Fairy’s Box

Chapter 174: talent always shines

"This is the result of our joint discussion. Don't forget that you also lost the Sun Mark, accept it." Charlene's tone sounded much more relaxed.

"In that case." Yale's eyes suddenly lit up: "You and Laurie might as well join the Black Seat together. I will use the seven million as a fund."

"Black Seat..." The female knight hesitated a bit, then slowly shook her head: "It's still unnecessary."

"Why?" The knight quickly launched his nirvana: "We have professional chefs here who can cook a lot of delicious food, and you can eat it every day!"

"Uh!" Charlene's eyes began to blur, and she seemed to have forgotten where she was.

“Sea Bass in Tomato Sauce, Smoked Salmon, Saffron Mussels, Caramelized Apple Mousse, Black Truffle Bisque, Lorry Asparagus and Bacon Rolls, Melaleuca... Baked Cheesecake!”

Every time Yale said the name of a dish, the female knight involuntarily took a step back. In the end, she had nowhere to retreat and reached the wall, staring blankly at the ceiling.

"It's all there, you can eat it every day!" A heart attack!

"How, how can this be possible." Charlene stammered, wiping the nonexistent saliva on her face subconsciously.

"Think about it." The knight waited patiently.

"No!" The female knight looked dazedly about to agree, suddenly hugged her head, quickly opened the door, and ran out like a gust of wind.

He did not expect that this move, which should have been guaranteed, actually failed.

"What's going on here?"

Yalei felt that something was wrong with Charlene today. Logically speaking, she should not be able to resist the temptation of delicious food. Did something happen in the past few months?

A few minutes after the girl left, Carla pushed open the door and walked in, looking at Yale who was in a trance, and asked softly, "Charlene just came here?"

"Yeah." He nodded, feeling a little disappointed.

"Have you quarreled?" Cara glanced at the huge sum of money piled up on the table, carefully peeping at the black-haired knight's expression, and sighed inwardly:

As expected of a newly promoted peak-level natural disaster knight, his powerful strength feeds back on himself, and the whole person's mental aura has greatly increased.

Perhaps, the other party can no longer be regarded as human.

"No, no." Yale stood up a little sullenly, opened the window behind him, and let the cool cold wind slowly pour into the room:

"It's just that I invited her to join the Black Seat and was unexpectedly rejected."

"So it is." Carla's expression relaxed, and she said in a slightly lively tone: "But don't worry too much, this choice is difficult for her, one side is her own brother, and the other is you."

"My biological brother?" The knight narrowed his eyes suspiciously, and two equally delicate faces appeared in his mind. When they were compared, they suddenly changed color: "Charlene is Genevieve's sister!?"

In this case, the reason why that **** Genevieve is looking for trouble for him makes sense... Unbelievable, I actually tried to make her betray my blood relatives... To do such a thing, I am also a **** !

"You shouldn't have known it until now, did you?"

"Damn! If I knew, I wouldn't make such a request!" With a bang, Yale slammed the window shut, rubbed his eyebrows and said:

"You came just in time. Now that we have a sufficient budget, we will hold the first formal meeting in the afternoon to discuss the official operation of the Black Seat. The formal meeting, do you understand?"

Because it is very important, he emphasized it twice.

"Understood!" Kara squeezed her legs together and stepped back solemnly.

The knight suddenly stopped him: "Wait a minute, the harvest of the sea blue eye, you have too little, I decided..."

"No need." Cara interrupted him, walking down the spiral staircase with rapid steps, and said at the same time:

"Charlene and I have gotten what we deserve, you haven't gotten what you deserve, and Laurie, the culprit of your shame, has no face for more."

Temporary meeting room on the second floor

There were seven apprentice knights sitting face to face on a long conference table that could accommodate twenty people. At this time, all of them were neatly dressed and sat in a solemn manner.

Regardless of their original character, they are after all the knights who place the most emphasis on discipline and discipline.

Yale held a large pile of documents and stood at the top of the conference table: "From now on, everyone is an official colleague. Everyone should read these documents, right?"

"Yeah." Qi brushed his head.

"Then I won't talk nonsense. Although these regulations seem to be loose, they are very troublesome to formally implement."

The knight threw the document on the table: "The goal of this meeting is to discuss and resolve the issue of the year-end review. As we all know, we must complete more than three red-line tasks every year."

"And the Black Seat has only been established for a few days. It is not as good as other sub-seats, which have been passed down from generation to generation. They are intertwined and have the smallest number of people. There is no hope at all.

"However, we also have the only advantage." Yale picked up a suitcase from under his feet, put it on the table and opened it, revealing a neat stack of banknotes:

"We have money! We have a huge sum of seven million Sol as operating expenses! There is no doubt about the origin, it is definitely clean and white money."

He is not so hypocritical. Since several people are unwilling to take more, then they simply use it as a fund to see if they can use the money to make a way.

"Hey!" Everyone except Kara took a long breath. With the purchasing power of seven million Sol, they could even go to the Imperial Capital to live a comfortable life for a lifetime.

"Everyone is free to discuss and speak freely."

"I have a way!" Nicole raised her hand, and after receiving Yale's permission, she excitedly geared up: "Use money to buy the corresponding officials, from the other seats..."

"Rejected! Bribery is a crime."

"I have an idea!" Beverley raised his hand and said quickly after receiving approval: "Hire a large number of eyeliners to collect intelligence from all over the country. Once there is a situation, you can quickly..."

"Rejected! With such a big momentum, are you going to rebel? The money is not enough."

Everyone whispered and discussed for a while, Clark raised his hand, and said slowly:

"Beverly's approach can be relaxed a little bit. We can hire people who are okay, stand on the streets in those departments every day, and once there is information, we can pass it on as quickly as possible."

"This can be considered, but treating the symptoms is not the root cause. Others may look down on us, the most inexperienced deputy."

"That..." Arcia raised her hand weakly, seeing everyone swept towards him in unison, swallowed nervously: "We can consider leaving these departments alone."

"How do you say it?" Yale gave an encouraging look: "Don't hesitate, just say it and listen."

"With our financial resources, we can invest in a private sector that deals with all kinds of paranormal phenomena for mutual benefit and win-win results. According to the degree of danger after its investigation, we can choose to handle it ourselves or report it in the name of assistance."

Seeing that everyone's eyes became more and more solemn, Arcia's confidence increased greatly, and the faster she said:

"Of course it's best if you can handle it yourself. With solid evidence, the Public Security Bureau will definitely sign and seal the mission statement. I've read the complete outline, and if you encounter a disaster in front of you, you can handle it first and then report it. The hospital admits this kind of mission. , this is the loophole we can drill. When we encounter great trouble, we can report it to the hospital or the public security bureau in a tone of request for support."

"In this way, the power of assistance, whatever you want to say. Even if you haven't received a reasonable task, and you are playing with soy sauce to brush up on small incidents, it won't be too ugly on the books..."

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

After he finished speaking, the conference room burst into a grand applause.

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