Fairy Winner

Chapter 3917: Also very difficult

     "The Emperor is too stupid!"

   Xiao Su blurted out, and quickly said, "I didn't mean you, Zhou Shu."

Zhou Shu nodded, "I know, but it's not stupid. It's an attachment to one's own Tao. It is something that the founder must bear. If you can't trust the Tao, how can other people believe it? It came to an end."

   Xiao Su couldn't help but said, "But obviously I don't have much power, and I can't protect myself and others. It's... a good way?"

   Zhou Shu looked at her, "You wanted to say before, is that also a Tao?"

   Xiao Su stagnated, and rolled his eyes, "Don't worry about this little detail, I don't understand it anyway."

"It's definitely a Dao, and it's a good Dao, but it's not a Dao, nor can it become a Dao. In the current environment of the heavens, if Dao is to become a Dao, it must have the ability to protect itself. Humanity obviously does not have it," Zhou Shu looked slightly condensed. "The timing of the emergence of humanity is wrong. The Emperor Xuanyuan is a little eager to get it done, but this is also his character. In the Xuanhuang world, he is known for benevolence and virtue, and Xuanyuan sword is also known as the sword of benevolence."

   Xiaosu seemed to think, "Humanistic heaven has failed, so he ran to the devil world."

   "There must be some straightness in the middle, we will know about it later."

   Zhou Shu looked at Xiao Su, quite solemnly, "Maybe it will fall on you."

   Xiaosu didn't care, "No problem, I'm not afraid to go to the Demon World anyway, hey, I am not afraid of wherever I go now."

   Zhou Shu was so angry and funny, "You should go back to retreat first."

   Xiao Su snorted, "Retreat and retreat...I will retreat now."

   She stopped talking, sitting there as if she was really cultivating. Zhou Shu looked at Feng Kun, "Brother Feng, let's go."


   Feng Kunxian couldn't wait any longer, turned into a huge divine crow, grabbed the two of them, flicked them on their backs, and disappeared into the void in a blink of an eye.

   This disappearance is not invisibility, it is the characteristic of sacred beasts like Meng Ji, but because the speed is too fast to even see the afterimage.

   Zhou Shu sat upright and said, "You are faster than me."

"Nonsense, if the speed is not as good as you, then I will be useless. The law of thunder and lightning is very good, but it is much worse than our **** crows." Feng Kun laughed, "I haven't survived the calamity, otherwise let You can’t compare to it, our God Crow clan is the second fastest feather clan."

   Zhou Shu seemed thoughtful, "Is Phoenix Bird first?"

   Fengkun curled his tail, "Nonsense, Phoenix Bird is not good at speed."

   Zhou Shu said again, "Is it Qingluan?"

Feng Kun snorted, "Qingluan is strong in illusion. Although it can move space, but the speed is far worse than that of Shencrow. I can throw him a lot without Huaming. I said Brother Zhou, do you know or Talking nonsense on purpose, don't you know Dapeng?"

   Zhou Shu shook his head, "I know, but Dapeng is not a feather clan."

"If you talk nonsense, I threw you down, why isn't it a feather clan?" Feng Kun scolded, "Although he has other forms, he is still a roc in most of the time. How can a roc that soars freely be better than a fish? Comfortable?"

   Zhou Shu didn't argue, "That's it, Brother Feng, how long will it take to reach Bu Zhoushan?"

   Fengkun pondered for a few breaths, "Seven to eight years? It shouldn't be slower anymore, I will try my best."

   Zhou Shu muttered, "It seems that the phoenix bird is about to be born on the road. If I take the phoenix bird, can you still maintain this speed?"

Feng Kun's figure trembled, and there was a thunderbolt-like roar from around him, but after a breath, Feng Kun continued to move forward, "I can't escape, I always have to take him with me. I'm already prepared, anyway. Try to overcome it, there should be no problem."

   Zhou Shu let go, "That's good, we have been late for a long time."

Feng Kun said without realizing it, "In fact, for more than a hundred years, it is not a big deal for the Mao and Ba people, especially the Ba people, who sleep for tens of thousands of years. Time is meaningless to them. I'm not sure. I asked you before and you said it was okay. Are you sure Phoenix Bird will listen to you?"

   Zhou Shu nodded himself, "I have been communicating with him for more than two years and there will be no problems."

   Fengkun asked in confusion, "Now you are going to communicate?"

   Zhou Shu smiled and said, "This is how you can communicate. Starting from a young age, the effort is the least and the effect is the best. Have you ever coaxed a child?"

   It seems to be joking, but it is actually very difficult. Using Zhu Rong's supernatural power to pass on such things as Jianmu Buds really took a lot of his thoughts.

Although Zhu Rong did not set any restrictions on those divine powers, it was very troublesome to understand and use them. He did not obey the guidance of Shu Zhili and did not have the assistance of God. Even if Zhou Shu had the foundation of the power of the sun and truly used it flexibly, It took nearly a year of deduction for the sea of ​​knowledge, and the result was only flexible use. It is still impossible to draw from the outside or transfer to other people, because there is a fundamental difference between divine power and law.

   Simply put, divine power does not follow the rules.

  Being able to use Zhu Rong's supernatural power, as well as witchcraft, it is not difficult to communicate with Phoenix Bird.

   By the way, the phoenix bird, a divine beast, exists consciously at the moment of its birth, knows how to grow by itself, and after being born, it will be a strong one.

As we all know, phoenix birds like to eat sycamore seeds, but this does not mean that they only like sycamore seeds. In fact, they like any sacred tree fruit and buds and leaves, etc., but compared to other sacred tree fruits, sycamore seeds are relatively easy to obtain, and With better food like Jianmu Bud, Phoenix Bird would certainly like it even more. How could Wutongzi compare that majestic vitality and endless aura of wood?

   As for the kind of chicks that have not yet emerged, it can be said that once they feel the taste, they will never forget it.

   Of course, it is more than just taste, UU reading www.uukanshu. At the moment when the phoenix bird needs vitality the most before the phoenix bird breaks its shell, it is naturally a great help to get this kind of divine object, so that the phoenix bird after the shell breaks will undoubtedly be stronger and more active. A great luxury, after all, none of them who have experienced the most glorious era can enjoy it. At that time, Jianmu faced a whole world, all living beings, the vitality of a bud, and often a race or several races. To share.

   The three buds of building wood, and the Phoenix Bird’s favor, Zhou Shu thought it was worth it, even a big profit.

Before the phoenix bird was born, it was already contaminated with the cause and effect of Jianmu. In the future, it is destined to be the help of Jianmu to cross the catastrophe. It is impossible to get rid of it. It is possible to use three Jianmu buds to obtain such a bond, and it may also bring the entire feather The clan and even the demon clan pull in, it's not about making money.

   In comparison, those Jianmu leaves and Jianmu buds buried in the Chifeng City formation may not be as effective as these three.

The formation of Chifeng City is different from that of Xianshu City, but it does not mean that the leaves and buds of Jianmu are not used. As long as the formation is designed by Zhou Shu, it will inevitably leave enough space for Jianmu. Wood can borrow the power inside, of course, Zhou Shu can also.

   This is the task he must do, and it is a promise to Jianmu.

   (PS: Thank you book friends 09083007 for your continued support, thank you book friends who subscribe to vote, comment, and favorites~~~)


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