Fairy Winner

Chapter 3959: Yellow mouth children

     At this time, Zhou Shu was in a wide hall.

Imprisoned in the middle of a column, surrounded by many large and small pipes, the thickest six pipes are connected to the surrounding six mountains, the mountains are constantly generating power, poured into the column, Zhou Shu was These forces rushed back and forth, unable to move.

   Columns, mountains, and pipes are all flashing runes, and the flow does not stop.

   is obviously a formation.

   "Great City Lord, you can't go out at all, you can't leave the copper pillar."

   Looking at the face on the cylinder, Zhou Shu smiled, "Same as I thought."

   The human face is the Lord of the Great City, and he said coldly, "Dying is approaching, so what nonsense are you still talking about."

   "Can you kill me?"

Zhou Shu faintly said, "What are flowing in these mountains are the various powers you have collected? Constantly improve the essence, through the fusion of formations, find the most suitable combination, and try to obtain the power of chaos... It looks like you No success."


   Dachengzhu laughed suddenly, "Originally, the old man was unsuccessful, but now...thank you for this."

   Zhou Shu seemed thoughtful, "Thank me for what?"

   "Founder, don't you know?"

   Dacheng lord snorted and became more proud, "There are many people who practice your Shuzhi Dao in the Outer Realm, but they are actually sent by the Immortal Realm, and most of the Shu Zhili they have cultivated have now come to me, haha."

   Zhou said calmly, "So you got a kind of power you never had before?"

   "To be precise, it is a power that the heavens have never had before, and this power just makes up for the old man's shortcomings, hahaha!"

Speaking of Dachengzhu couldn’t help laughing out loud, “Do you know that after adding your power, what comes out of this formation of the old man is the real power of chaos! You say, the old man does not thank you Who do you thank? I have worked so hard for so many years, but the final key lies with you.

   Zhou Shu was a little surprised, "The real power of Chaos?"

The Lord of the Great City raised his eyebrows, "Collect the power of all the heavens, take the essence to remove the dross, and smelt it in all possible ways. What is left is the unique and strongest power of the heavens. What else can it be if it is not the power of Chaos? Boy, Don't ask knowingly!"

   Zhou Shu smiled slightly, "If it was the power of chaos, why would you still be trapped in the pillar?"

"you wanna die!"

   The Lord of the Great City became irritated, and suddenly stretched out two big hands in the cylinder, aiming at Zhou Shu to beat back and forth.

Although the strength is surprisingly great, Zhou Shu can be beaten to tremble all over, as if his head is shrunk to his neck, but no matter how he beats, the copper light on Zhou Shu has not been eliminated. The furnace is still there, and naturally No major damage.

   "Why bother, you are not a saint, you can't break the furnace at all."

   Zhou Shu said lightly, "You haven't tried it outside. If you could kill me, you would have killed it. You don't need to bring me here for refining."

   "The old man is slowly refining, the furnace is just a pile of broken copper and broken iron."

The big hand took it back, staring at Zhou Shu with a big face, with a lot of anger, but soon turned into a smile, because it was extraordinarily big, changed quickly, and looked extraordinarily terrifying, "You think it's a good thing not to die? Now the old man Are chasing and killing those companions who came with you, tell you that none of them can run away! Watching them die one by one, will you still feel better here?"

   "They are them, I am me."

   Zhou Shu said indifferently, "You still think about yourself. You have worked so hard, but you still can't get out."

He looked around and seemed to realize, "Counting this formation, the entire Prisoner's Prison is extraordinarily grand and exquisite. It is definitely a rare treasure building in the heavens. To build this Prisoner's Prison, excluding the immortal world, at least the Xuanhuang world. With the participation of the five big families, all these five big families have disappeared. Undoubtedly, this is done by your immortal world. You will throw it away when you use others, lest they leak their secrets and force them to disappear, but you don’t know. , They also restricted you, hehe, they were actually regarded as the eye of the entire prison, or the kind that can't get out."

   The Great City Lord paused slightly, "Is it seen through reincarnation?"

   Zhou Shu smiled without saying a word, "Haha."


   Great City Lord thought for a while, "You guessed it, you can never perform reincarnation here."

   Zhou Shu laughed, "Then am I right?"

   "It makes no sense to guess right or not."

Dachengzhu seemed to calm down, "You don't have to anger the old man. Compared with the power of Chaos, these tens of thousands of years of humiliation are nothing at all. As long as the power of Chaos can be refined, the old man will leave here in the blink of an eye. At that time, the entire heavens will be dominated by the old man, no one can stop, and you, after witnessing the birth of the power of chaos, will be completely refined by the old man and become a sacrifice."

   Zhou Shu paused, "You seem to be very confident? What chaotic power do you have for you?"

"Ha ha."

Dachengzhu sneered, "The old man repeats it again. That is the power of chaos. I want to thank you for your Shu Zhili. It can neutralize most powers, fill in gaps, and improve certain powers. Quality, after getting Shu’s power, the old man’s Chaos power can be greatly improved, and now it’s only the last point to be completely successful, Zhou Shu, if you hadn’t offended the old man, the old man would really have the heart to leave you behind and be able to create this Strength, it's a pity to die."

   Zhou Shu smiled faintly, "If I feel a pity, I won't be placed here."

   "You are right, the old man just said casually."

Dachengzhu laughed, "What's a pity, it has been used up, and what value is there? Everything under the world is like this. Lost value, destruction is the best destination. As the stepping stone of the old man, you have succeeded. The rest is dead."

   "So frank."

   Zhou Shu showed a hint of emotion, "You must have been Elder Xianting in the past, or the one with a high status?"

Dachengzhu smiled, UU reading www.uukanshu.com "You are talking nonsense. If your status is not high, how can you guard the prison cell? The old man was the first elder of Xian Ting, what the old man said, no People can disobey, otherwise they will die!"

   is probably only because of the face. The great city lord expresses his emotions very strongly, and his expression changes every time he speaks, exaggerating like a clown.

   Zhou Shu paused, "It turned out to be the first elder, which is now the location of Baili Qianshan."

   Dacheng lord sneered, "Hundred miles and thousands of mountains? Back then, I was just a kid with a yellow mouth!"

   "Then I'm really disrespectful. Forgive me for not being able to get up and salute."

   Zhou Shu looked at that face and slowly said, "Compared with Elder Shadow, are you also a yellow-mouthed child?"

   The Great City Lord is stuck.

  The ugly big face stared at Zhou Shu, which was distorted into long lines with countless color blocks, "What did you say, you say it again!"

   Zhou Shu smiled faintly, "Elder Shadow..."

   "Shut up!"

   The big face was twisted into a big mouth, as if to swallow Zhou Shu.

   (PS: Thank you 17953018 for your continued support, thank you book friends who subscribe to vote, comment, and favorites~~~)


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