Fairy’s Box

Chapter 374: Heroes of the Country (1)

Casper's body turned into crystal gravel and scattered between the sky and the earth. After the last grain of crystal sand was hidden in the night sky, Yalemo stood up silently and limped towards the ruins of the fortress.

I will keep your words in my heart!

Ebenezer watched him leave, and then turned his eyes to the sky, where the huge dragon shadow had covered the sky above, and Sigmar's voice came down leisurely:

"Ebenezer, you must leave this area immediately. This is the sub-world structure transformed by the essence of the evil god. Soon, it will give birth to the embryonic form of a chaotic world."

"Is there a way to destroy it?" His indifference was so indifferent that he returned to the position where Casper disappeared.

"It has to wait for it to give birth to the core, but at that time it must be born with a large number of monster legions... Be mentally prepared, that is the essence of half an evil god."

"I see. There should be wine in the cellar of the fortress. Please dig them out."


On the ruins on the edge of the fortress, everyone stopped cheering tacitly, because they could all feel how strange the gray space in front of them was, and it seemed that the battle was still going on.

"Are, what happened? Why did you just run away and couldn't even shout." The old sergeant Jerein walked in front of him and asked with a light cough.

"General Casper...he's dead." The dark-haired knight's eyes rolled with icy blood, and the clenched hands were too hard, making the armguards of the armor rattle.


The old sergeant fell silent, and after a long time, he patted his shoulder:

"You have to understand that in war, there will always be glorious sacrifices."

"I understand." Yale nodded stiffly.

"I understand your mood right now, trust me." Annette walked over to him and said sincerely, "But now is not the time to be sad... Sorry, I don't know if it's right to say that..."

"I'm fine." The black-haired knight forced a smile.

"Are Bernstein, are you?" Just when the atmosphere between the two fell into a stagnation, a strange voice suddenly came from behind them.

"I am, is there something wrong?" The black-haired knight tried his best to control his emotions and asked calmly.

"I'm General Ebenezer's adjutant. He asked me to hand this thing over to you, saying it's General Casper's relic." The visitor handed him a long metal box, and then bowed slightly. , then turned around and walked away.


Yale held the metal box in his hand and opened the box cover silently. Inside was a dark blue epee with a restrained divine light. The sword was nearly four feet long. The connection between the scabbard and the sword grid was locked by two metal chains.

"Is this the sword that Mr. Casper left me?" The black-haired knight grabbed the scabbard and the hilt with both hands, and tried to draw out the body of the sword. After several attempts, he was unable to draw it out.

"This is a powerful sword, most of it is a magic sword... and a little bit may be a holy sword." Jere said immediately because he boasted a lot of knowledge.

"Magic sword..." Yale hangs the epee on the sword attached to his belt. Even if he can't use it temporarily, he can only carry it with him first. After all, he can't put it anywhere.

"It seems that the battle will continue, and the light curtain on the opposite side has been spreading." Garth trotted all the way, and said a little unwillingly.

"That's right." Under the visor of the helmet, the corners of the black-haired knight's lips curled into a hideous arc.

"Do you still want to use this box?" Jerein asked suddenly.

"What do you want this box for?" Yale didn't understand what he meant.

The old sergeant took out the yellow crystal from his shirt pocket and smiled:

"Now that the fortress and camp are gone, I always feel that it is not safe to put it on my body. It is better to put it in this box first, then engrave the name and leave it here, so that it can be taken away after the battle is over."

"good idea."

Yale immediately engraved his name with his finger, and then put Charlene's hair in it, Annett also put a coin in the same way, and Goron Kaxia thought about it and put his one in. Only the dagger was put in it.

"And mine." Snake took out a ring and threw it into the box amid the malicious smiles of everyone.

"I have it too." Garth saw that everyone had put it away and that he had nothing left, so he simply cut a handful of beard and stuffed it in with a smirk.

Just as everyone was talking about it, in the red sky with flames, there was a sudden flurry of snow. The snowflakes were as big as a mat cover, or mixed with white ice crystals. Hundreds of miles around the Fearless Fortress were covered in silver makeup in an instant, and then changed again. became the former ice sheet.

"It's snowing, it's finally cooling down!"

"The fire is gone, the special fire is finally out, hahahaha!"

"It's better to freeze to death than to burn to death, go bigger!"

In the cheers of everyone, Major General Ebenezer's figure appeared on the heights of the ruins, scanning the legion indifferently, and in his sight even colder than Feng Xue, everyone returned to silence.

