Fairy Winner

Chapter 4319: Not an opponent

Yuping Peak.

Taiwu Master and Miao Yue stood opposite each other in front of the ten thousand fierce list.

Master Taiwu smiled and said, "You are out of the barrier."

"Yes, Master."

Miao Yue bowed. He was neither humble nor overbearing, and his eyes were full of determination. He could no longer see the meekness and respect of the past. He was still that person, but his temperament was different.

Master Taiwu didn't realize that there was a difference, but with a lot of appreciation, "The training has been very effective, and he deserves to be the best genius of our Shushan."

"I can't do it without Shushan."

Miao Yue nodded lightly, "The disciple has integrated Yi Shuijian into his own swordsmanship, and the kendo is a little better."

Yi Shuijian is the flying sword from Pangu Cave.

As a Dao artifact, it is extremely special, capable of swallowing other Dao artifacts flying swords for growth. In order to cultivate Miao Yue, Shushan took ten unconscious and unowned Dao artifact flying swords from Jianshan and gave them to Miao Yue to cultivate Yi Shuijian. After the water sword was swallowed one after another, it was only a short distance away from the sacred artifact. Later, the Master Taiwu also gave the Taiwu sword to Miao Yue. With the Taiwu sword of the same origin, Yi Shuijian broke through to the sacred artifact in one fell swoop.

Become the third holy weapon flying sword of Shushan.

Yi Shuijian naturally recognizes Miao Yue as its master, and is extremely close to Miao Yue. Because of this, Shushan gave birth to the idea of ​​fusing Yi Shuijian and Miao Yue.

If Yi Shui Sword merges into Miao Yue's sword heart, Miao Yue will become one of the top sword repairers in the heavens. If on the contrary, Miao Yue merges into Yi Shui Sword, then Yi Shui Sword will become the sacred artifact of Shushan. , And Miao Yue exists as a sword spirit, and has never been a cultivator ever since. After losing her freedom, she no longer has the opportunity to be born alone.

There is no doubt that the life and death catastrophe is a test and an opportunity.

The big sects are like this, the top disciple will face the top test, success will gain everything, and failure will lose everything.

Miao Yue accepted it without hesitation, so the number of elders from Shushan empowered him at Jianshan, protected and improved the body, strengthened the soul. Afterwards, Miao Yue was in retreat for hundreds of years, and finally successfully integrated the Yi Shui sword. Of course, because of both repairs Because the gap is too big, there are not too many changes at present, but this is not a problem. Miao Yue, who already has the holy weapon and sword heart, will almost certainly become a kendo saint, and it will not take long.

"You really did it."

Although Miao Yue’s standing here explained everything, Master Taiwu couldn’t help being amazed. What a tough sword heart Miao Yue is, and he didn’t give in to the saintly weapon level sword intent. He still underestimated it before. Her.

He laughed and said, "Don't be humble. If you are just a small achievement, wouldn't kendo have to go through the sky? Even the heavens can be pierced with a sword."

Miao Yue's expression was condensed, "That's right, kendo can indeed change or destroy the heavens."

Master Taiwu's heart stunned. In the past, Miao Yue was extremely loyal to kendo, respectful and respectful to the heavens, but now she is still loyal, but she has less respect for the heavens, and she has an invincible mentality. So, I don’t know if it’s a good thing or a bad thing...

Of course, he can be sure that the current Miao Yue is still Miao Yue. Yi Shuijian does not have autonomous consciousness. If there is, Shushan cannot arrange such a test. It is just that although Miao Yue is integrated with Yi Shuijian, he still suffers from Yi Shuijian. Some influences of the water sword, Yi Shuijian is a domineering sword.

Miao Yue didn't seem to see the change of Master Taiwu, and said calmly, "Master, I heard that the disciple is in crisis now?"

Master Taiwu said lightly, "It's not a crisis, it's just that there are some differences with Xuanling Sect."

"It should have been so."

Miao Yue paused, and slowly said, "The Suspended Bell Sect is not the right person to manage the fairy world. Today's fairy world has regressed a lot compared to the past. No one has been sanctified for tens of thousands of years. The practitioners are declining, and the world and the fairy city are the same. , The entire fairy world is not angry, and the Xuanling Sect cannot be blamed."

Master Taiwu nodded slightly. Miao Yue has indeed changed a lot. In the past, it would be difficult for her to proactively express her views on the immortal world. She changed, and she could not treat it with the attitude of the past. He looked at Miao Yue. Asked, "Miao Yue, what do you think Shushan should do?"

Miao Yue pondered for a while, "watch the changes."

Master Taiwu smiled, "Why?"

Miao Yue thought for a while and said, "Master, we are all sword repairers in Shushan, and they are not suitable for managing the immortal world. If we really want to be like the Xuanling Sect, they may not be as good as they are, so there is no need to participate in the fight. Be a good person, do your own thing, don’t worry about the others, just wait and see."

"Good point."

Master Taiwu stroked his beard and said, "Miao Yue, you are not only growing in kendo, but you also see things more thoroughly. Very good, very good."

Miao Yue shook his head and said seriously, "It's not a disciple, it's because the disciple was too dull before."


Master Taiwu stared at Miao Yue, suddenly, "Miao Yue, do you remember what you said here?"

Miao Yue shook slightly, and immediately thought of something. He set his eyes on the list of ten thousand evil spirits beside him, and slowly said, "The disciple remembers the original promise, but now is not the time. Shushan may still be in danger. Those of the Suspense Sect People have become accustomed to disregarding the rules. If they treat us as enemies, they can use any method, the disciple feels..."

"Okay, what are you talking about stupid?"

A cold light flashed in the eyes of Master Taiwu, "The old man is not old yet, do you think that the old man is a toothless tiger without the Taiwu sword?"

Miao Yue said righteously, "Master, my disciple has never thought about it this way."

The Master was able to abandon the Taiwu Sword for both Shushan and himself, but there is actually only one real reason. The Taiwu Sword can no longer help the Taiwu Master to improve his kendo. Only for this reason will a sword repairer give up. Drop one's own sword.

She could feel that today's Master Taiwu does not need Taiwu sword at all, or even without sword, so he can sit firmly in the top five, even the top three.

He is not yet an opponent.

Master Taiwu stagnated, "In short, you don't need to worry about the matter of Shushan at present, save it for later."

Miao Yue pondered for a few breaths, and said slowly, "The disciple understands, the Master wants the disciple to go to Xianshu City, or the Demon Realm."

Master Taiwu smiled and looked at her, "Where do you want to go?"

Miao Yue said without hesitation, UU reading www.uukanshuu. com "Xianshucheng, I want to see if he is really a living saint."

Master Taiwu nodded, "What then?"

Miao Yue hesitated for a while, raised her head, her eyes condensed, "Yi Shuijian was a gift from Zhou Shu. If Shushan does not need a disciple, the disciple will stay in Xianshu City and help Xianshu City. Xianshu City is a force suitable for managing the fairy world. , The disciple believes this."

"Good decision, but the old man will disappoint you."

Master Taiwu shook his head and said warmly, "Miao Yue, don't interfere with Xianshu City now. You are either worried about the Suspense Sect, or it is not suitable. Wait until their calamity is over. The place you are going to is the Devildom."

"The disciple understands."

Miao Yue nodded, a trace of disappointment flashed in her eyes.

(PS: Thank you Munnie for your long-term support and attention, and thank you book friends who have subscribed to vote, comment, and favorites~~~)

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