Fairy Winner

Chapter 4139: Lei Yin

After the golden ocean completely covered the dead zone, a sharp sound came from it.

"Fang Yuan, it's really time for you to come!"

"No, I didn't come at the right time."

It seems that I got something from this sentence. The square edge standing in the golden ocean suddenly became colder. I folded my hands and stared at the dead zone like blood cells. He was a blue and golden thunder light, and his figure also grew up, reaching hundreds of thousands of feet in the blink of an eye, and it was still increasing. The thunder lights lingered on him like a long dragon, really appearing like an arhat, coming out to cast demons and save the world.

In the sound of chanting, the golden sea gradually shrank.

It quickly condensed into a golden ball of light, still enclosing the dead zone, only a little bit of blood can show through.

"Large-shaped Thunder!"

"You know everything!"

"The elimination of karma, conviction, and death are basically the same. What's the use!"

Fang Yuan didn't answer, and only read the scriptures louder and more passionately. The thunder light became more dazzling and stronger. It surpassed the body and covered Fang Yuan's face, only seeing the majesty and anger.

The dead zone shrank rapidly at a visible speed, and it was about to melt in the golden light.


The dead zone suddenly shook, and countless bubbles appeared on the blood-colored sphere, and black smoke came out of it.

It's just that these black smoke just touched the golden ball of light outside, and it was immediately eliminated, and even the blue smoke was gone, and it was gone.

But the black smoke is almost endless. Each bubble explodes, and at least hundreds of black smoke float out. Even the golden light cannot quickly eliminate it. They quickly form a black block between the blood domain and the golden light. Wall.

"Fang Yuan, what you are facing is the karma of tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of people. With so many sins, can you resolve it?"

The scolding sound became a lot louder, and the sound of iron knives moving back and forth on the iron bowl was mixed, which made people extremely uncomfortable.

Caiying's face suddenly turned pale, and she subconsciously covered her ears. This obviously didn't work. The beads of sweat still fell down. Zhou Shu put a layer of shield on her as quickly as possible, which temporarily relieved her mind. Attack, but there are still a lot of worries in his heart. It is obvious that Fang Tui’s will attack has become stronger again. These voices are probably just the beginning. If they continue, they can only take in the harvest, but can he resist it? , But it is also a problem.

The willpower of the ghost emperor is really terrifying.

Fang Yuan closed his eyes, with a string of bronze beads in his hand, and began to count the beads while chanting.

The impact of the Buddha beads was gentle and gentle, but it had the magical power to stabilize people's hearts. The hissing scream was quickly disrupted and lost a lot of power.

Zhou Shu felt relieved, and Fang Yuan was no less than willpower.

"Fang Yuan, you came to grab my chance deliberately, right?"

"You've been waiting for this day, haven't you? After raising it for so long, you are finally about to start. It is indeed your Leiyin Temple."

"Fang Yuan! Can you afford the great merit of being able to become a Buddha?"

The voice in the dead zone continued, but it rushed a lot, and it felt a little angry.

Fang Yuan's figure shook slightly, it was obvious that he was disturbed, "Lao Na is here to save you, Junior Brother, if you give them up and leave with Lao Na, there may be a glimmer of life."

"Can't I see that you are clearly planning to fight to death and life, but you still want to blame me?"


"Since you want to become a Buddha, then I will fulfill you!"

The dead zone vibrated, ups and downs in the golden light, each vibration brought tens of thousands of black smoke, and eroded all around.

Looking at the confrontation between the two from a distance, Caiying didn't have the idea to participate. She didn't know how to participate. The battle across nearly ten realms was too strong, and it was mainly about where the sword should be cut, outside. It's Fang Yuan's big-shaped Leiyin, she can't cut her own person, she hesitated, "Zhou, are they really seizing the chance?"

"If the bitter **** is also a chance..."

Zhou Shu said solemnly, "Then this is indeed a great opportunity."

Caiying was stunned, "Huh?"

Zhou Shu sighed, "I don't know what's going on. They used their full strength as soon as they met. Fang Tui knew that he was going to be promoted would be tantamount to facing two powerful opponents. He would definitely be defeated by Fang Yuan, so he stopped without hesitation. He was promoted, and all the remnants he suppressed were released. The karma and guilt of these remnants, plus the will of the ghost emperor retreating from above, instantly turned this dead zone into hell. Fang Yuan is meditation. It's impossible to ignore it. Besides, if he wants to save Fang Retreat, he must first save this hell, otherwise he won't even be able to reach Fang Retreat."

Caiying seemed to realize something, "It's the ghost kings you saw in it before? It's all going to be overpowered? That's too much, right!"

Zhou Shu nodded, "It's not just these tangible bodies that can be touched, but the ones that are not in it are also in it. The total will only be hundreds of millions more than Fang Tui said. If you can really become a Buddha, you can indeed become a Buddha.

"Become a Buddha?"

A trace of excitement flashed in Caiying's eyes, but she quickly disappeared, not without worry, said, "Master Fangyuan should not be able to do it. My palace is not cursing him, or I think it's impossible. How big is the dead zone? There were thousands of realms before, and the souls in them couldn't be counted at all, let alone Fang Tui was making ghosts."

Zhou Shu looked into the distance, "It's difficult, but I hope the master can do it."

This is the reason why he didn’t help. He also regarded it as an opportunity. If Fang Yuan could alleviate the cause and effect in the dead zone, the possibility of becoming a Buddha at this moment is really not small. If he makes a move by himself If Fang Yuan missed this opportunity, it was his fault. Therefore, even if the current situation is very troublesome, he is not easy to take action, but it is even more impossible to sit back and watch Fang Yuan's accident. If it is because he did not take action in time to help, it would cause Fang Fang. If the fate is dead, it is also wrong to come this time by yourself. If Leiyin Temple doesn't say it, it will be difficult for Senior Brother Yun to explain it.

"What if you fail to do it?"

Caiying can't feel Zhou Shu's thoughts, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is still asking.

Zhou Shu paused, "Fang Tui can give up promotion, Master Fang Yuan can also give up transcendence. Of course, there will be nothing to do when he can handle it easily, but if he can't bear it, he has to persevere. The master is also very difficult to dispel, and Fang Retreat is still on the sidelines, and he will definitely not miss the opportunity to kill the brothers to prove the way."

"It seems that the longer the time, the more troublesome it becomes."

Caiying also realized something, "In other words, when we see that Master Fang Yuan is about to exhaust, we will be ready to help."

Zhou Shu sighed, "That's how it is said, but the timing is only one line, we may not see the master exhausted."

Caiying glanced at it and nodded unconsciously, "Yes, how do you know if he is tired? If you just tell us in advance, what should I do?"

(PS: Thank you for your strong support and attention in this life, and thank you book friends who subscribe to vote, comment, and favorites~~~)

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