Fairy’s Box

Chapter 325: It's that kind of relationship

"Of course I will obey all your orders, General." The female soldier raised her neck with a pretty face, slammed her hands on the table, and shouted with a hoarse anger:

"However, don't forget that defending Yunxiao Fortress is also one of our main tasks!"

The neutral reverberation lingered around the main tent, and soon fell silent. After the quiet atmosphere was restored in the space, the generals turned their attention to their coaches.

The smile that remained on Major General Casper's face instantly melted away, his sharp eyes swept across everyone in turn, his tightly knitted eyebrows suddenly stretched out, and he said lightly:

"Of course, the meeting ends here, everyone go back."

"General!" Aurelia blushed suddenly, she now felt as if she was punched in the air, and there was a sense of suffocation that she had nowhere to bear.

At this moment, there was a sudden sound of hurried footsteps outside the main tent, approaching quickly from far to near, and soon, a rough voice with a hint of anxiety came in:

"General! Emergency military situation!"

"Come in!" The red-haired commander's expression sank, his pupils shrunk into a vertical shape, watching the three anxious-looking military police officers running into the tent, and asked in a low voice:

"What's up?"

"Report to the general, the ninth squad of the 1st guerrilla battalion, all members of the 1st guerrilla battalion suddenly fell to the ground during the patrol and died. The cause of death is unknown."

Having said this, the leading military police officer raised his head slightly, looked into the eyes of the coach, swallowed nervously, and continued in a hoarse voice:

"But the medics said they were almost all very frightened before they died, which may have contributed to their deaths."


Major General Casper's eyes flickered for a while, and he motioned for the other party to continue.

"Yes, except for the squad's Master Chief ¬- Rick Ashin, who looked... serene when he died..."

The military police officer said with a strange expression.

"Apart from that, have there been any other riots?"

"Not yet."

After getting a fairly satisfactory response, the coach immediately turned his head and said to the lookout standing on the right side:

"Kandil, help me link the scout camp."

"Yes." The bald knight closed his eyes immediately.


After about five seconds, Major General Casper opened his eyes and focused his gaze on the female soldier's face:

"Although the matter is serious, you can't mess up because of this... Captain Aurelia, I order you to gather a temporary **** team to strengthen the patrol force of the camp. Go now, hurry up!"

"As ordered."

Aurelia quickly led the order to withdraw from the main account. Although she was extremely unhappy because she was interrupted, she was still very honest.


"Great, another one was born!"

Outside the miniature flower shed, Yalei stared at the shed with fiery vigour, admiring the root spirit version of Luya. One litter at a time, four to five per litter, is really a good body that can reproduce.

"..." Luya lowered her head, her arms hung weakly to the ground, her expression was decadent, her eyes were dull, and she looked like she was lost after being hit.

Master Urban turned his gaze sharply here, because the low air pressure around someone was so obvious that one had to think that she was being lazy. Immediately shouted:

"Hey! The red-haired swordsman over there! Move quickly, don't be lazy!"

"Hey! What about you?" Yale immediately pushed the opponent's shoulder.

"Oh..." The female knight responded listlessly, grabbed a handful of special fodder reluctantly, and threw it into the flower shed like a vent.

"Yeah." The super-mage nodded with satisfaction, and then turned his eyes to another location.

Luya took a juvenile Genling out of the flower shed with indifference, and cooperated with Ale to pack it, but her heart kept stirring up storms:

(Why am I here...why do I do such a shameless thing...if that **** Ellencia finds out, my life will end here...I must not let this happen!)

(But... if you think about it carefully, there is nothing to worry about, as long as you stop this guy's mouth, then everything can be regarded as not happening.)

Luya glanced at the black-haired knight silently, and saw that he was concentrating on smearing the whole body of Genling with mud.

(This guy dares to fight with himself at the second level, and he doesn't look like someone who can be bought with money. The routine of coercion and inducement will definitely not work...)

If in normal times, she has a way to deal with such a one-sided idiot, such as forcing the man to bet with her, just by playing a little trick, she can immediately make the other party willing to admit defeat.

It's just that at this moment... there is neither time nor space for myself to play.

In desperation, the female knight decided to resign herself to fate, and took one step at a time, then tentatively asked quietly, "Hey, have you found something?"

"What?" Yale continued to smear the mud, casually answering.

"If these things we do spread out, it may have a little bad influence." Luya expressed her meaning vaguely.

"For you, yes." The black-haired knight rolled his eyes and his expression became serious.

It seems that this guy is not a complete idiot, the female knight secretly sighed with relief, and said sternly: "So, I hope you can keep your mouth shut and don't tell anyone about this."


Yale agreed with a full mouth, and without waiting for the other party to be happy, he immediately added: "I have been struggling with something about you for a long time. As a condition, if you can tell me, then the transaction will be established."

"What did I hear?" The female knight seemed to have heard something unbelievable, her eyes widened in surprise, and then she said sarcastically:

"Don't you feel ashamed to blackmail a lady without grace after being famous?"

"It's a pity, the Bernstein family has not been famous for many years." The black-haired knight deliberately looked up at the sky, glanced at the other party, and said mockingly:

"Someone is not even a lady."

(This hateful man is a lot harder to deal with than I imagined...)

Luya narrowed her red pupils dangerously, and the urge to draw a sword and slash people surged in her heart. Due to the fact that military regulations could not occur, she had no choice but to say indifferently:

"Well, what do you want to know?"

The black-haired knight blurted out: "What conflict happened between Iluncia and you? Or, what is the relationship between the two of you, can you tell me if it's convenient?"

"What, that's the problem."

The female knight's expression instantly relaxed, provoking Xiu Mei, and said seriously: "If I tell you the truth, you must forget everything that happened today."

"Of course! I'll do what I say." Yale put it away when he saw it, and pricked up his ears curiously.

"Okay." Luya took a deep breath, her pupils were suddenly murderous, and her silver teeth clucked. After a long time, she said coldly:

"Once lover, future mortal enemy!"

You really have that kind of relationship!

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