Fairy Winner

Chapter 4128: You also understand

"The lord of the city can know everything when you go in, so I won't go there."

   Linglong Tianxian owed her body, and slowly backed away until she disappeared.

Zhou Shu thought about it for a few breaths, walked into the passage, Caiying followed, and after a while, doubts arose, "Hey, I feel so comfortable in this passage, gentle and peaceful, this palace just thought about it. How can I fight the disobedient sacred weapon, now I suddenly lose my mind."

   Zhou Shu sighed, "I'm about to enter the realm, and naturally I won't have the idea of ​​fighting anymore."

   He still doesn't understand how it is possible to maintain the compassionate mind.

   And that's the realm of Cihang's heart, not only the water piano club, but also the water kite, what's the matter with this sister? The water piano is the authentic inheritor of the Cihangzong School. It’s okay. Isn’t the water kite a half-way renunciation to practice the way of compassion? He has also learned it. This can eliminate all areas of killing intent and fighting heart. Is it so easy to learn? But Zhou Shu himself had studied for so long, but there was no sign that it could be used.

   After a short while, the passage will come to an end.

   "What's going on in this world?"

   Caiying looked ahead, eyes popping out.

   There is a thick layer of red in the sky. It is a cloud of red auspicious clouds, like a living thing, swimming smoothly.

The world of    is full of mountains as high as ten thousand feet, like a sword that pierces the sky. There is no flat ground at all, and no other terrain can be found except the peaks.

   "Like a hedgehog."

Caiying glanced a few times and couldn't help saying, "It's too weird to look at. This palace has never seen such a realm. The Da Linglong realm over there is full of immortal spirits and a lot of people. Here it is. But it's completely different. What Linglong Tianxian thinks is not even at all."

   Zhou Shu is still observing, "These clouds and these mountains are a bit weird."

   "Two of you come here, or you will be in trouble after a while."

   A kind voice came, very similar to the water piano.

Staring at it, under a certain mountain peak, there is a gentle lady in white clothes. She sits in the soft light, her eyes are clear and full of compassion, and there is a hint of majesty between her brows. This majesty makes her It looks different from the water piano, if it is gone, the two will be exactly the same.

   Zhou Shu brought Caiying over and bowed his body to salute, "Zhou Shu has seen the water goddess."

   "Caiying has seen the water goddess."

   Caiying curiously said, "You are really the same as Senior Shuiqin."

   "She is better than me."

   Shuizheng sighed softly, closed his eyes, and stopped talking.

   Caiying waited for a while, a little confused, "Zhou, this..."

   "Don't talk, just wait."

   Zhou Shu realized something and sat down quietly.

   After dozens of breaths, the power of compassion around him quickly faded, and the heart of Ci Hang also disappeared.

   Without the heart domain, in an instant, the killing intent was overwhelming.

The red clouds all over the sky suddenly lost the peace they had before, like a group of blood clots that had just melted in the water, changing into various shapes, spreading their teeth and dancing claws, and could not help exuding the blood and evil spirits. In the blink of an eye, the sky was covered. The blood was shrouded, and there was no more light.

   As if responding to a blood cloud in the sky, the mountain peaks on the ground also vigorously shook.

   That sharp sword suddenly came alive, becoming extremely fierce, with a strong killing intent, trying to break free from the shackles of the earth, and kill the provocative blood cloud.

Looking at the extremely quiet world just now, it suddenly became a battlefield about to break out. Feeling the violent and murderous atmosphere, Caiying, who is in the center, couldn't help the high fighting spirit in her heart. There were bursts of light, and it was about to rush upwards.

   Of course, as soon as the action was made, Zhou Shu was caught.

   "I don't know what's going on, my palace suddenly wants to fight!"

   Caiying touched her aching arm, looked at Zhou Shu, and blinked her innocent big eyes, "It wasn't on purpose by this palace."

   "I know it wasn't on purpose, even I thought about it a little bit, but do you want Shutianxian to continue using Cihang Heartland?"

   Zhou Shu held her firmly, turned to the water kite, admiringly said, "Shui Tianxian, thank you very much."

   Shuizheng opened his eyes, smiled faintly, like a spring breeze, "It seems that I don't need to explain, you also understand, City Lord Zhou."

   "Understand part of it."

   Zhou Shu lightly nodded, "Shui Tianxian, where did these mountains and blood clouds come from?"

   It is precisely because the water gods are suppressing this place, that the small and small worlds are kept peaceful, and the Luofu world on the side feels at ease.

Shuizheng said calmly, "Some are mine and Linglong's own, and some are collected by us. We have been to many battlefields together, and she has not stopped now. Many mountains and blood clouds over there are only recently added. Come in."

   Zhou Shu seemed to realize something, "I see."

The two people on the list of ten thousand fierce angers, their own fierce anger, murderous intent, and so on are innumerable. Coupled with the continuous collection, so many fierce anger and so on are all gathered here, turned into mountains and blood. Clouds, if they are not suppressed by Cihang's heart, they find a chance to burst out completely, not only the size of the exquisite sky, but also the Luofu world will suffer a great deal.

   Caiying also suddenly said, "No wonder the Luofu Realm is afraid of you, but it's so uncomfortable here, I can't stand it anymore."

   She is sitting here, like sitting on pins and needles. If Zhou Shu hadn't helped calm her mind, UU reading www. uukanshu.com may soon be infected by the killing intent here, unconsciously becoming a part of the battlefield, I really don't know what it will be like at that time.

   Shuizheng glanced at her and smiled, "Palace Master Caiying, you can stay at most for half an hour, and City Master Zhou can stay for a long time."

   "Half an hour?"

   Caiying seems to have been hit, "Is this so useless?"

The water kite shook his head gently, "That's not right, because you are so intent, the palace lord, you were born for war, and the fighting spirit in your heart is fierce, so you are more susceptible to the influence here. This is not a bad thing, but it is a good thing for Jian Xiu. , You will definitely be able to surpass yourself in the future."

   Caiying nodded with joy, "Hey, you are right."

   Shui Zheng nodded slightly, turned to Zhou Shu and said solemnly, "City Lord Zhou, it's better not to do this."

   Zhou was relieved, "I'm sorry, I just want to try, can I change these fighting spirits, I won't really change it, just feel it."

Shuizheng said warmly, "I understand that the city lord is kind, but everything here has been finalized. A little attempt may bring great changes. If something goes wrong, Linglongtian and Immortal Realm will be very troublesome, and I'm used to it. , Won't leave."

"I understand."

   Zhou Shu sighed slightly, not knowing what to say.

He tried to perceive just now, in order to achieve a balance between the ferocity and so on, so as to free the water kite. Even though this is very difficult, he still wants to try it, but the water kite himself is not willing to come out. .

   He hesitated, "Shui Tianxian's Ci Hang Heart Domain, do you have to use it every day? This consumes too much."

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