Fairy’s Box

Chapter 195: Lily in bloom

Yale knocked on the forehead with his index finger, and his voice was a little tired: "This is the end of today, and I will find an opportunity to let Annis be alone in two days. I will protect it in secret."

"But...it might find another cleric." Clark hesitated a little.

"Although there is also the possibility of taking action against other clerics." Nicole glanced at the man complainingly, as if she thought he was unsatisfactory, and said helplessly:

"It's still this guy who has the highest chance of being targeted. Who made his position just right, and he made a declaration that he insisted on solving the problem by himself, and he has already been attacked once."

"Makes sense." Clark nodded and stroked his unshaven chin.

"You guys continue to stay at the Holy Tomb, don't mind your own business, I'll go first." The black-haired knight tugged at the front of his shirt, suddenly thinking that he hadn't showered for almost a week, he stopped the steps he was about to take and asked:

"By the way, who of you has hot water in your room? I want to take a hot bath."

"Not in my room." Clark shook his head.

"I don't know, maybe there is." Nicole bit her slender index finger and tried to recall.

"Go to my place, there is hot water." Bruno put the paper under his arm, and left Yale behind himself, leaving a beautiful back with fluttering hair.

"No problem, let's just have lunch at your place!" The black-haired knight hurriedly chased after him.

Seeing the sight of the two slowly disappearing, Nicole suddenly puffed out her cheeks like a frog, exhaled hot air with a puff, covered her stomach and laughed, the flower branches trembled:

"Hahaha, I can't do it anymore, I can't help it after holding it for so long. It's okay to dress up as a girl so cute, and I'm still fascinated by the clergy... I feel that Annis is so pitiful, hahaha..."

"Nicole..." Clark looked at her dotingly, with an expression that couldn't help you.

Inside the Holy Sepulchre, in front of the Statue of Christ.

"Lord Jesus, please use your precious blood to cleanse my body and mind, don't let me fall into confusion, let me live a holy life, please improve my faith, guide me, and make me understand the truth.

I also declare here in the victorious name of the Savior **** Christ, that I will follow God forever, resolutely reject the devil and all evil spirits and sins, please guide me and redeem me..."

Annis was immersed in the illusion of communicating with God, forgetting the purpose of coming here, and reciting the prayers over and over again, just to forget the figure that haunted him.

This sincere feeling, with the passage of time, has changed from the original impulse and admiration to pain and entanglement.

That's right, one is a servant who swears to serve the Lord, and the other is a woman who dedicates his body and mind to the Lord and keeps his whole body clean. They are destined to be impossible to combine. Whenever he thinks of the identity and status between the two, the deputy priest can't stop his heart like a knife.

"Lord, forgive me for my indebtedness, release me from all the bonds of sin, temptation, and desire; cut off all sinful and unclean connections with me in the spirit, so that I am released and free. Please cut off my feelings, so that I will no longer miss her and adore her..."


The sound of some kind of light object falling to the ground entered his ears.

Annis opened his eyes displeased, and was about to scold the nun who didn't grow up. It was not until he could see the whole room that he remembered that he was in the Holy Sepulchre.

On the slate directly in front, there is a key with the nameplate 233…

This...this is!

The deputy priest held it in the palm of his hand as if he had obtained a treasure. He remembered clearly that the room assigned to Sister Cura, the priest of Aldred, was No. 2, 3, and 3.

"Lord! Are you guiding me, implying me to pursue love bravely?" Annis held the key in his hand with tears in his eyes, and couldn't help looking at the statue of the Son of God.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but the moment he looked at the statue, he seemed to see Christ's approving smile, which was fleeting.

"Have mercy on the Lord!" The deputy priest shouted in an impassioned voice, smashing his head on the ground as if going mad, the skin on his forehead ruptured, bleeding profusely, and he continued to kneel without hesitation.

"Is this guy crazy? Mad believers are scary."

Kara, who was behind the stone pillar, looked at Annis suspiciously, worried that this guy would smash his skull alive. He was just about to step forward to stop him, but found that the deputy said something vaguely at the statue, so that he could match his bloated body. Matching speed sprang out of the Holy Sepulchre.

"My mission is to monitor the Holy Sepulchre, Clark and Nicole will definitely keep up with him secretly." The knight thought.

Outside the Holy Tomb, you can directly observe the entire mausoleum under the Milan tree. Nicole never tire of telling bad jokes, trying to cure her lover's facial paralysis.

"Annis ran away just now." Clark was about to get up.

The female knight quickly reached out and pressed him down, and at the same time waved the other hand indifferently:

"He ran and ran away, don't make a fuss, what else could happen in the daytime? Our mission is to stay at the Holy Sepulchre, not to be his guard. Besides, didn't Yale tell us to stay out of business?"

"You're right!" The man sat down again calmly.

Bruno, no... Sister Cura's temporary residence is arranged in the accommodation area in the east of the monastery, which is a relatively spacious independent room.

Two rooms and one living room, the windows are bright and clean, the furniture is complete, and the walls are painted with light blue paint, which makes people feel peaceful and the air is filled with a faint fragrance.

"The environment is good. It's better than Lydia's room." Yale probed his head to look around, and contentedly took off his shawl and hung it on the hanger in the corner.

The silver-haired knight pushed open the wooden door on the west side, revealing the rudimentary bathing facilities inside, hugged his chest against the wall, and said calmly, "Hurry up and make a quick decision, there will be a big wave of nuns coming over at lunch time, and then there will be some Things are not clear."

While the black-haired knight unbuttoned his shirt, he asked suspiciously, "Why does a nun come during lunch time."

"It's better if you don't know." Bruno covered his face in annoyance, looked at his friend through his fingers, and said with a trembling voice of embarrassment:

"In short, wash up quickly and leave quickly!"

"Don't worry, it's very early." Yale walked to the bathroom, took off his clothes, turned on the water valve and filled a pool of boiling water, and lay down directly in it relying on his thick-skinned physique.

Seeing that he didn't even close the door, the silver-haired knight rushed over and closed the bathroom door forcefully: "If you take a shower in someone else's room, remember to close the door!"

"Don't make such a fuss..." The black-haired knight replied in a daze as he soaked in the hot water comfortably.

Although Yale has an extraordinary physique, he is not an iron man after all. After working so intensely for so long, he quickly fell asleep when he relaxed.

after an hour…

No one takes so long to take a shower! There was no movement at all, he must not have fallen asleep!

Bruno waited patiently until this moment, and finally couldn't bear it any longer, and decided to pull this man out of the pool.

He walked quickly to the bathroom, and forced open the wooden door. The door was halfway open, and through the hot pool, he saw the sleepy face of the dark-haired knight in his sleep.

My heart suddenly softened, and even the anger dissipated.

Forget it, he has worked so hard this time...

Touching the water temperature, the silver-haired knight frowned, turned on the water valve again, raised the water temperature to just right, and then crept out.

The silver-haired knight glanced at the wall clock, fortunately, it was less than nine o'clock...

clap clap-!

Suddenly, after a loud knock on the door, Yingying Yanyan's noise came from outside the door:

"Sister Sis! Open the door, I made a truffle cake for you, please try it!"

"Sister Sister! I finished the silk painting that I said last time!"

"Sister Sister! The hanging basket I planted died. I'm so sad, so sad, and so lonely!"

Bruno's flawless pretty face turned red and green at the sound of the sound - dammit! How could I forget that today is a day off!

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