Fairy Winner

Chapter 400: Half a golden pill

When Liu Xinmei entered the field, Zhou Shu felt abnormal. ?E? Little??? said??????

The divine sense he placed outside did not even perceive the golden core ray of the golden core cultivators, and even the natural golden core body of every golden core cultivator. This only shows that Liu Xinmei deliberately put all the spirits The strength was converged into the golden core, not even a trace of it was revealed.

This situation is very strange. Once it occurs, the most likely thing is that Liu Xinmei intends to make a desperate bet and blew the golden core.

Knowing this, how could he be defenseless.

Liu Xinmei's gold core grade is very low. It is only a first-grade gold core. It takes a certain amount of time to explode all the time, and this time is Zhou Shu's opportunity.

He did it too.

That burst of scorching sun was exactly Zhou Shu's sword intent that merged with the third change.

His sword intent had long appeared, and turned into a demon ant walking next to the ground of the competition platform. When Liu Xinmei deliberately exploded the golden core, he quietly fell behind her.

Although Liu Xinmei was aware of it, she had already condensed her spiritual power and waited for the golden core to explode, and she was unable to stop it, nor thought to stop it. Anyway, she was always going to die, but she did not expect that the golden core had not blew completely. It was defeated by Zhou Shu's sword intent.

The light was gone, and Liu Xinmei was nowhere to be seen.

At the juncture of life and death, Zhou Shu certainly wouldn't have a single hand, and Liu Xinmei also had no defense. The sword intent exploded at such a close range, and her bones were gone.

Scattered on the ground were some broken pieces of magic weapons, a complete Naxu ring, and a golden core that was mostly missing.

Zhou Shu tightly clung to the mask farthest from the explosion point, the yellow sand and golden jelly on his body peeled off, revealing the torn skin behind.

Zhou Shu still suffered a lot of damage without being able to completely prevent Jin Dan from exploding.

Although he stepped back in time and used the Hundred Battle Talisman, he blocked the key with a small fine gold shield, and still had a part of the sword intent, but the injury was still not shallow. After all, it was the blew of a Golden Core Cultivator. No, let alone the distance between the two is not too far. Zhou Shu's injury was not much different from when he faced Luo Ming.

It's just that he can't fall down yet.

The battle was not over yet, Zhou Shu felt that there was a very injured soul that was flying towards him quickly. There is no doubt that it is Liu Xinmei's soul, who wants to take the opportunity to enter the heavy sword or win her home.

The spirit of the Golden Core Cultivator is quite powerful, even if the body that supports the spirit is dead. There will also be a certain survival time.

But how can she make her wish?

Zhou Shu let out a cold snort, and erected both the light umbrella and the glass mirror in front of him. At the same time, a lot of divine consciousness flew from the branches of the tree of divine souls, converging into a huge sharp knife, to split the remnant soul.


At this moment, the mask suddenly cracked, and a monk fell down in the air and waved his sleeve violently.

A cry, like a scrape of iron. The sharp and unpleasant sound spread to the sea of ​​consciousness of many practitioners, like ghosts crying and howling, and their minds trembled.

"Not reconciled! You..."

In the monk's primordial attack, the remnant soul quickly perished and annihilated.

Zhou Shu felt relieved and fell directly to the ground, unable to stand up.

The monk slowly fell on the stage, looked around, said with a solemn expression. "Not to mention the self-destruction, even wanting to take home in front of so many cultivators, so wicked, it is more than deadly!"

The cultivators nodded in praise.

"Good death!"

"It's just a test. It's really shameless to explode the Golden Core!"

"It will ruin our reputation of Lingyucheng, and it will be cheaper for her to die."

After taking a look at the monk, Zhou Shu said, "Thank you for your help, and forgive the younger generation for not saluting."

The monk is about fifty. Three long beards, solemn appearance, showing awe-inspiring righteousness.