"There are parents and brothers who died in battle, come out!" Suddenly, like ice and stones, a cold and bone marrow voice spread along with the wind and snow.


The dozen or so knights looked around. Although they had not figured out the situation yet, after all, orders were given priority, and they moved to the front with hesitation.

"The only child in the family who has no righteous relatives, get out!"

Dozens of knights walked out of the main force in confusion.

"Those who are unmarried, have no descendants and have no brothers, get out of the list!"

Including Yale, a wave of knights followed in confusion to the front of the team.


Ebenezer looked at them silently, without falling from the beginning to the end, a soft look appeared on the lines of his face, and his voice seemed to have a touch of warmth:

"Since you entered this battlefield full of death, you have been fighting heroically. Now, you have successfully completed all the tasks. You are the backbone of the empire... From this moment on, you have all gloriously separated from the Knights of the Holy Armor and returned home. Go home."

"Go home! Why? Isn't the battle over yet?"

"Everyone came together, how come we are the only ones to go home, we have to go together!"

"General, we have to wipe out those monsters before we leave!"

The knights were in an uproar in an instant, completely unable to accept this order, you protested one after another.


Ebenezer's order was concise and effective, and everyone fell silent again. He was silent for a while, and then said:

"Have you seen the expanding light curtain? It is the prototype of the chaotic world. We can defeat it only when it has nurtured its core... This is likely to be a battle with no return. I can't guarantee how many people will survive... but at least someone has to pass on the blood and spirit of the Knights of the Holy Armor."


His voice rippled along with the drifting snowflakes, and the knights fell into a brief silence. This silence was quickly broken. A swordsman with a wound on his wrist suddenly took a step forward, hammering his chest with one hand, and roaring with red eyes. road:

"Your Majesty has treated me with great kindness for eleven years. I'm not going anywhere. I'm here. I want to live together and die together!"

One stone stirred up a thousand waves, and he seemed to have spoken the hearts of everyone. A heavy shield soldier with a gray beard immediately stepped forward, pressed his right chest hard, and said loudly:

"We have never been intimidated by death in the past, and now we will not cower in the face of death!"

"Where can we go, our home is behind us!" The lookout beside him said excitedly almost at the same time.

At the back of the team, a guardian suddenly knelt down on one knee, his eyes burning with flames, almost melting the surrounding ice and snow:

"Rosevia, is our holy mother, even if we can't open up the land like our ancestors, at least, please let us shed the last drop of blood for it."

Accompanied by his impassioned remarks, everyone only felt their blood boil like fire, and they knelt down on one knee:

"General, we will never leave!"

In this fiery fiery belief, what can't be melted.

No matter how ruthless his character is, Ebenezer can't continue to remain silent in this perseverance that sees death. At this moment, he understands better than anyone that in front of such a warrior, it takes more courage to step back than to move forward.

"Bring all the wine here."

In the ice and snow, dozens of military police officers brought barrels of spirits to the crowd, and at the same time, quickly entered the team.


Ebenezer lifted the wine barrel beside him, smashed the lid of the barrel with a punch, lifted it into the air and took a few gulps, with the spicy taste melting from his chest, he roared in an almost boiling voice :

"Let's all stand up and remember this moment! Today, let us drink the strongest wine, gallop on the last frontier here, let those arrogant evil gods know that even if we destroy the fearless fortress, we still have to face those of us who move. City Wall!"

"Long live Rosavia! Long live! Long live!"

The knights shone brightly in their eyes, raised their weapons high, and the thunderous cheers almost broke through the sky.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa...

Just as they were drinking hard liquor, a strong smell of blood suddenly came from the wind, and everyone suddenly changed color, and turned their attention to the gray space in the distance.

There, the blood suddenly poured down like a waterfall, forming a vast blood wave that swept all directions, reflecting the nearby sky red as blood, and the whole world quickly sank into the sea of ​​blood.

Countless negative energies were mixed with the flesh and blood of the dead knight, rising from the ground and condensing into a ball in mid-air, and the sea of ​​blood rushed up against the sky, covering the surface of the gray-black fog, forming a huge meat cocoon.

When the blood-colored flesh cocoon was formed, the blood rain stopped suddenly, the death energy was exhausted, and the black sand continued to rise from the ground, all indicating that a chaotic and evil sub-world was being born.

A gigantic blood cocoon that covered the sky and the sun lay in the air, the gray space was instantly pitch black, and the surging negative energy was frantically squeezing the middle realm. Suddenly, a few cracks were split open, and the whole world seemed to explode. Open in general turbulence.

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