Fairy Winner

Chapter 3663: Work together

In the red clouds, a spear whizzed out.

The gun body is covered with flaming clouds, which is the Dao weapon fire cloud gun.

Is this going to attack?

Zhou Shu showed a lot of solemnity, only lifting Die Yue, the power of reincarnation pouring out like a waterfall, turning into a lot of shady, and obstructing the gate.

Facing the power of transcending the law, only Dao Qi is most suitable.

Bang, bang, bang!

With a rapid sound like falling rain, the fire cloud gun hit Die Yue, a bit of cold light came first, and the gun power was like a dragon dance, changing rapidly.

In a blink of an eye, there were thousands of clashes, and the gun force could not be broken through, but the power in the furnace was also being consumed a little bit. There was a distressed feeling. I was careful not to waste it at all, but it is useless at this moment. Scrupulous, but it must also be the case, Zhunsheng shot with all his strength, not careless.

Even though he was hit by Dao Qi, Zhou Shu was still paying attention to the situation of the two quasi-sages opposite.

Zheng Feiyi at the door had a fierce face, leading the Huoyun spear, as if he wouldn't stop without destroying Zhou Shu, and another quasi-sage, hiding in the domain of faith, seemed to be looking for a chance to take action...

Are you planning to join forces?

This is not an empty formation.

The doorway is only so big that it cannot accommodate two quasi-sages attacking at the same time. If another quasi-sage joins in, Zhou Shu might still relax.

After all, they are two quasi-sages. No one can completely open the domain to each other. It is tantamount to seeking a dead end. In other words, there is always conflict between the two domains, so it is almost impossible for the power of the two to maintain harmony. They attacked at the same time, and might affect each other, but Zhou Shu could catch the gap.

"See how long you can resist!"

Zheng Feiyi glared at Zhou Shu, gritted his teeth.

Zhou Shu looked at him, but he was a little puzzled. He sensed that Zheng Feiyi's mind power was almost entirely in the control of the Dao artifacts, and he had no other protection except for the domain. ——More than 300 quasi-sages were not. There may be two Dao implements. In other words, if Zhou Shu suddenly attacked Zheng Feiyi at this time, Zheng Feiyi did not have enough means to resist, maybe he could hit it with one blow.

This is an opportunity.

Zheng Feiyi should not have imagined that Zhou Shu’s Die Yue is by no means an ordinary Dao implement. Shu Zhi Dao incorporates many laws. You can switch the form of the Dao implement at any time, passing through the barriers of the domain of faith, and looking at the distance between two people. , Die Yue should attack Zheng Feiyi's ontology instantly, it is by no means difficult.

He didn't even think that Zhou Shu, who had no Taoist protection, would have other means to protect himself.

Road furnace.

When fighting with Zheng Feiyi’s Fire Cloud Gun, Zhou Shu had already obtained the detailed data of the Fire Cloud Gun. The fire cloud gun was placed outside the furnace to block the Fire Cloud Gun’s attack. There would be no danger within ten breaths of time,-being attacked by Die Yue It is difficult for Zheng Feiyi to manipulate the Fire Cloud Spear abundantly, which has little effect on the furnace, and ten breaths of time are enough to break Zheng Feiyi's palace with Die Yue.

As for the quasi-sage whose life palace is broken, he will no longer have the heart to love war. If he continues to fight, the bridge of soul and the wheel of life will be in danger, and it is not impossible for the core of the law to break.

But the problem is that there is a quasi-sage on the side.

It's okay for the quasi-sage to avoid the edge as before, but if he intercepts Die Yue?

Of course it can't stop Die Yue from returning, but it will take at least five or six breaths of time. At this point, a lot of things may happen. Does the quasi saint have Dao tools? Can the Dao Lu, which has been insisting on it for a long time, face a quasi-sage who has never fought before?

What if, what if Zheng Feiyi's palace of life cannot be smashed smoothly?

There are several variables, but compared to the results obtained, Zhou Shu would rather take a gamble.

After all, the benefits are greater.

I am not a quasi-sage, the Tao of Shu has not yet passed through the heavens, and the Taoist furnace can’t produce the power of Shu’s infinitely and quickly, and fighting with the quasi-sage will not do me any good. Besides, if it can be solved this time Zheng Feiyi, then there is only one quasi-sage left, and he will be restrained by himself, and the person who is released can easily break the formation boundary with the blue bird, so that he can take his time.

Of course, the more important thing is to solve the enemy here as soon as possible. If you get up, he will have time to adjust, so that he won’t be attacked by the enemy. Although he has arranged enough defenses in the demon blood pool, but who is in the end It was Elder Xian Ting, and Zhou Shu didn't know how long he could stop him.

After a few breaths, Zhou Shu made a decision.

The light flashed on his body, and the copper color instantly filled his body, and the unique Taoist furnace completely covered his body.

Immediately, he filled the position of the gate and greeted the continuous attacks of the Fire Cloud Spear. At the same time, Die Yue disappeared suddenly, moving freely in the red cloud, and in the next breath, he was in front of Zheng Feiyi.


Zheng Feiyi exclaimed, only the look in his eyes did not see how panicked he was.

In the exclamation, his body also turned red, the same as the red cloud on the side, but more dense.

Zhou Shu didn’t care. Even if Zheng Feiyi was completely integrated into the realm of faith and became a member of the power of faith, Die Yue could find out his body and lock it directly. This is the advantage of Taoism, and the quasi-sage also Or Hunyuan Jinxian's life-saving means is of little value in the face of Taoism.

Dao Qi refers directly to the origin.

Dieyue, Wanshan.

The abundant Shuzhi power erupted completely, and the power of reincarnation that transcended the law turned into endless mountains, surrounded by overlaps, and the red clouds were all squeezed away. Among the mountains, only a solid red cloud remained. Obviously, That was Zheng Feiyi, completely caught by Die Yue.

The power of reincarnation began to run wild, and the constant pressure made the red cloud on the verge of breaking.

Zhou Shu guided Die Yue, unreservedly releasing his power, and on his own side, the strength of the furnace itself could withstand the Fire Cloud Spear, but occasionally some special force methods were needed, which didn't seem too strenuous.

Time flies slowly, a breath is like a year.

Zheng Feiyi in the mountains seems to have been squeezed into a ball, not human-shaped, but unexpectedly, his life palace is still intact.

Something is wrong! ?

Zhou Shu realized something.

The power of reincarnation that transcends the law is enough to destroy the realm of the quasi-sage and break the palace of the quasi-sage. From the last quasi-sage Zhoushu, we have reached such a conclusion. When Dieyue Wanshan hits the opponent, he can slowly detect it. The pressure to the opponent's palace was insufficient until it started to crack, and this time, Zhou Shu didn't even feel that way, that is to say, Die Yue did not cause the damage he imagined.

Unexpectedly, the variables in the deduction came so soon.

Hey~www.ltnovel.com~ I heard a sneer.

Another quasi-sage who was hidden in the domain of faith had already stepped out, and the goal was not Die Yue.

He held a weird sledgehammer in his hand, his face was gloomy and his eyes were excited, like a butcher who had just walked off the guillotine.

When the sledgehammer is raised, it will be lowered.

Looking at the direction of the hammer, it was actually the end of the Fire Cloud Gun.

Is this two people going to work together?

In another variable, Zheng Feiyi not only let go of his own domain, but even completely let go of his Dao Qi, letting others control and guide his Dao Qi.

Now, it's a bit bad.

(PS: Thank you book friends 20170517212437755 for your continued support, thank you book friends who subscribe to vote, comment, and favorites~~~)

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