He nodded and stroked his long beard with apologetic expression on his face, "No need to salute, I'm sorry, Xiaoyou Shu, the old man Shicai didn't notice that the old woman dared to explode the golden core. For a while, he almost made a big mistake. Mine is not."

Zhou Shu nodded indifferently, "It happened suddenly and it has nothing to do with Senior."

In each competition, the three major sects will send a monk to maintain order. This monk was obviously already in the competition field. When Liu Xinmei broke the rules and blew the golden core, he should stop it, but it was delayed until this time. , Obviously there is a problem. Saying that you didn't notice is probably impossible, it's just an excuse, most of which have some conspiracy, and even the monk himself colluded with that Liu Xinmei.

But Zhou Shu didn't want to care about it, and now he doesn't care about it, just write it down.

There is nothing wrong with keeping a low profile at this time, but he knows that he must be more careful in the future. There are many people in Lingyu City who want to win him over, but I’m afraid there are more people who want to target him. I'm afraid there is still life for "not paying attention" like today.

"My little friend's injury is fine, I have a sublimation pill here, I believe it will be helpful to my little friend."

The monk flicked his finger, and a pill flew slowly and fell into Zhou Shu's hands.

After Zhou Shu thanked him, he accepted the pill, but did not take it. He has Yuludan, which is enough to recover from his injuries. The origin of Sublimation Pill is unknown, so it is better to put it down first.

The monk looked at the competition venue and declared loudly, "This time, Shu Zhou, win! Liu Xinmei, lose!"

The cultivators were very calm, the facts were right in front of them, Liu Xinmei had no spirits, and naturally she was completely defeated, so there is no need to say more.

Their eyes didn't pay attention to Zhou Shu, they didn't look at the monk, and most of them were placed on the broken golden core in the competition platform.

The golden pill of the cultivator is a small world formed by the cultivator after he has realized the realm of heaven. It contains a lot of spiritual energy and spiritual power. Although the normal cultivator cannot use it, it is used to cultivate spiritual beasts or spiritual plants. The above is very good, such as feeding spirit beasts or upgrading the ranks of the medicinal field, etc., and the golden core also carries the practitioners’ understanding of the heavens. If you observe carefully, you may be able to gain something, especially those who have not condensed. Pill cultivators get a golden pill, even if it is broken, it will help them condense the pill in the future.

It's just that the golden core is so rare that no cultivator will give it out to others...

The golden pill on stage at this time, although broken, still has a lot of appeal.

The monk glanced at him, and he knew what everyone thought. With a wave of his sleeve, the golden core floated up and fell in front of Zhou Shu.

He said loudly, "Then Liu Xinmei is not sorry for her own death. This golden pill should be given to Xiaoyou Shu as compensation."

Zhou Shu took out a jade box to catch the golden core, and said solemnly, "Thank you, senior, for being so fair, you really are a role model for my generation of immortal cultivators."

The monk stroked his long beard lightly, his face showing a bit of color, "Hehe, my little friend is serious, today my little friend was injured, I don't know how many days it takes to cultivate before he can fight again?"

Zhou Shu thought about it for a moment~www.ltnovel.com~ there is a predecessor's medicine, I believe it will be cured in three to five days. "

"Very good, then five days later, the treasure hunt will continue!"

The cultivator turned to the many cultivators who were watching the battle, declared, and then disappeared.

The monk had just left, and two of them immediately rushed to the stage. One held Zhou Shu while the other stood nearby.

It is the Hao sisters.

The two looked anxious, they were worried for a long time, and there were some tears in their eyes.

Under the eyes of everyone, Hao Ruoyan didn't do anything, but Hao Siyun ignored him and kept calling, "Brother Shu, are you okay?"

Zhou Shu smiled, "It's okay, I'll talk later."

Hao Ruoyan nodded lightly, took out the flying magic weapon, took Zhou Shu with him, and flew straight out.

The cultivators stared blankly, not knowing why. (To be continued.)

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