Fairy Winner

Chapter 3791: Own responsibility

"Xianjie Winner (

Looking at Pu Lao who was a little bit above, Zhou Shu said solemnly, "I can make up for it."

"Zhou Shu, don't say anything like this anymore. It is impossible to make up. It is not difficult to take me out of the edge of the heavens, but to take the Xuanhuang Realm out, there is almost no other possibility to do so..." Pu Lao Coldly said, "Although it is such a crazy plan."

Zhou Shu paused, "What plan?"

Pu Lao looked at the Tianchi below, "What are you doing?"

"Turn the Demon Refining Realm into the Real Realm..." Zhou Shu's expression changed slightly, "You plan to turn the Profound Yellow Realm into a virtual realm, and then use the artifact to take it out? How can this be possible, let alone whether there are any artifacts that can withstand the Profound Yellow Realm, Doing so will make most of the races in the Xuanhuang Realm disappear!"

Pu Lao said lightly, "Yes, with the size of the Xuanhuang Realm, about 80% of the creatures will disappear."

Zhou Shu exclaimed loudly, "80%? Never do this, it's crazy."

"I know," Pu Lao was very calm, "but you can't get out if you are not crazy. Staying in a place like the edge of the heavens, the Xuanhuang world has no assistance, only the endless persecution of the immortal world. This may be the only way. It’s a pity that I have been stuck on the plan and have not been able to achieve it."

Zhou Shu said in a deep voice, "I don't need to do it again, I have other ways."

"What can you do?"

Pu Lao laughed, "Is it to break the edge of the heavens and let the gray mist fill the entire heavens? Or gather the power of Xianshu City to bring the Xuanhuang Realm out? The premise for this is that you want to occupy the Sijitian. Do you know what this means? It means to completely destroy the Immortal Realm. Any one of the Four Extreme Heavens has at least twenty quasi-sage guardians, and they can be supported by the Luofu Realm at any time."

Zhou Shu calmly said, "This is a choice."

Pu Lao glanced at him and said faintly, "I know this is a choice, and you may also be able to do it, such as destroying the fairy world, but at that time, the mysterious yellow world is more likely to disappear. Inside, anything can happen. I have seen many worlds that inexplicably collapse and then disappear completely. No one knows when the Profound Yellow World will encounter them."

Zhou Shu shook his head, "Luck is not that bad, besides, I didn't plan to use this option, I have other options."

Pu Lao snorted, "Then you tell me."

Zhou Shu nodded, "Pulao, have you ever left the world of refining demon? Have you seen Xianshu City carefully? Do you know what the foundation of Xianshu City is?"

"My mark is in the demon refining world. I can only come here and can't get out. Of course, if you deliberately put away the demon refining world, you can also force me to go out. Then I will be killed by your formation," Pu Lao Faintly said, "As for the foundation of Xianshu City, it is the formation? I have heard some, your formation should be very powerful, otherwise you won't get so much praise, and there are many from your enemies. This I admire you very much. One person can make such a strong formation. From the perspective of the formation, you are better than most quasi-sages, and you can rank in the top three in the heavens."

Zhou Shu paused, "This formation was there when I was a big Luo Jinxian."

Pu Lao sneered unconsciously, "I'm afraid I don't know? Hahaha, you are very similar to someone in terms of boasting."

Zhou Shu didn't care, "Pulao, do you think that a big Luo Jinxian can design such a formation, and build it successfully in less than a hundred years, and even integrate hundreds of worlds into a whole, you really Do you think I did it?"

"Yeah, I think it's just like that for the saint born that day," Pu Lao was startled slightly, "No, you mean someone will help you? I don't notice that there is such a strong person around you, who is it?"

Zhou Shu slowly said, "It's not a person, it's the foundation of the Profound Yellow Realm and even the heavens. He is helping me."

"The foundation of the Profound Yellow Realm and the heavens, you mean..." Pu Lao suddenly lost his temper, his face turned green, and waved his hand, "This is impossible, impossible, Jianmu has long collapsed and is divided into many other creatures. , It is impossible to have the original..." He stared at Zhou Shu's hand and tremblingly said, "This is, this is, is it the bud of Jianmu?"

"Yes, you can take it and see for yourself."

Zhou Shu handed over the shoots of Jianmu and slowly said, "I have a lot more, because Jianmu has survived two calamities and is constantly multiplying."

Pu Lao only took a look, then raised his head to look at Zhou Shu, "Your realms are all the core of the origin that Jianmu helped you make?!"

"Completely correct."

Zhou Shu nodded, "Every basic realm that makes up the formation comes from Jianmu. The only difference is the Yunjuan realm where Xianshu City is located, because Jianmu is on this Yunjuan realm, and it supports the whole The formation is also the true core of Xianshu City."

Pu Lao stood there for a while, and sighed, "I finally understand now."

Zhou Shu said slowly, "What do you understand?"

"The last time I was in the Great Dark Abyss, what I perceived was not your breath of Profound Yellow Realm at all, but what Jianmu brought to you, but at that time I couldn't have imagined that Jianmu still exists in the heavens. This is really Profound Yellow. The great fortune of the realm," Pu Lao stopped sighing, looking at Zhou Shu solemnly, "Jianmu was obtained after you entered the heavens, right? If Jianmu is still in the Xuanhuang Realm, I can't possibly not know."

"Yes, a coincidence."

Zhou Shu nodded and briefly introduced the source of Jianmu. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

Pu Nao shook his head after hearing this and said sincerely, "This is not a chance, but a destiny. Once this kind of thing happens, it is inevitable, Zhou Shu, I now believe that you are the savior of the Xuanhuang Realm, and there must be a way. Save the Xuanhuang World."

Zhou Shu was a little stunned, "I believe it so soon?"

Pu Lao frowned, "Jianmu is here with you, and you have done so many things for you, indicating that you have gained the trust of Jianmu, then I believe you need other reasons? There is Jianmu here, rescue The Xuanhuang Realm is not difficult. Jianmu has enough space power to mobilize the entire world of heavens. As long as Jianmu grows up smoothly, he can bring the Xuanhuang Realm over."

Zhou Shu paused, "I don't know this. My thought is...Forget it, how do you know these things?"

"I know more about Jianmu than you. Our Yinglong clan was born on Jianmu, and we are closer to him than human beings, but I never thought that this knowledge will be useful someday," Pu said. Jail said eagerly, "Zhou Shu, you want to let me out! I need to be closer to Jianmu to help him grow. He has only survived two calamities, and there are at least three more times. I can definitely help. ."

Zhou Shu paused, as if thinking about something.

Pu Nao couldn't help but said, "What else do you think? Zhou Shu, you are not worried that I will be unfavorable to Jianmu, this is absolutely impossible."

Zhou Shu shook his head, "Of course I understand that the Dragon Clan has always taken guarding Jianmu as its own duty. If there were Jianmu in the Xuanhuang Realm back then, the Dragon would not be able to leave the Xuanhuang Realm..."

Pu Lao nodded immediately, "Yes, if there is Jianmu, we will stay in the Xuanhuang Realm to the death, no matter who the enemy is."

(PS: Thank you Feng Caifeng for your continuous support, and thank you book friends who subscribe to vote, comment, and favorites~~)

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