Fairy Winner

Chapter 4181: Xiao Jianmu

Genius remembers this site address in one second: []The fastest update! No ads! Not long after, nearly a hundred cultivators became true immortals.

Everyone was ecstatic, and they all came over to say thank you, and they were noisy for a while.

"Don't move."

Zhou Shu said calmly, "Be quiet, there is no need to be grateful, I will help you promote to the true immortal, it is something that Xuanhuang Realm has for you to do, and it may not be a good thing to quickly improve your cultivation base. Without experiencing hardship growth, the foundation is always empty. When you are free, you must consolidate more."


Everyone nodded together and quickly calmed down.

Of course, it is impossible to rely on them to calm down. The main reason is that Zhou Shu used the method to stabilize the mind.

Zhou Shu waved his sleeves, and all of them arrived in Liuxia Mountain.

The transformed Liuxia Mountain Range is much larger than before, and there is a lake among the mountains, just like a pearl.

The lake water is like condensing fat, full of extremely rich fairy air, but there is not a cloud of mist floating out, that is, no fairy air leaks.

Looking at this lake, everyone was a little sluggish, and soon their eyes appeared. They had just become a real immortal, and their desire for immortal energy is beyond description. I can’t wait to rush over now and have a handful of them.

Caiying and Wangji were a little surprised, even in Xianshu City, they had never seen such a strong immortal energy.

Caiying surprised, "Did you just make this?"

"A lake made of millions of celestial jade, is it still a success?"

Zhou Shu didn't say much. He took out the bud of Jianmu and placed it in the middle of the lake. He paused, "Wang Ji, draw some power from the sun."

Wang Ji nodded lightly and used the magic trick. In an instant, the golden sunlight fell down, reflecting the lake into a brilliant golden color.

The pure power of the sun promotes the growth of all things, and also has an effect on building wood. If the Xuanhuang Realm is in the heavens, you may not need this step. You can use the sun directly, but in the edge of the heavens, the sun does not know how to pass. The power is naturally weakened by the amount of refraction and reflection, and it is difficult to meet the requirements.

Of course, it can be photographed after all, otherwise the witch **** can't spread power.

A cloud of cyan mist enveloped Jianmu Bud.

No one knows what's going on inside, only the water in the lake keeps falling and the sun keeps disappearing.

The crowd onlookers still don't know what Zhou Shu is doing, but some people feel that their hearts are dripping with blood, so much immortal energy, it would be great if they all cultivated for themselves.

Zhou Shu was aware of it, and didn't care about it. Such a strong immortal aura gave a true immortal to practice, and he was afraid that it would kill him with just one drop.

After half an hour, the clouds and mist dispersed, revealing a three-foot-tall tree, emerald green like jade, full of vitality, but this is Zhou Shu and Caiying’s perception, but in those people’s perception, it’s simply impossible. The powerful presence that looked directly at him, even standing dozens of miles away, had an urge to escape.

Zhou Shu stared at Xiao Jianmu and slowly said, "Did you see it? This is the Xuanhuang Realm you used to be in."

The power of the fairy jade and the sun, plus the origin of the Xuanhuang world and the origin of the Yunjuan world injected by Zhou Shu, the Jianmu in front of us is no longer a bud, but a ignorant child who can communicate with the real Jianmu. Features.

"I can't see anything."

Xiao Jianmu spoke, of course that Jianmu in Xianshu City said through Xiao Jianmu.

Zhou Shu calmly said, "The place where you are is independent of the Xuanhuang Realm. When you take root in the Xuanhuang Realm and communicate with the origin of the Xuanhuang Realm, you can naturally see everything."

Xiao Jianmu paused, "Okay, how long will it take you?"

Zhou Shu frowned, "This should ask you, when can you help each other with the Xuanhuang Realm, instead of relying on the Xuanhuang Realm, you can take root, otherwise I am worried about your mutual influence."

Xiao Jianmu said solemnly, "I can do it now, but the decision... is yours."

Zhou Shu seemed thoughtful. It seemed that the situation was better than expected. Is Jianmu improved or the effect of the power of the sun, "If you take root now, will you consume the resources of the Xuanhuang Realm?"

Xiao Jianmu slowly said, "No, I need everything here, but I don't need your so-called resources."

"I roughly understand."

Zhou Shu thought of something, "You want to regain the memories you used to, and you don't intend to let this small Jianmu grow up. You must come back by yourself.

Xiao Jianmu quickly said, "Yes."

"okay then."

Zhou Shu groaned for a few breaths, "It seems that I don’t think the same as you, but it’s okay if you do this. Retrieving your memory will help you survive the catastrophe and return smoothly. Okay, I will plant you now and let This place is connected to the Xuanhuang Realm, but you must be careful not to put pressure on the Xuanhuang Realm. He is weaker than you now."

"Xuanhuangjie and I are one, I know what to do."

Xiao Jianmu said sincerely, "Thank you, Zhou Shu, I didn't expect you to do this so quickly."

Zhou Shu sighed slightly, "I think it's too late, I hope I can catch up."

If he had known that the Xuanhuang World would make such a decision, he would have come long ago, but he would have been not strong enough at that time, and he might not be able to do much.

No one else could hear the words of the two of them, and the true immortals outside still stood respectfully, afraid to speak or move.

Under Zhou Shu's guidance, Xiao Jianmu began to fall, and finally fell to the empty lake.

The roots burrowed into the ground, and quickly penetrated this mountain range, this fairy city, and has been pierced into the Xuanhuang Realm.

While taking root, the Xuanhuang Realm also accepted Xiao Jianmu, and the original aura of the Xuanhuang Realm continued to flow along Xiao Jianmu, eager to merge with him.

Just as Jianmu looked forward to the Xuanhuang World, the Xuanhuang World had been looking forward to him for a long time.

The two began to merge smoothly, and Xiao Jianmu's strong aura slowly faded away, truly becoming a part of the Xuanhuang Realm.

After thinking about it, Zhou Shu made a little cover up.

Therefore, in the eyes of others, Xiao Jianmu is not just a three-foot tree, but a towering giant tree of three thousand meters, whose thick trunk fills the entire lake.

Zhou Shu turned around and looked at the people in the distance, speaking with prestige.

"It's incredible!"

"The Emperor Human has created another miracle for the Xuanhuang Realm!"

"But, what kind of magical existence is this, Human Sovereign?"

"Such a tall tree, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is the sacred tree in the rumor?"

"Human Sovereign planted a sacred tree in the Heyin School, what is the purpose?"

Looking up at Xiao Jianmu, everyone was shocked and expected, except for Lei Yuan and Gui Guzi, who already knew the inside story.

"This is not sacred wood, but Jianmu, real Jianmu."

Seeing the extremely shocked people, Zhou Shu calmly said, "You should all know what it is, I won't say much. Jianmu reappears in the Xuanhuang Realm, which represents the beginning of the revival of the Xuanhuang Realm, and as a creature of the Xuanhuang Realm. You guys, what should I do in the future, shouldn't I need to say more?"

"The Ji family asks the emperor to let us move the whole Ji family here. No conditions are required. The Ji family is willing to guard Jianmu from generation to generation, and will never leave half a step. Jianmu is here, and people are there!"

It was Elder Ji who spoke first. His voice was extremely loud and emotional, with tears and tears, and anyone who saw it would be moved.

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