Fairy Winner

Chapter 4337: understood

"Friend Miao, you shouldn't rush to make a move."

Gu Zhengtang frowned, "I told you that the Demon Realm is very dangerous now. We are in it and we must consider the consequences of everything we do. Our purpose here is to find Xuanyuan, not a hero."

After the immortal hunting family left the immortal realm, Xianting also had its own immortal hunting, but Xianting and the master sect did not focus on them, nor did they have the energy and resources to cultivate a force similar to the immortal hunting family. Most of the time these immortals are just doing small things, and the real task of hunting down the murderers is undertaken by the mountain. Shushan has always been responsible for killing demons and eliminating demons, and naturally will not refuse.

Just now they saw a cultivator in the Demon Realm being chased by the Demon Race, Miao Yue quickly went up to help and killed the Demon Race.

"It's the fault of the younger generation, but the younger generation can't watch the cultivator being slaughtered by the demons in front of me."

Miao Yue received the sword and saluted Gu Zhengtang with a firm expression, "I am a disciple of Shushan."

When she saw the demons chasing and killing the practitioners, there was a voice in the sea of ​​consciousness, "rush up, rush up, kill all the demons, everything can be solved", she knew that this voice came from Yi Shui Jianxin She should ignore it and focus on her own heart, but at that moment she didn't want to control herself, followed Jianxin, perhaps in her heart too. Killing all the demons is what Jian Xiu should do.

For so many years, the Shushan Jianxiu who had been folded in the Demon Realm had been over ten thousand words, so how could he not retaliate.

"I know, let's go first."

Gu Zhengtang shook his head, but also helpless, and quickly left with Miao Yue.

Both of them were top masters, and they were soon out of the tracking range of the demons.

Gu Zhengtang slowed down, his expression condensed slightly, "Daoist Miao, this is your first time in the Demon Realm, right? Do you know who the practitioner was just now?"


Miao Yue was stunned and whispered, "The juniors don't know, maybe they came to the Demon Realm to experience it? But no matter who it is, you can't just be killed by the Demon Race, right?"

"How can there be normal practitioners in the Demon Realm today?"

Gu Zhengtang's expression was slightly condensed, and he said in a straightforward voice, "The practitioner is a person of the Demon Sect, and now only the practitioner of the Demon Sect dared to stay in the Demon Realm."


Miao Yue's mind was stagnant, and the secret path broke, and she whispered, "Senior, it's the demon cult who pretended to be the demon race, attacked other alien races, and invaded the Xuanhuang world, trying to provoke a war between the immortal world and the demon world. I heard that it was the dragon clan secretly. Supported?"

Gu Zhengtang sighed lightly, "Yes, it's this Demon Cult. You must have investigated Shushan, right?"

Miao Yue stubbornly said, "This... the younger generation is wrong..."

"But I couldn't help it when I met, right?"

Looking at her, Gu Zhengtang became more helpless, and said, "Daoist Miao, you are a bit unsuitable for immortal hunting."

Miao Yue subconsciously said, "The younger generation is a sword repairer, not a fairy hunter..."

"never mind."

Gu Zhengtang waved his hand and slowly said, "Dao Fellow Miao, when you must make a move, tell me first, you are optimistic about the way out and then draw your sword."

"Understood, senior, I will pay attention."

Miao Yue nodded quickly and said thoughtfully, "Senior, is it a bit weird there? Just the world where we met the disciples of the demon cult? I feel that the atmosphere there is a bit weird, different from other parts of the demon world, could it be Xuanyuan Maybe over there?"

"Good view."

Gu Zhengtang said righteously, "There is a den of the Demon Cult. The people of the Demon Cult are very complicated. They come from all races. The aura of the place where they have stayed is strange and normal. As for whether Xuanyuan is there or not, we are going to investigate. According to my years of experience in the Demon Realm, although Xuanyuan is not the founder of the Demon Cult, he is mostly related to the Demon Cult. The Demon Cult may also know where he is. After all, the core of the Demon Cult was his humane disciple... This is our few clues."

"That was a mistake by the younger generation."

Miao Yue lowered her head, very apologetic.

"It's not a mistake."

Gu Zhengtang shook his head, "I saw him before you shot him. He is not the core of the Demon Cult. After being separated from the Demon Cult, he hid here alone. After hiding for hundreds of years, he was still found by the Demon. People are of no value to us. Just let them go. It doesn't matter if you kill them. If you save them, you will be saved. But next time you encounter this situation, you still have to be cautious."


Miao Yue gave birth to a lot of admiration and doubts, "Senior has already investigated, just in the blink of an eye?"

Gu Zhengtang was very calm, "Well, the main law I practice is the governing law. First dominate him, and then let him pass on to me all the information he knows about Demon Cult and Xuanyuan. Most of the time, the dominated person himself I can't feel what's going on. In this case, he must be telling the truth."

"The rule of control?"

Miao Yue felt a chill in her heart, "That is the least-seen highest law, and it is more difficult than causal destiny. I heard that there are not many people in the entire heavens. It is incredible that the seniors can be promoted to the quasi-sage by the rule of control."

Gu Zhengtang said indifferently, "Everyone has the talent to be good at. The old man is only good at this. It is not surprising that he can learn well."

There is a part of Gu Zhengtang of dragon bloodline who is born with a kind of imperial spirit. The birds and beasts greet each other where they pass by, and they dare not speak. Before they start to practice, they can subdue the immortals with their aura. With the rule of domination, he was promoted smoothly all the way.

Of course, this also stems from the fact that the immortal catching family has enough inheritance, and they have the canonization list, and their various laws are not much worse than the immortal world.

Miao Yue's eyes lit up when he thought of something, "Does the predecessor even control the demons?"

Gu Zhengtang nodded, calmly, "Most demons, including the Great Demon Lord, can be controlled by me. Although the demons have no spirits, they still have essence and consciousness, which is within the scope of the law," he looked at Miao. Yue glanced at it and said warmly, "After all, the old man comes from the immortal catching family. When investigating Xuanyuan, he also did some things. Many of the demons who have killed cultivators have been dominated by me and exploded, and the demon lord will not be aware of it. ."

Miao Yue expressed his respect, and UU read www.uukanshu.com expressly, "I admire it, the seniors can really apply what they have learned by doing this, and the juniors have learned it."

Gu Zhengtang looked at her and said sternly, "Daoist Miao, don’t say that. The same is true of your kendo. Every law avenue in the heavens can be used to deal with the demons, and they have very good effects. Miao Dao Friends, I definitely didn't take this to remind you of the meaning."

Miao Yue hurriedly said, "Senior, junior didn't think so, but I felt it myself, and I will be more cautious in the future."

"At any time, caution is not a bad thing."

Gu Zhengtang showed some approval, then retracted his gaze and said, "Let's go, we still have a lot to do this time."


Miao Yue followed behind, thinking about something.

(PS: Thank you book friends 20170802 for your strong support and attention, thank you book friends who subscribe to vote, comment, and favorites~~~)

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