Fairy Winner

Chapter 4002: Just ghosts

"It's not a bad thing for you."

He was thinking carefully, and Heihuo didn't speak for a while.

Zhou Shu stared at the black fire and said calmly, "Bad and good things must be explained to me clearly in advance. No one is willing to accept cause and effect for no reason, let alone me? The soul world can become like this because of you, or because of me. Change back."

"How can I say it clearly, I don't know beforehand."

Heihuo sighed, "I didn't close the entrance to the soul world, nor can I close it."

Zhou Shu seemed to think, "You mean, at the same time the Tower of Ten Thousand Souls collapsed, the Soul World closed the entrance to the Four Brahma Worlds."

"Yes, only the exit in the Kongtong seal is left."

Heihuo nodded, "Except for a few who are quick to see the opportunity, no one can leave, and it is not enough. The soul world has released a large amount of the power of the cornerstone. They broke through the formation of the ten thousand souls, and completely cleaned the ten thousand souls. Soul power, so in just ten years of effort, the soul world has recovered to its former appearance. The disciples of the Ten Thousand Soul Sect who stayed inside either disappeared or turned into a soul beast in the battle with the remnant soul of the soul beast. ."

Zhou Shu's heart palpitated, he probably understood.

Zhou Shu destroyed the Ten Thousand Soul Tower, and the Soul Realm went one step further, completely eliminating the Ten Thousand Soul Sect's control over the Soul Realm.

Looking at Black Fire, he said coldly, "Is the soul world really not yours?"

"Of course not," Heihuo smiled bitterly. "Whether I am a **** or a saint, I cannot really control a realm, let alone control an unformed realm? That is a big taboo, and I can't do it, although I once thought that the original gate of the Yellow Spring was also me... alas."

Zhou Shu looked at the black fire that hesitated to speak, and said with a serious face, "You can tell me clearly, don't hesitate."

The earliest gate of Huangquan was opened by Shusang.

Ghosts and gods are not tolerated by saints, nor are they respected like gods, but after all they have transcended the laws and have the ability to explore the deeper heavens.

The so-called deeper heavens, that is, the place where the unformed world is located, between the real and the illusion, still belong to the heavens, similar to the chaotic mystery that Zhou Shu has visited, but not treasures, but many treasures. Slowly formed there.

There, Shu Sang found a realm that suits him well, that is, the soul realm now.

As the gatekeeper of Guiguzi, he has made special achievements in the soul road. Such a world is very tempting to him.

His heart moved for a while, but as a ghost and god, it is impossible to directly influence the heavens or control a realm. He persuaded the immature core of the origin to open the gate of the Yellow Spring to the heavens. However, opening the door is not a common thing, only extreme A few realms can cross the distance between reality and illusion.

Of course the soul world can, if not so, it would not be favored by Shusang.

Shusang thought very well and opened such a door to attract practitioners and let them help him realize his plan to control the world.

Whether it is ambition or dream, he just wants to do it, after all, he is not a true saint, he still has desires.

The first practitioner that was attracted was Fang Haomiao.

A genius with a body of souls.

Fang Haomiao seemed to live up to his expectations and made considerable achievements in the soul world. But soon Shusang discovered that Fang Haomiao didn't seem to obey his control. Not only did he create a sect, but also The unique Soul Dao Secret Art, this was not the direction he wanted, or even the opposite, but at this time, Shu Sang could not solve the problem.

Not only because Fang Haomiao and Ten Thousand Soul Sect started to become stronger, but also because the soul world also lost control, they got involved with Ten Thousand Soul Sect.

Perhaps it cannot be said to be out of control, because Shusang has never really controlled the soul world. As a ghost, it is wrong for him to influence the soul world. If he uses any substantive means to deal with the soul world, it will be unforgivable, so All he can do is to persuade, in fact, the soul world is disobedient, and so is the Ten Thousand Soul Sect.

He naturally regarded this as a betrayal.

Just like when he betrayed Guigushan.

Shusang began to search for believers, trying to reverse the situation and let the soul world develop according to his own ideas, but the soul world was unwilling, and the Ten Thousand Soul Sect was unwilling, and the three parties stayed in the soul world for a long time.

In fact, Shusang had a chance.

His best believer, Pu Yuan, was very likely to become the lord of the Ten Thousand Souls Sect, and then he rectified his roots and turned the spirits of the Ten Thousand Souls Sect into the soul Dao he wanted, but in the end he gave up, because Someone in the Ten Thousand Souls Sect was too stupid, and even brought the remains of Shebi Corpse into the soul world.

Although the Soul Realm and the Ten Thousand Soul Sect were betrayal in his opinion, they were the children he brought up after all, and he never hoped that something would happen to the Soul Realm.

She is the biggest problem.

Pu Yuan’s goal has changed from changing the Ten Thousand Soul Sect to saving the Ten Thousand Soul Sect. It is just as difficult, and he cannot be known by the Ten Thousand Soul Sect to do this. In the end, he put in all his efforts to achieve the goal, and he became a member of the Immortal Palace. Dead soul.

Shusang worked the same, and most of the supernatural power he could use was used here.

After doing this, Shusang suddenly felt a great enlightenment. The meaning of doing this seemed to be more important than completing his ambition. After that, he fell silent and did nothing, just looking at the Ten Thousand Soul Sect and the Soul Realm.

But there is no harmony between them, fighting far more than peaceful coexistence.

No one will let anyone else.

Just like what happened when he was in Guigu Mountain.

He just watched these changes, no matter what, but still a little obsession arose in his heart, that is, his best believer should not be here forever.

Zhou Shu said slowly, "This sentence is right, you are all wrong, only the believer is the most innocent."

Shusang nodded, "So I always feel sorry for it."

He began to look for believers to liberate.

Zhou Shu slowly said, "Roxiping was attracted by you."

"I protect him, UU reading www.uukanshu.com will be fine, he is indeed a talent, but I know he can't do it, but who knows, he and you have such a cause and effect, and finally attracted you to the soul Realm, you want to destroy the Ten Thousand Soul Sect, I don’t care.” The black fire paused, with a wry smile, "I didn’t expect that the Soul Realm and the Thousand Soul Sect had reached a complete break. Thousands of souls were completely driven away from the soul world."

Zhou Shu said solemnly, "Is there so many soul beasts left, maybe it is a soul man?"

"I don't know the thoughts of the soul world, and this was originally the original appearance of the soul world, but now it's just returning," Hei Huo sighed, "the soul world deliberately let them fight each other, I can only protect the imperial palace."

Zhou Shu seemed thoughtful, "No wonder they feel that your divine power will run away, they should have suffered a lot."

Heihuo showed helplessness, "As a guardian of the heroic soul, I can't do too much, nor can I do it."

"This is the most right thing you did. As for the other..." Zhou Shu said calmly, "So ghosts and gods are just ghosts and gods, not saints. I'm not saying that saints are good, but you are inferior to them."

(PS: Thank you Lao Huo Tang for your continuous support, and thank you book friends who subscribe to vote, comment, and favorites~~)

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