Fairy Winner

Chapter 915: Solve the battle

"Damn it!"

Tan Zhendao was very depressed, and some wanted to escape.

In the two battles, Paradise Island had a big advantage, but the results were different.

Less than fifty monks died there, they all dispersed, ran a little, and knelt down a lot, completely devoid of fighting spirit, but here, he completely shredded almost forty puppets and retaliated. Two Schizophagous beasts broke down, but the rest were still brave enough, even if only half of their bodies had to rush up to bite.

"The monks are afraid of death, but the puppet is reliable."

In addition to being depressed, he was also amazed how Zhou Shu did this-with hundreds of monks opponents, he could still manipulate hundreds of puppets calmly. Such a spirit is extremely terrifying, it is incredible, let alone he is impossible. Achieved, even if the thousand puppet repairers are famous for puppet manipulation, they may not be able to find two.

He gradually retreated.

"Why, Long Levin hasn't come out yet, kill this guy with me?"

Paradise Island has reached the most critical moment. Is it possible that Lei Wen has ignored the crisis and is still refining his own strange fire?

Tan Zhendao unconsciously released his divine consciousness and went to explore the secret room under the island. His face suddenly changed. In that secret room, he couldn't feel a trace of Lei Wen's breath. Could it be that he escaped while he was fighting hard? Up?

"Damn it!"

Looking back at the puppet, his retreat was unstoppable.

Zhou Shu concentrated on manipulating the puppet, but the sword and thunder in his hand did not stop, instead getting faster and faster.

The monks who wanted to escape soon turned into different places or turned into a piece of coke.

Before long, the monks who had attacked Zhou Shu all knelt down, and never dared to move or run away. Zhou Shu in front of him was indeed a real killer, he was merciless and couldn't get angry anymore.

A battlefield completely subsided, Zhou Shu turned around and began to work with the puppets to deal with Tan Zhendao.

"go to hell!"

Tan Zhendao yelled, his face rose purple, and his entire body glowed red like the sun.

At the same time, Tan Zhendao's primordial spirit clone suddenly rose several times, like a giant, with both fists, smashing towards Zhou Shu forcefully.

It was like a full blow, but Zhou Shu knew it was just a bluff, and Tan Zhendao just wanted to escape.

According to his many years of experience in battle, when his opponent looks fiercest, it is often when his heart is weakest, and he rarely fails.

Once back, it is the most empty time.

Ignoring the primordial avatar that came, Zhou Shu didn't retreat but instead moved forward. He brought the sword together and turned into a stream of light, shooting straight towards Tan Zhendao's body.

The human sword is one, and the speed is at its extreme.

After the sword light, followed by a bright purple light that resembled a star, a dazzling purple arc was drawn, and sparks were constantly sparking, like an iridescent.

Zhou Shu's sea of ​​consciousness poured out, and with the outbreak of the fourth change, the powerful divine consciousness completely enveloped Tan Zhendao.

There are too many divine consciousness revealed, like clouds and mist, almost clearly visible.

Yuan Li also came out of the nest, the third change occurred at the right time, almost all concentrated on Yin Leizhu, Zhou Shu wanted to stimulate the full power of the fifth-order best magic weapon Yin Leizhu, this is the only way he can completely destroy Tan Zhendao now.

Tan Zhendao's expression stagnated.

He felt the extreme crisis, the clone returned immediately, the two became one and flew outside the island.

If you don't run at this time, I'm afraid there will be no chance.

However, each of the puppets ran into his front and back almost one after another, each blocking his route and preventing him from escaping. Although each of them had very little power, they should not be ignored in addition.


The purple thunder light suddenly lit up above Tan Zhendao's head.

Yin Leizhu seemed to explode suddenly, the countless thunder of Yin and Yang, seemingly as thin as a hair, and carrying an indescribable powerful force. It not only has the vitality of the gods, but also the power of the origin of heaven and earth.

The purple thunder was like silk, and a trace of it penetrated into Tan Zhendao's body.

His protective shield and his magic weapon were gradually annihilated in the thunder light, and no matter how hard he resisted, he could not stop the invasion of Zidian.

But within a few breaths, Tan Zhendao's whole person turned purple, surrounded by countless purple lights, like a weird tattoo, and it was frightening to look at.

Tan Zhendao was trembling all over, and his face was distorted like an old bark that had been cut for hundreds of knives and had grown up, but he was still struggling to escape, he didn't want to die.

He flew all the way, and flew out nearly ten miles.

Bang, bang!

Two huge explosions fell from the sky.

Tan Zhendao in the air immediately exploded, like purple flowers blooming in the sky, gorgeous and short-lived.

The body, including the primordial spirit, were all destroyed by the mighty power of the source, leaving no trace of it.

Completely dead.

Zhou Shu, who was caged with green light, swallowed a few mouthfuls of soul fluid, and walked down flat.

The people standing on Paradise Island all looked at Zhou Shu in silence, with an expression that they didn’t know what it was, awe, fear, gratitude, and more worry, I don’t know how Zhou Shu would treat the leftovers. Under them.

The many guards on Paradise Island have been crushed by the people in front of them in one fell swoop, and there is no longer any power of gold and wealth.

"Everyone come out, don't stay in the building, I will destroy them."

Zhou Shu landed on the island and glanced calmly at ~www.ltnovel.com~ The scattered puppets began to move again. Destroying buildings is a good thing for them.

The sound of collapsed buildings kept coming.

Not long after, the buildings on the island were swept away, and all the brothels, gambling houses, etc., no longer exist.

A ruin.

Above the ruins, two or three thousand immortal cultivators looked at Zhou Shu with fear.

Although Zhou Shu in front of him was only a cultivator of the Nascent Infant Realm, the displayed combat power shocked them, and there was no thought of confrontation at all.

Among those people, Huaxiu has nearly a thousand people. They are all standing on the other side, huddled together to keep warm. Unlike the others, they look at Zhou Shu with grateful eyes. They have been looking forward to it for a long time. For them, Paradise Island has never been a paradise, but a nightmare.

Today, will the nightmare end completely?

Zhou Shu's gaze swept across the crowd, and soon, six or seven people were picked up by the cleft-tailed beast, men and women.

These people were not hidden in the building before. He also investigated. Although these people are not high in cultivation and have little combat power, their status on Paradise Island is quite high because they are forbidden on the island. division.

Zhou Shu didn't want to call them "forbidden teacher" because they didn't deserve the word "teacher" at all.

In fact, they are executioners, that is, through various means, whether psychologically or physically, they continue to oppress and forbid female sisters, making them unable to resist and have to accept inhuman treatment, and eventually become Hua Xiu's. people.

As the few people were brought up individually, Hua Xiu on the island looked over together, his eyes full of spite.

The air became strange.

If the eyes can kill people, these people have already died thousands of times. For them, these banned teachers are the ones who hurt them most directly, and they are also the ones they hate the most. (To be continued.) u

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