Fairy’s Box

Chapter 148: invisible blade

Such an aggressive attitude... it's not good to come.

Yale calmly observed the other party. No matter from any angle, that guy belongs to the man who most conforms to mainstream women's aesthetics. He has a smooth and fair face, a cold handsomeness with sharp edges and corners, a slender and tall body but not rough, slender and hidden. With sharp green eyes, he is arrogant but arrogant.

This handsome face makes people angry!

"Who are you? I don't remember having a grudge against you." He asked tentatively.

"Does the implication mean that you have had enemies with many people?" The blue-haired knight slowly put away his fingers and put his hands behind him: "My name is Genevieve, and I will let you do what you do to yourself. Be responsible for."

"It's best to stop joking." The knight tightened his face unhappily: "What have I done, do you still need to take care of it?"

"You know, I've been looking for you for three days." Genevieve pursed his lips and looked at him coldly:

"It took only half a day to lock you and your residence, but in order to investigate the misdeeds of your life, I have been listening until this morning."

"A bad life? You should talk about it." Yale asked himself that he had never done anything wrong, and of course he was not afraid of his investigation.

"Sure enough, I won't admit it so easily..." The blue-haired knight Zhizhu smiled, his face sank, and he shouted sharply:

"You are a scumbag who abandons your fiancée, bullies your classmates, threatens your competitors, sabotages the sacred chariot race for money, and you are a scumbag! It's a knight's disgrace! In front of me, you have the shameless attitude of showing a clear conscience. , it's disgusting."

"You fart! Rumors, all rumors!" The three corpses jumped violently, and he disappeared for only a month. How could he be detained so much.

"Have you become angry?" Genevieve looked at him with contempt, and snorted coldly: "Dare to do it but dare not admit it, it's more shameless than I thought."

"Although I don't know what happened, you **** seems to despise me." There was an uncontrollable anger in Yale's eyes, and a deep wrinkle protruded from the clenched lips to the aggressive forward. The chin is stretched out.

"Wait a minute." Bruno quickly came over to hold him down, and said to the other party, "There must be a misunderstanding! Yale is definitely not the kind of person you said."

"You're Bruno, get out of the way, you're also one of his henchmen, but I'm not interested in making trouble with you today." The blue-haired knight stared at Yale without squinting, and said lightly.

"Bruno, did you hear me! This **** is here to find fault! Let me go! I'm about to be **** off!"

"Calm down!" The silver-haired knight hugged Yale, who was about to be mad, and was almost freed by his strange force, panting, "He is deliberately angering you, once you take action, he can use it in the name of legitimate self-defense. Attack!"

"So what! Fight, fight! Who's afraid of who?" the knight panted like a mad bull.

"You can't win, didn't you see that he has been hiding his cuff behind his back? Use your spiritual eyes to see it! This guy's strength is unfathomable! It is likely to be one of the second seats in the academy!"

"Second seat?" After hearing this word, Yale's head became clearer. Only then did he realize that the other party's vitality was extremely restrained.

He had only seen such strength of fighting spirit in Luya.

"Oh? Has it been discovered?" Genevieve retracted his fists to his waist, revealing four horizontal lines in the color of black crystal.

As we all know, in the obelisk, ordinary knights will be assigned one to four armbands according to their strength. Only the best among them, the strongest five, will have the horizontal stripes of black crystal.

"Do you hesitate to move forward because you are afraid of my strength? Yale Bernstein, you have disappointed me too much. Or are you only good at bullying people who are weaker than you?"

Elena walked out of the living room with a frosty face: "I don't care who you are, please leave, we only welcome polite guests."

"Another woman who doesn't know how to keep herself clean." The blue-haired knight seemed to regard her as a character like the Orioles, and didn't even move his eyes to take a closer look.

"Damn! I'm going to tear your mouth apart!" The knight's anger spurted out like a volcanic eruption.

A few strides forward in front of each other, all of their strength twisted into a knot, and they slammed Genevieve's chest with a punch.

Bang! The blue-haired knight made a muffled sound in his chest, and his body slid backward like a cannonball, smashing through the fence directly, and was shot straight out of the courtyard.

"I didn't expect... I underestimated you a bit." He lowered his head, panting slightly, and a smile bloomed on his lips.

"In this way, you have nowhere to run." Genevieve quickly returned to a straight stance, spread out his hands, and approached slowly with graceful steps.

"Humph! I'm still afraid of you?" Yalei ignited his vindictive energy and entered the stage of solidification of the blade, and his body was instantly coated with a metallic luster.

The other party is the second seat, and he can easily take a punch with his full strength, and he must not relax at all.

Hearing the sound here, the pedestrians on the road came over one after another, forming a large circle, pointing to the two people in the confrontation and whispering.

The blue-haired knight raised his five fingers lightly and swiped down gently. At the same time, Yale's chest suddenly let out a sharp neigh, his clothes were shattered, and golden sparks flashed away.

"So it is." Genevieve narrowed his eyes as if he was enlightened, and fiddled with his hands like a pianist.


The black-haired knight slammed his waist to protect his chest, and golden sparks lit up all over his body. The whole person seemed to be surrounded by lightning, and he kept retreating in the continuous attack.

Invisible... Sword Wind?

He struggled to protect his whole body, and he stopped retreating and threw a punch with all his strength, trying to smash the dense sword wind network with brute force.

Naive... The blue-haired knight shrank inward with his five fingers, the sword wind dissipated in an instant, and Yale threw a punch into the air, only blowing the air open.

Whoosh! Another invisible sword came out of the sky. He listened to the sound, and the direction was directed at his chest, quickly transporting Dou Qi to his chest.

clang! The knight's eyes flashed, Fengyin clearly rushed to his chest, but the sword wind hit his forehead, what kind of ghost swordsmanship is this. At the moment of dizziness, dozens of sword winds slashed at the throat, lower abdomen, between the eyebrows, and every vulnerable part of the body.

This guy is looking for my life!

Yale suddenly retreated, taking the last vital gate of his body into his lower abdomen. Sure enough, the next moment, the sound of Feng Rui cutting through the air came from his ear, but it slashed under his crotch.

hiss…! He sucked in the cool air, if he took a step slowly, now...

"What a pity." Genevieve said regretfully as if he knew what he was thinking.

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