Fairy Winner

Chapter 3646: Special existence

"Zhou Shu, your name is Zhou Shu?"

Xie Sishan's voice rang, from inside his body, he could hear a lot of surprises, "Is it really you?!"

Zhou Shu said calmly, "No one will pretend to be me."

"No wonder, no wonder... who can come here alone, who else can there be except Zhou Shu in these heavens?!" Xie Sishan was quite excited, "City Lord Zhou, I have always admired you for being able to build Xianshu City and The immortal world contends, after going out, can I also go to Xianshu City?"

"No problem, I welcome anyone in Xiancheng."

Leaving the copper pillar, Zhou Shu cruised around to discover the situation on the third floor.

"Xie Sishan, how many years have you been locked up here?"

"Three hundred and thirty-seven years."

"Remember so clearly?"

"I remember every day I came in, how could I forget? City Lord Zhou, thank you for giving me the opportunity to see the sun again."

"Don't say this, it's hard to say whether you can see the sky again, Xie Sishan, after you came in, you stayed awake and kept watching your surroundings, right? Otherwise, it's impossible that you would find me as soon as I came over."

"Yes, City Lord Zhou, I clearly saw everything here, the true face of the fairy world, so ugly, dark, and vicious..."


Zhou Shu couldn't help interrupting him. He is rarely so impolite, but this guy... what he wants to know now is not this. "Tell me what you saw on the third floor of the prison cell, and talk about the main point. For example, when the guards often come, how many strong are there."

Xie Sishan was honest, and said, "The third layer rarely comes to guards. The guards come only when newcomers come in. There is no fixed time period. The strong, except for the immortals who arrested me here, I have only seen Two quasi saints."

Zhou Shu seemed thoughtful, and drew a picture casually, "Is it him?"

Xie Sishan quickly said, "It's him, he is the current Lord of the Three Cities. This has been here twice recently, and he was there when the guards escorted people down."

Zhou Shu paused, "Where is the other one?"

Xie Sishan described it again, "...It's like this, the original Three City Lord, who hadn't been here forty years ago."

Zhou Shu thought for a while, "Aren't you here? Then, who is stronger than the current Three City Lord?"

Xie Sishan quickly said, "That should be the later Three City Lords. The Three City Lords' laws of power and belief are quite strong, and they must be the top figures in the celestial pole list. The previous quasi-sages are worse. Only the law of Yin and Yang is not very good. "

Zhou Shu was a little puzzled, "Can you see the rules of their cultivation?"

Xie Sishan seemed very proud, "I can still see that you are practicing the law of reincarnation, the law of order, and the law of cause and effect. Hey, you deserve to be the city lord of Xianshu who has caused the most headaches in the fairy world, but there is also a powerful law I don’t see. Come out, I haven't touched it before."

"You are very accurate, no wonder you are sure I can save you from the beginning."

Zhou Shu stopped, his expression solemn, "Xie Sishan, you are not an ordinary Hachi clan, are you?"

Xie Sishan thought for a few breaths, "Yes, I don’t want to hide it in front of my benefactor. I am the Haechi clan who has brought the true eye to the extreme, and cannot be transformed forever. For a special existence like me, there is a name in the clan to be transparent. Beasts, but in the eyes of the people, the bright beasts are just beasts, not humans at all, so after I knew my talents, I left the Hachi clan. It was more than two thousand years ago."

"Sure enough."

Zhou Shu nodded and said in a slow voice, "I have heard the master of Hachi say that there have been no bright beasts in Hachi for a long time. He said that only when Hachi country is the most prosperous, can there be such a holy beast in the clan. Beast, because it takes a huge amount of resources and energy to support a bright beast."

"What holy beast, it's just a pet of those people!"

Xie Sishan's resentful voice shocked Zhou Shu.

"Don't worry, just listen to me."

Zhou Shu thought thoughtfully, "Listening to the Lord, the true eye of the bright beast is the strongest talent of the Hachi tribe, and it is even more than the eye of the sky. A grain of sand can be found even when it falls into the desert. It is easy to distinguish the power of the other party’s laws, and at the very high and deep stage of cultivation, you can see the very distant future, not only the future of the individual, but the future of the entire country and the entire heavens. This is the prophet of the Hachi clan. It can’t do things, but there are also several problems with the Bright Beast. It can’t be transformed in eternity because its body will be solidified and its lifespan will be much shorter than that of the normal Hachee tribe, and it cannot possess the same wisdom as humans..."

Xie Sishan seemed to suppress his anger, "The previous sentence is correct, the last sentence is false."

"From you, I also think the last sentence is false, but it is also possible that you are a special case," Zhou Shu looked slightly condensed, "The important tribe you want to save should also be a transparent beast? Does she have human wisdom? ?"

Xie Sishan roared as if he had hit something, "She has, she has... She is very smart!"

"I believe you."

Zhou Shu nodded and stopped talking about this question.

He is not sure whether the words of the Lord of the Kingdom are true or false. Besides, seeing a bright beast is a chance. If the bright beast can be brought back to Xianshu City, it will be a great chance~www.ltnovel.com~ It would be a shame to miss this opportunity because of offending Xie Sishan.

Xie Sishan was a little confused, "Do you really believe me?"

Zhou Shu was very serious, "I believe you, and I will try my best to help you rescue her."

Xie Sishan said without hesitation, "If it can be saved, my life is yours."

Zhou Shu thought of something, "By the way, Immortal Realm didn't find out that you are a bright beast, right?"

Xie Sishan quickly said, "I don't think I did. I used a puppet when I was arrested. They must have thought I was a transformed Haechi clan, but I don't know if she was discovered... Forget it, I know I was deceiving myself. Obviously, right? If the fairy world doesn't know that she is a bright beast, she will be on this level like me, not below."

Zhou Shu was very calm, "You are right, but it doesn't matter, we have to save it anyway."


Xie Sishan brought some pleadings, "We'd better hurry up, I'm afraid she can't bear it, I can't bear those golden rings..."

"It will go down soon. Don't worry. Hundreds of years have passed. It is not at this moment," Zhou Shu said calmly. "Continue with the previous question. Apart from the Three City Lords, have you seen other City Lords? Did the guard talk about other city owners?"

"I haven't seen it."

Xie Sishan thought for a while and said, "But I heard the guards talk about it several times, saying that they have been here for almost a thousand years, and they have not seen the two city lords. Also, the three city lords in charge have been changing, every 100 years. Change one, but the two City Lords haven't moved."

Zhou Shu seemed to have realized that Xian Ting really regarded Anding City as a secret base. The two city owners were nominally the managers of Anding City, but they were actually studying the power of the acquired chaos, and the three city owners were constantly rotating. Is the actual manager.

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