Fairy’s Box

Chapter 179: Smaller is better

"So, you have to listen to every word I say in the future!"

"No problem!" Both of them tacitly lied.

"Don't mess with flowers except me!"

"You're worrying too much." Sincerely.

"Stop looking down on my boobs!"

"I hate heavy **** the most, and the flat ones have their own unique charm!" Half-truth.

"Also!" Charlene lowered the bangs in front of her forehead, forced Yale out of the door with her head sullen, closed the door heavily, and continued to make an arrogant voice after a while:

"I didn't promise to date you, even if I kissed it... Unless, you read that kind of poem to me every day!"

"That kind of poetry?...Understood." The knight woke up instantly, but why do women like this kind of nasty things? Still can't understand it, but it doesn't prevent him from doing it.

Yale thought carefully for a while, and suddenly said anxiously, "I definitely won't be looking forward to the Obelisk for a long time. What if I really don't have a chance?"

"Idiot! Of course I have to double up!"

"That must be fine!"

"Anyway, you go now! Otherwise...I...I..."

The female knight first emphasized a sentence in a very vicious tone, and then suddenly became weak, her mouth creaking and muttering vague words.

"If I'm free tomorrow, I'll come over to find you." It's better to give each other a little more time to prepare, he thought.

On the way back, Yalei bought a breakfast, and after a few bites, the fatigue of the night disappeared immediately, and he walked back to the Black Seat at a fast pace.

"Hahaha!" Before entering the door, he couldn't help but let out a series of long laughs, which startled the pigeons in front of the large square.

The tower was silent, and the sound of footsteps could be heard far away. Except for the black-haired knight, everyone seemed to be resting. Only the ghost maid, Pomegranate Leaf, was looking after her residence—the daffodils.

In the entire Black Seat, except for Yale's inhuman physique, although the others are strong enough, they will feel exhausted both physically and mentally after a night of intrigue.

After taking a warm shower, the knight changed into new clothes, and while walking back to the office, he handed over the clothes that needed to be changed to Pomegranate Leaf.

Leaning against the back of the special seat, he closed his eyes and rested for an hour before entering the consciousness space with concentration, where his huge sea of ​​life sources was slowly gathering, filling the second body-devouring ring.

Reaching the level of the Scourge Knight, ordinary physical exercise is useless, and it will be constantly enhanced over time. The next step is to improve your understanding of yourself and awaken the origin of fire.

Except for the freaks like the blue-blooded, there must be only one origin of ordinary people, and it is very consistent with their own character essence. It is not so much that the character affects the origin, it is the origin that subtly determines the character.

At this point, the paths of mages and knights are very close. The mages use their understanding of the rules of the Great Source to reconstruct their origins into a methodology, so as to stand on a higher level and overlook the whole world.

On the other hand, knights focus on their own understanding, rejecting all non-self impurities, understanding the rules of the small source formed by themselves, developing their origin into fire, and gaining higher power.

As far as the nature of power is concerned, a magic marshal who has a complete methodology and can play with the common sense of the world is more powerful. Unfortunately, this is the limit of mages - they cannot surpass the world by understanding the world.

This gap will also be equalized after the knight deified the fire, and finally hated under the powerful knight's real body.

The gap between the natural catastrophe giant power and the origin of fire is not as big as the third to fourth order, but it is called the strongest on the ground, because this is the limit allowed by the world itself.

After the fifth step, the ability of knights in this world will be suppressed as their strength increases, just like an unformed baby in the womb, unable to defy the will of its mother.

With one exception, that is - the guardian of the multiverse Antrazu, the supreme judge and arbiter, the lord of all realms, the king of kings, the embodiment of order, the reflection of the hand of God ruling the earth, the eternal Augustus, the first knight, emperor of the Roservian people.

The strongest combat power that the empire can cultivate and mass-produce can only reach the natural disaster knights, and each one costs a lot of money, and the combat power is slightly inferior to that of natural breakthroughs.

The origin of the awakening is extremely uncertain, so there is no systematic information in the battle lines and historical materials. Simply put, it is to cross the river by feeling the stones, and one step is a step.

From noon to noon, the sun is slightly hot.

"Huh!" Yale opened his eyes and let out a sigh of exhaust gas. He still found nothing today. After glancing at the time, he rang the bell on the table.

puff! A few seconds later, a human head emerged from under the floor, no, it was a ghost head. The maid's pomegranate leaf was half-stuck under the floor, looking at the master respectfully.

"Don't appear in such a terrifying way in the future, be more ordinary, it's almost time, wake them all up."

The pomegranate leaves melted into the floor in response, and there was a heavy crackling sound on the door from downstairs. Everyone complained loudly and opened the door, but there was nothing they could do about a certain ghost who was ordered to act.

"Are, can you wake us up in a normal way in the future?" Nicole ran over to complain while brushing her teeth with her loose hair.

"No problem, I'll give her a soprano trumpet in the future."

"Always say such disappointing words..." A certain female man walked away dejectedly.

After waking everyone up, Yaleili defied all opinions and insisted that everyone go to the deep-water training ground to exercise, because that was the most efficient and comprehensive way of exercising in his opinion.

There are two people who strongly disagree, one is Bruno who suffers from deep-sea phobia (the culprit needs to be reviewed), and the other is Nicole, her reason is that she is afraid of being affected by water pressure...

"Look, what if the chest is compressed!?" The female knight slapped her undulating chest vigorously and said indignantly.

"That kind of thing is impossible... Besides, it's better for yours to be smaller... Clark, what do you think?"

Facing the black-haired knight's question, a certain poker face twitched at the corner of his mouth. After a long time, he nodded hesitantly: "It's better to be smaller... It's too big to grasp."

"Then I have no opinion!" Nicole's anger subsided, she glanced at Clark resentfully, and squeezed her chest with both hands, as if she wanted to squeeze the burden out of the pair immediately.

"Cough cough! A lady, please pay attention, this is a public place!" Stopping the movement of female knight X's harassment category, Yale cast his eyes on Bruno and said sincerely:

"Well...Bruno, believe me, only those who overcome their fears can become a real Scourge Knight."

"Oh!" The silver-haired knight showed an expression of sudden realization, and a blush appeared on his white face: "No wonder I'm still stuck in the third order, it turns out that I couldn't face the fear!"

"Have I overcome the deep-sea phobia, will I be able to break through to the natural disaster?" he asked excitedly.

"At least it will be much easier." Yale maintained a calm aura, but he was actually very empty, but at least overcoming this mental obstacle would be beneficial to him.

"Then what are you waiting for! Let's go!"

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