Fairy Winner

Chapter 3649: I go by my own

In the space of nearly a hundred miles, there are a lot of stars, I'm afraid there are not hundreds of thousands.

At this time Xie Sishan also realized, "Here are the reduced heavens?"

"To be precise, it is a very complete map, but the immortal world is hidden." Zhou Shu walked to the middle of the stars and looked around, with a smile on his mouth. "As expected of the immortal world. The situation is so clear, but it makes me cheaper."

There is no doubt that this boundary map will be copied by Zhou Shu.

But it cannot be directly merged with your own boundary map. After all, the boundary map here has no other information except the location, and it cannot be 100% sure that it is true.

"What is the immortal world doing here?"

Xie Sishan was a little disappointed, thinking that he could save his people, but he didn't expect it to be so.

"It should be the route of Anding City."

Zhou Shu pointed to a green dot in the map, "There is the location of Anding City in the heavens."

Xie Sishan was still sighing, but he couldn't ignore Zhou Shu, and only followed Zhou Shu, "Anding City is mobile. I have learned this from the guards' words. Did the immortal world control Anding City based on this picture?"

Zhou Shu shook his head, "This picture does not show a control method, it is a pure boundary map. I am more inclined to the fairy world and cannot control Anding City."

Xie Sishan, who was looking left and right, was not thinking about it, and said unconsciously, "In other words, this point is moved by the people of the fairy world, who is it?"

"Three City Lord, he will come down every time he moves. The last time he came was a month ago, we shouldn't have encountered him."

Zhou Shu looked at it and got the answer. It's always impossible for the boundary map to be made with dark iron, and Die Yue can still play a role.

"It doesn't make much sense to say that..."

Xie Sishan couldn't help it anymore, "Our goal is to save people, but now we are here to look at the map. I looked carefully, there is no other way here, what is going on? Did we go wrong in the demon blood pool? Road, but that is obviously a way to survive."

"Don't worry, wait a moment."

Zhou Shu didn't say much, and began to concentrate on memorizing the world map.

It took some time to record hundreds of thousands of stars.

Xie Sishan was still checking the surroundings, but couldn't find the way no matter what, his eyes were about to bulge out of anxiousness.

"Okay, go out."

Zhou Shu wrote down the boundary map and walked out.

Xie Sishan said anxiously, "I went out without finding it? I thought you had a way."

"You can't find a bright beast, of course I can't find it either. Why waste time."

Zhou Shu had already walked out of the door, Xie Sishan looked helpless and followed out angrily. As soon as he came out, Zhou Shu closed the door.

Xie Sishan looked at the closed door and sighed, "Where shall we go and walk the blood pool again?"

"right here."

Zhou Shu pointed to the door, "There is only one door, but there may not be only one room behind it."

Xie Sishan realized what he was surprised, "You mean, there might be several rooms behind a door?"

"Only this one is possible."

Zhou Shu calmly said, "The public losers back then had five rooms with one door, and the Lu family could even enter nine rooms with one door. According to the method of opening the door and the time sequence, etc., every time you open the door, you will enter a different room. , Very old technology, it should be as old here," he shook his head with a smile, "I didn't expect at first that they would use their magic tricks in Anding City, hehe, the immortal world is not the most despised institution It's forbidden and mocking. In the end, I don't want to use it."

Xie Sishan said anxiously, "The city lord means, do you know how to crack the mechanism?"


Zhou Shu seemed to think, "In the hands of practitioners, organ techniques are often more sophisticated than formations, and they won’t be mixed with various things. I like this kind of purity, but in the heavens, it’s very It’s hard to have its use, after all, not every place has so many dark irons."

A beam of joy flashed in Xie Sishan's eyes, "City Lord, you really know everything, I haven't heard of it at all, then..."

"Already doing it."

There was no other way out in it, Zhou Shu understood the reason, and at that time he also started deduction and deciphering.

Compared with the previous deductions, this time is definitely a lot more complicated, but for him who understands the two organ arts, it doesn't take too much time. However, it has to be said that this kind of organ restriction is still very important for ordinary practitioners. Effective, even if it is a quasi-sage, as long as you don't understand the mechanism technique, there is no way to get here, even if you destroy this gate, you can't find the right way.

After a long time, Zhou Shu said slowly, "This is the trick of the public loser. There are only five different rooms at most. I will try them one by one."

Xie Sishan quickly said, "Well, don't care about me. If there is danger, just throw me out."

Zhou Shu gently opened the door, and his eyes looked in again.

"Ah! Right here!"

Xie Sishan suddenly exclaimed, if it weren't for him in Zhou Shu's Taoist body, he might have shaken the house.

Zhou Shu walked in after a flash, "It seems luck, but you don't need to be so loud, I can see it."

In a room with a radius of tens of miles, eight different spaces are divided by formations, and there are many formations and organs in each space. The eyes and the eighth sense were all in vain, and they all saw the "prisoners" locked in the formation.

One of them is Haechi, half lying there, eyes closed, looking haggard and lack of blood.

"City Lord, can you help me save her?"

Xu was too excited, Xie Sishan's voice trembled very badly, and there were many pleadings in it, "The law in that formation is too powerful, I may not be able to resist it, please."

"Look at the formation."

Zhou Shuli was there, pondering for a moment, "It's a bit troublesome. The formation method to imprison them is very different from the copper pillars outside. It should be directly controlled by someone. Even if I know the way to destroy it, it will be destroyed. Find."

"In that case."

Xie Sishan settled down, seeming to say decisively, "Then you tell me the way, I will go by myself."

Zhou Shu looked at him, "Do you know the law of energy? Do you know how to deal with it?"

Obviously it can be seen that the main driving force of the formation comes from the law of energy, and several key formations are also magic weapons containing the law of energy. The conclusion is very clear. The formation here and the formation of the previous black hole channel come from The same person is the quasi-sage who controls and even transcends the law of energy.

"The law of energy?"

Xie Sishan stagnated and shook his head in despair, "I don't understand, I can't even see it! Only then did I realize that it is the law of energy, the strongest law in the heavens, haha, no wonder the breath I perceive is so inaccessible, As if he would be swallowed up as soon as he got close..." After a sorrowful smile, he hesitated for a few breaths, and said forcefully, "City Lord, you will let me try, and if I fail, I will fail! I can die in front of her. Live it!"

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