, "What's the matter?"

Zhou Shuwen said, "Trap, these wandering spirits are all manipulated by people, responsible for observing the situation in the mist, and also blocking people who enter without authorization. You use your spirit power to be regarded as an enemy by him, but after you feel the token on your body , Knowing that he was one of them, he left."

"It's not a wandering soul."

Qingque shook her head and couldn't help saying, "I can't even see how they manipulated..."

Zhou Shu seemed to think, "It should come from the soul book, it is much more subtle than the ordinary soul technique. I can only look at it roughly, but unfortunately I couldn't get the soul book."

"It's so expensive, who can afford it, it's okay."

Qingque shook her head quickly, with some doubts in her eyes, "Shu, but our appearance is completely different from that of the guards of Anding City, and you don't have a token on your body yet, can he not notice it?"

Zhou Shu said calmly, "In his eyes, you are the guards, and he can't see me."

"It turns out that you gave us a disguise, we don't know... it's really reliable."

Qingque laughed, and soon thought of something, and said in surprise, "Shu, did you become dust in another space?"

"I'm not the city lord of Anding City. How can I do it? If I can do it, then you will be in the space with me," Zhou Shu shook his head, showing a bit dignified, "but you are right about this. , We must pay special attention to ~www.ltnovel.com~ It is difficult to guarantee that the city lord here will not do this. At present, I don't know enough about Anding City, and I may not be able to fully detect the abnormal space around."

Qingque felt a little worried, "Will he come out for a sneak attack?"

Xiao Su also leaned over, "Is that the Lord of the Three Cities? Isn't it just right to come, we just grabbed him and solved everything."

"That's a quasi-sage, what you said is like catching an ant."

Zhou Shu snorted and shook his head, "If someone really uses space to come over, it should be the original two city masters, and definitely not the three city masters. He has only been here for more than ten years, and there is absolutely no such ability."

Xiao Su flapped his wings, "The original city lord, which one is stronger than the three city lord?"

"I don't know this, but I think the gap is mostly very large. The three city masters, from the information I have now, I am not worried, but the other two city masters..." Zhou Shu looked calm and slowly said, "They are sure It is the biggest obstacle to our trip."

(PS: Thank you for the monthly ticket support for a song that is endless to talk about, and thank you for the book friends who subscribe to vote, comment and collect~~~)

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