Fairy Winner

Chapter 3641: Wait till

There is no guard at this level, and there is no scruples when detecting.

Counting it down, there are more than 3,000 celestial pillars on this floor. Most of the remaining are bones, and less than 400 people are still alive. Many of them are dying, barely saving lives. Because it's gone, we must start all over again.

Zhou Shu sighed slightly and slowly emerged.

Of course it is in the form of a guard.

Seeing guards appearing, several people who were still alive and still wailed, stern and miserable.

Zhou Shu ignored it and walked away calmly.

Like the first layer, now is not the time to save them.

After passing a few bones, he swiftly walked to a copper pillar.

There is a prison shrouded in blood mist on the copper pillar, and even the eighth sense is difficult to penetrate completely, and can only be perceived at close range.

There are many similar copper pillars.

After taking a closer look, Zhou Shu shook his head slightly. The blood mist in the prison was indeed caused by Shen Yuzhi.

Shentu and Yulei are two kinds of strange trees in the heavens. One has no branches and leaves and bears one fruit for three thousand years. It is extremely rare, and the other is very luxuriant. One tree can spread to one world, and the two kinds of strange trees are used separately. There is nothing special, but the sap of the two trees is combined, and then boiled into grease, and then rubbed on the black copper wood, it will produce a condensed but not dispersed blood mist, thereby prohibiting the perception of most divine consciousness laws, even The eighth sense cannot be used normally.

Shenyuzhi is the fat made from two kinds of trees. Zhou Shu has seen it in ancient books, but this is the first time he has seen the real thing.

It seems that the effect is really good, but it is a pity that only the fairy world knows the method of boiling, and only the Luofu world has such a strange tree as Shentu.

But getting closer, these blood mists are not an obstacle.

In the middle of the blood mist, you can vaguely see a small window that has not been sealed. When you open the window, you can clearly see the situation inside.

The prison is full of chains, layered on top of each other. In the middle, you can see a scattered gray skeleton. The surface of the bone is covered with a layer of white ash, and there are many small holes, which have undergone too many years of erosion. , Has been completely weathered.

Although I had a hunch for a long time, I was still a little surprised to see this scene.

At the same time, several pictures appeared on Die Yue.

It is a golden fairy from Kunlun who has been kept in it for more than 30,000 years. Except for the moment when he was kept in, there is no other personal memory. There is no scene before his death. All that is shown on the mirror It’s a slate full of Kunlun tactics. —— It can be seen that this Kunlun disciple doesn’t care about his imprisonment or the various tortures he has suffered, and he has no time to think of revenge. He wants to stay in memory and stay in Samsara. There is only Kunlun's inheritance, which has not changed until death.

This is the Kunlun disciple, from birth to death, everything belongs to Kunlun.

It was completely different from the bones Zhou Shu saw before.

In the pictures shown by Die Yue, the memories of those bones are the happiest and most painful moments in the past, and then the obsession of revenge. The obsession is so strong that it is incredibly strong. If it weren't for Zhou Shudao's stable heart, it would be affected. .

"I will help you take it out."

Zhou Shu nodded and gently closed the window.

Looking left and right, there are still nearly a hundred similar prisons. Obviously, they are all more important people.

One by one, there were living people and dead human bones in the prison. The living people didn’t say a word. Zhou Shu didn’t ask anything. He only used Samsara to check carefully, and then left. At the same time, the cry for help was always outside. It hasn't been cut off. Perhaps the prisoners here have also found anomalies. This guard does not seem to be from Anding City, otherwise the behavior would not be so strange.

Zhou Shu just ignored him, and came to a heavenly judgement pillar.

Compared with other celestial columns, this one is only a few hundred feet long, which is much shorter than the others.

Opening the small window, Zhou Shu was slightly startled.

Inside is a living person, or an acquaintance.

The iron chain was sunken in the hands and feet, and white bones were faintly visible. Because of gravity, the body tilted forward slightly, seeming to notice the movement, and looked up to Zhou Shu's side, revealing a pale piece of hair under the loose hair. There was no trace of blood on his face, and there was no expression in the eyes that he tried to open. He glanced at Zhou Shu indifferently, and then slowly lowered his head.

Zhou Shu looked at her intently, and at the same time probed with Die Yue.

I was shocked.

He slowly said, "Yu Yurou, why are you not willing to join the immortal sect?"

"This palace has said it ten thousand times. This palace is the palace lord of the Chongyang Palace and will never join any other sects, even if the Chongyang Palace has been destroyed by you!"

She shook her body, suddenly raised her head severely, or because the movement was too big to affect the wound, she couldn't help but let out a soft cry, but she quickly held it back, staring at Zhou Shu with cold eyes. Although the voice was so slight that it was almost inaudible, the firmness and hatred in it penetrated into the bone marrow, making people move.

Zhou Shu calmly said, "Even your daughter has joined."

She looked indifferent, "She is her, this palace is this palace, you don't need to say more, or kill this palace, but one day, the Chongyang Palace will come to you for revenge!"

Zhou Shu seemed to think, "You are so obsessed with the position of palace lord, how about I help you rebuild a Chongyang Palace?"


A trace of blood appeared on Yu Yurou's face, but it quickly disappeared, "In this case, this palace has heard it hundreds of times! This palace is no more than a true fairy. How can you rebuild the Chongyang Palace? If you build it, you won't be your puppet? Although this palace doesn't care about being a puppet, this palace just doesn't want to be a puppet of your fairy world!"

Zhou Shu sneered, "You are really tough, aren't you afraid of death?"

Yu Yurou said indifferently, "What about if you die? Without Chongyang Palace, this palace has no meaning to live. In fact, this palace doesn't understand why it is still alive, leaving behind a sect master who has been destroyed by you. , What use is it for you? This palace can't do anything for you. This palace doesn't know anything about other people on the Tongtian Tower, and that Zhou Shu, this palace has no idea where he is."

Zhou Shu slowly said, "There is no Chongyang Palace in the heavens, but the Xuanhuang Realm still has the Chongyang Palace, or the six major sects, and there are many disciples. It is always useful to keep you."

Yu Yurou scolded, "It's ridiculous, would you care about them?"

Zhou Shu laughed ~www.ltnovel.com~ I don't care, but we don't even care if we add a prison to such a trivial matter. "


Yu Yurou lowered her head angrily.

At that moment, a lot of killing intent flashed in her eyes. At this moment, Zhou Shu in front of her was afraid that she had died hundreds of times.

Puff, puff.

Suddenly, with a few soft noises, the indestructible chain suddenly disconnected from it.

Yu Yurou, who completely lost her hands and feet, didn’t notice it at all. She fell straight down until her face touched the icy ground and felt a sudden pain before she realized what she felt. Her heart throbbed and she was free for the first time in a thousand years. Speak.

She stood up slowly, staring at Zhou Shu outside the window, her expression was very puzzled, but she quickly understood.

"Are you... planning to take my palace out for execution? Very good, my palace has finally waited until this day."

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