Fairy’s Box

Chapter 191: The pea story

The next day, in the Holy Sepulchre

With two dark circles under her eyes, Verity clenched her small fists hard, and emphasized with certainty: "In the name of the seven generations of Geoffrey's goblin doctors, I guarantee that there is absolutely no problem with this statue!"

At the end, she added another emphasis: "At least, not any goblin!"

"We are not doubting your professionalism." Yale took out the stones from the cloth bag, spread them out in the palm of his hand and handed them to Dr. Goblin:

"Last night, a monster attacked the deputy priest of Annis and was chased away by Bruno who was patrolling nearby. This is the fragment that fell from it, and it exactly matched the gap on the statue."

"This, this..." Verity looked at the stone dumbfounded, and suddenly found that she herself began to doubt her own judgment.

"The Holy Artifact doesn't work, and you deny that it is a goblin. Is there another mysterious existence in this world?" Nicole habitually stood on tiptoe of her right foot and looked at her like a torch.

"Impossible!" Dr. Goblin categorically rejected, and continued like a barrage of cannons:

"The imperial edict reached by the emperor and many goblin lords is a human-led unconscious precept, which binds goblins and protects them at the same time. Any life outside the registration of this legal net, as long as it enters Anterasu The world will be scorched to death by an inextinguishable fire."

"Except for the evil spirits that live in the dark and originate from original sin... However, unless they are tired of living and want to commit suicide, they will sneak into the Holy Land and turn into Christ statues... This is completely beyond the scope of courting death!"

"This...isn't certain."

Yale shook his head. When he and Bruno met for the first time, the unknown evil creature in the shadow structure was obviously not burned by the inextinguishable flame.

Because they caught that thing, they not only received great praise, but also signed a non-disclosure agreement, and they must not disclose this news to the outside world.

At this time, Bruno also had a solemn look, and frowned indistinctly.

The black-haired knight's mood sank to the bottom in an instant, and an ominous premonition flooded his heart uncontrollably—could it be that the empire's web of order to defend against otherworldly life, to rule and punish all spirits, has been cracked! ?

What kind of fate awaits us...

Now is not the time to think about it!

Yale pressed his forehead with his index finger, quickly pulled his consciousness back to his original position, and fixed his eyes on Verity: "If these two are excluded, then this stone statue is not the monster, but how can the fragments be explained?"

"I don't know, but..." Doctor Goblin seemed to have made up his mind, pursed his pink lips, and took out a black branch from his satchel:

"You can try this!"

"What kind of magical item is this?" Arcia leaned over with interest and looked at the branch up and down.

"This is the heirloom of our Jeffrey family." Verity raised the branch proudly with a bit of show off: "You have probably heard the legend of Jack and the Pea, right?"

"Jack and the peas... what's that?"

The black-haired knight didn't know what to say, but felt that the branch was indeed a bit special, and it seemed to contain strange mana.

"my God……"

Nicole covered her eyes with her right hand and couldn't help but ask, "Are... Did you have childhood..."

"Puchi!" Lydia couldn't help laughing out loud. When she was in her hometown, who didn't know that the young master of the Bernstein family was a weirdo since he was a child.

I just didn't expect... The child who was called an idiot by everyone really did it step by step... If he could become the mistress of the Bernstein family, he would be able to accompany him all the time.

Thinking of this, the girl's face couldn't help but get hot.

"I'll tell you."

Bruno cast a sympathetic look, clapped his palm to attract Yale's attention, and narrated as quickly as possible:

"The legend started with a bear boy named Jack who didn't listen to his mother and sold a cow that could not be milked to an old man who was actually a long-planned shady man. The old man gave him a few magical peas, After being thrown out of the window by the mother who was mistaken for being worthless, the beanstalk grew straight to the sky overnight, and the bear child was very strong and curious, and climbed to the top of the sky."

"There, he met the giantess who claimed that her husband ate children. The giants soon returned home and Jack was secretly hidden. The giants were presumably a miser and fell asleep counting the money, and the bear children took the opportunity to steal a bag of gold coins. "

"Even now, a bag of gold coins is a huge sum of money, enough for Jack's family to live a rich life. I don't know why they squandered it quickly. I suspect that he is gambling!"

At this time, the Holy Sepulchre could hear the needle falling to the ground quietly. Except for Yale, who was listening seriously, everyone showed a petrified gesture.

"It's a bit too far, go on... After the money was spent, Jack climbed up the sky along the pea tree and stole the harp that could play music and the hen that lays golden eggs from the giant. Halfway, the giant found out And to pursue it, at this time, Jack's anger rose from his heart, and his evil turned to courage, and he became a criminal.

Relying on his innate physical strength, he went back to the ground first, and with his equally strong mother, he chopped off the sky-stalking beanstalk, causing the half-crawling giant to fall to his death and embezzling its property. "

"This is definitely a premeditated and planned murder case! There are so many doubts about the incident, I even suspect that the giantess and the shady old man had fornicated, and designed unrestrained minors to murder their husbands in order to achieve their impossibility. The purpose of the accusation!"

"What happened later!" The black-haired knight was very absorbed in listening, and wanted to know the rest of the story.

"This is a sad ending. Jack wasted his talent and relied on the rich financial resources brought by the golden egg to build the famous Black Pearl at that time and became one of the nine pirate kings.

However, this kind of hero is doomed not to end well. In the end, he was defeated and arrested, and the emperor ordered him to be publicly executed. Before his death, he also claimed that he had left behind treasures, riches looted over the years and the hens that lay golden eggs, and promoted the idea of ​​ridiculous grand pirates. "

"If he serves the country from the army, with his talent, he might be able to become a general." The silver-haired knight gritted his teeth and ended in a tone of hating iron.

"Well, it's a story worth alerting!" Yale threw up his palms in an unfinished mood:

"Under the acquiescence of his mother's inaction, Jack embarked on the road of no return, from a thief to a pirate king, so the correct three views should be established from an early age."

The boss all applauded, and everyone who was injured in the three views had to express it, applauding sparsely.

"However, what does this story have to do with this branch?" The black-haired knight stopped to applaud and aimed at the bean stem fragment.

"...Mr. Bruno's conspiracy theory is too serious, but, Jack did become the pirate king and left a treasure, but no one can find the chicken."

Verity wiped her cold sweat, resumed her smile, and gently picked up the beanstalk:

"This is one of Captain Jack's treasures, the twig of the pea tree, an heirloom of our family. The real pea tree can communicate with a small world, and although only fragments are left, it can also communicate with a person's world. Simply put, temporarily Connect the two minds together."

Beverly folded his shoulders in confusion: "What's the point?"

"I understand!" Nicole put her hands together and said excitedly, "If you can enter the dreamland of a nun who is trapped in a nightmare... Maybe you will find something in it?"

"Yeah!" Dr. Goblin nodded vigorously.

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