Fairy Winner

Chapter 4201: Devil descends

Hall of the Demon King.

The Demon Master is a little surprised, "The Demon Cult even bought the Demon Lord?"

"You didn't understand the words, or are you stupid?"

Mie Dao frowned and said angrily, "The Demon Lord is a member of the Demon Cult. They have been making arrangements since tens of thousands of years ago."

The World-Honored One was quite curious, "The obsession that can't be extinguished even the reincarnation of the demons, beyond the reincarnation, can restore the memories of the past, what is this secret method?"

"You two, is this the point?"

Mie Dao had some killing intent in his eyes, "The problem is to solve the problem as soon as possible."

Po Ji looked at him, "How to solve it?"

Mie Dao said coldly, "Do you still have to ask? Kill the mountain, destroy the demon sect, and then kill the dragon world, without leaving one."

"Forget it, I didn't ask."

Po Ji shook his head and looked at the world-zun, "My third brother, what do you think?"

"I have always been incomplete for the reason why the Dragons support the Demon Cult. I thought they just wanted to deal with the Immortal Realm, and it also made the Xuanhuang Realm uncomfortable. But now it seems that they also have ideas about our Devil Realm." The World Venerable suddenly changed his face. Extinguishing the Dao is even more vicious, much more ruthless, "Pull Mountain Demon Lord, hehe, they want us not to become a demon god."

Po Ji sighed slightly, "A Demon Venerable Realm can indeed do some great things."

Mie Dao seemed to understand something, "Their goal this time is the coming of the Demon God?"

The Blessed One sneered, “Maybe it’s not the main goal, but what if they come to the mountain or near? They can do a lot, whether it’s to threaten or simply destroy, we have lost the initiative, since they first Don’t blame us for being rude..."

He looked towards Po Ji and said solemnly, "Actually, I agree with the second child, kill the mountain, destroy the demon sect, and the dragon world, and give them a cruel!"

Po Ji also made up his mind, nodded and said, "Yes, it is related to this coming, no matter how big or small, you can't let it go."

The coming of the devil is the top priority of the three demon masters these years, and there must be no mistakes.

The coming of the demon **** is a phenomenon unique to the demon world.

At certain special moments, the demon god's body will appear somewhere in the demon world for a period of time, usually for seventy-seven days.

The significance of the coming of the Demon God is not in time, but to find that the Demon God’s Demon Race is equivalent to obtaining the qualification to challenge the Demon God. Once the challenge is successful, it can take its place and become a new Demon God.

Of course, the easiest to qualify for the challenge is the Demon Lord.

For the Demon Race, the body of the Demon God is not an almost invincible Demon God with infinite magic power, but the form before becoming the Demon God. In most cases, it is also a powerful person equivalent to the Demon Lord. A few have only the Demon Lord and even the Great Demon Lord. The strength of the Demon Lord, of course, they who have been the Demon God for many years are very powerful even if their strength is insufficient, but relatively speaking, they are by no means invincible.

Therefore, the coming of the Demon God is the best opportunity for the Demon Lord to become a Demon God.

It may also be the only opportunity. After all, in the current era, most of the powerful magic power is in the hands of the devil, and it is almost impossible to rely on oneself to obtain the power to surpass the devil.

The moment the demon **** descends, because of the deliberate hiding of the demon god, it becomes unpredictable. After all, no demon **** is willing to be replaced. The clan will only become more and more prosperous. This is the iron rule of the heavens). Once replaced, they will not even have the opportunity to rebirth. They will only leave a large amount of the power of the demon gods in the nearby demon world, thereby training more and more. The strong demons, although elusive, are not completely unclear, especially for the demons.

For example, the Blessed Demon Lord.

The Blessed Demon Lord who is responsible for the management of the Demon Realm is extremely clear about the movements of the Demon Realm. A certain Demon God has not shown his power for a long time, a certain Demon God has recruited too many magic agents, a certain Demon God is abnormal, and the power of a certain Demon God has become weakened. He collected a lot of information like this, and then through continuous analysis, he could calculate the approximate time of the demon god's coming.

Of course, just collecting information is not enough. The movement of the Demon God Temple must also be paid attention to at all times. In this regard, the Demon Master has an advantage.

As for the Demon Master, in the constant battle, he can also detect some changes in the Demon God, but needless to say, it can only be said that every Demon Master is the envoy of several Demon Gods, and the received Demon God. There are several kinds of power, but because of this, it is unlikely that Mie Dao will become a new demon god.

The combined efforts of the three major demon masters basically calculated the date of the next demon god's coming, with an error of no more than three hundred years.

As for the location, it must be in the Demon Realm.

It is also because of this that the Demon Race has not over-expanded in recent years. The oversized Demon Realm may also affect the arrival. After all, there is no law where the Demon God descends. Maybe it only occupied the Demon Realm for several decades. The world, even the many non-demon worlds of the demons, may become the place to descend.

These three hundred years are here, and they will never allow anyone to sabotage.

If the demon **** descends and appears on the land of the demon lord of the mountain, there is no doubt that he will have a greater chance to contact the demon god. Even if he does not have the ability to challenge the demon god, he can destroy the demon world, disturb the arrival, and even bring the demon god. Selling to practitioners—this is something that any demons cannot tolerate.

"It should have been done."

Mie Dao gave a rare laugh, "I'll go right away, just watch it."

The World-Honored One hesitated, "Second Brother, do you have to do all these three things? Go now?"

"Nonsense, do you still want to grab it from me?"

Mie Dao looked at him coldly, "I won't fight you when I come, but don't get in the way of these murders, otherwise I will kill you together, don't think I can't do it."

He is not very interested in the coming of the Demon God. He is more interested in killing people and getting power from it. If he can't become a Demon God by coming, then rely on himself. This has always been the case with the Demon God.

It has not been successful in the past, but the way of extinction is still the same.

The world-zun frowned, "Don't talk nonsense, what am I fighting for? I just want to tell you that UU reading www.uukanshu.com is in the demon world. I can help if you need anything. On the dragon world side, you have to be ready to tell us. "

Mie Dao said coldly, "No need to prepare."

World Venerable shook his head, "I’m not worried that you won’t be able to fight, but that you have become a tool for others. The Supreme City told us this. Obviously it also has his purpose. They may also want to do something with the Dragon Realm, and most of the Immortal Realm will do it by then. Will participate, Xianshu City and the wizard world will not be indifferent, we must be more careful."

Breaking the extreme nodded, "That's right, it must be a lot to do with a big force like the Dragon Clan, and it needs to be totaled."

"I think you are thinking too much, I knew it a long time ago..."

Mie Dao stood up and snorted, "I can't sit still, I will solve the problem of pulling the mountain and the demon sect first, and then I will go to the Dragon Realm, let's talk about what happened."

Seeing Mie Dao strode away, Po Ji and World Honored glance at each other, a little worried, but more satisfied.

(PS: Thank you drgjz0 for your support and attention, and thank you book friends who subscribe to vote, comment, and favorites~~~)

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