Fairy Winner

Chapter 4213: Destruction Battlefield

"What about people?"

Xiao Su's face changed suddenly.

Zhou Shu, who was beside him, suddenly disappeared, without any signs.

Impossible, if Zhou Shu wanted to do something, he wouldn't say nothing.

Is it because of the magic tide?

But there was no change in the magic tide, and she had been perceiving the magic power around her, and there was no change.

She spread her wings and shuttled in the demon tide, like a sea swallow in a storm. The demon races that she touched were cut open and turned into devilish energy and disappeared.

"Stop looking."

The Blessed Demon Lord shook his head and said in a deep voice, "Zhou Shu was taken into the battlefield of extinction."

"Extinction Dao Battlefield?"

Xiao Su stopped suddenly, shaking her mind. She seemed to have heard of this place, but after thinking about it, she had no information at all.

The Blessed One said slowly, "Just like you practitioners can create some unique spaces, the battlefield of the destruction is the unique space created by the destruction. In the battlefield of the destruction, the destruction can exert the strongest ability, once he No one can resist the selection of an opponent. Zhou Shu was dragged in by him. I did not expect that he would use the Battlefield of Extinction as soon as he started. It seems that his evaluation of Zhou Shu is already the most advanced. Yu Mozhu, at first I thought he was really disdainful."

Xiao Su said with a green face, "What are you saying about this, I just want to know how to get in!"

World-Honored One is still very calm, "Only Miedao can control the battlefield of Miedao. Without his permission, even the Demon God cannot enter, and there are already opponents in it. He will not open it again. If you want to enter, unless you wait for them to come out, you To challenge and gain his approval."

Xiao Su looked around, gritted his teeth, "The battlefield can exist because of the Demon Tide. If I cut off the Demon Tide so that there is no devilish energy here, is it all right?"

"It's not the relationship of the magic tide. It needs a little magic energy when it starts, but it doesn't need it at all."

The Blessed One stared into the distance, seemingly thoughtful, "Speaking of which, I am also very curious about what is going on in the battlefield of Annihilation, but he never said that, and other people who have entered the battlefield have either become demon guards or die completely. I can't ask..."

"I'm not here to listen to your wordy!"

Xiao Su covered his ears, quickly raised his hand, the mark flashed a few times, and jumped out of several whirlpools one after another.

The whirlpool falls in the magic wave, attracting the magic energy and magic power around it, and expands rapidly. Not long after, a few big holes are formed in the magic wave, but compared with the turbulent magic wave, it is still a bit small, and it is not a drop in the bucket. , But to cut off the demonic wave, at least seventy or eighty more.

Xiao Su desperately urged the imprint, but with Xianger's help, he could only create five vortexes at most.

After all, the demon component in the body has been completely eliminated, and there is no law of reincarnation, only the imprint.

"I said no."

The World Zun shook his head slightly, as if moving a compassionate heart. Layers of ripples formed under his feet, and the huge demonic wave gradually subsided. Within a few dozen breaths, the demonic wave was actually split into two parts, one side hanging in the void, from which Broken, one side is like a solid black deep pool still surging back and forth.

Unspeakable weird.

Xiao Su stagnated, retracted the whirlpool, and said coldly, "What are you doing?"

Blessed One said lightly, "Didn't you say that you want to cut it off? For me, it doesn't take much effort, and you have seen it, it's useless."

Xiao Su said angrily, "We are enemies, I don't need you to help me!"

The World Zun sighed slightly, "Do you hate the demons so much now? It's not surprising to help you. You are the descendant of the Great Demon Lord Xishan, and Xishan is the enchantress chosen by the bloodthirsty demon god. You have more than Xishan. Qualifications can even make him admire him who never goes out...In short, as the demon master who manages the demon world, I think it is normal for you to help you. Besides, it is a matter of raising your hand."

He paused, "By the way, if you didn't leave the Demon Realm or give up the Demon Body, you will soon be selected by the Greedy Demon God."

"I don't want to be chosen by the devil!"

Xiao Su shouted, but his figure was shocked, and he was a little flustered, "I have never been a demon, don't talk about demon gods, don't talk about Xishan, I have nothing to do with him, you don't have to worry about this."

"It really doesn't matter, you won't save him that time."

The World Venerable smiled, "The last time you came to the Demon Race, you helped Xishan a lot. If he died, there would be no chance to fight for the Demon Venerable. I have always had a good impression of those who help the Demon Race. In the sense of reason, I should return to you."

"Help him and it's over."

Xiao Su Li froze, and a trace of determination flashed in his eyes, "Are you still in reason? It's ridiculous, your demons still have emotions, and are you reasonable?"

"From your experience, it's normal to say such things, but you don't know the real Demon Race," the world sighed, "If you are still in the Demon Realm, or the Demon Race, in time, you will also understand the Demon Race. What is it, you will grow to be more than your father..."

Xiao Su had killing intent in his eyes, "Don't mention the word father, he is not unworthy!"

"Fine, I won't say anything."

The Blessed One shook his head slightly, and said in a slow voice, "Now I say nothing. It seems that you are already a practitioner. You are doing things in the same way as a practitioner and thinking too. You also have the so-called original mind, right? Ha ha, The practitioner is indeed good, but the strongest in the heavens is always the Demon Race. He is truly powerful and superior, and you have no chance to know and feel it again."

"Ha ha."

Xiao Su followed with a smile, but it was cold, "We are enemies, there is no need to say so much, come on, fight inside, and you can't be idle outside."

"You want to fight me?"

The World-Honored One showed a lot of surprises, and smiled, "The successor who was once selected by the extreme, although your skills are indeed not small, although you are far away from the demon world, my strength cannot be played by one-fifth, but you can't be hurt. I, let alone beat me..."

Xiao Su said coldly, "Don't talk nonsense, but you can't help me, can you?"

"I just don't have to kill you. UU reading www.uukanshu.com"

The Blessed One shook his head, a little dissatisfied, "I still have hopes for you, or it is not me, but others have hopes for you, but more importantly, you and I are not enemies."

Xiao Su hesitated, "What about Zhou Shu, why are you here..."

Blessed One pondered for a few breaths, "We are not sure whether Zhou Shu is an enemy or not, but Mie Dao will use his own way to confirm. You can wait or leave, go back and tell Xianshu City, it’s best not to resist, our purpose It’s not you, nor Xianshucheng. In fact, I don’t know what we are looking for now...

Xiao Su was stunned, "You don't know the reason for coming here?"

"Yes, maybe you know something, have anything unusual happened to Xianshu City and its surroundings recently?"

The Blessed One touched his chin, with some expectation in his eyes, "If you can tell me, maybe I can find a way to make the Dao out."

(PS: Thank you Chen Shihong for your long-term support and attention, and thank you book friends who have subscribed to vote, comment, and favorites~~~)

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