Fairy’s Box

Chapter 471: Night in Glamorgan (6)

Anyway, I'm going to die. It's good to have such a beautiful girl when she's dying. I heard that some cannibals are good at this.

Thor knew the gap between them, and he didn't bother to resist. He leaned back against the tree trunk like this, looking at each other with a presumptuous attitude, with a lecherous bachelor attitude.

"I didn't expect to be scared away so easily."

What the mercenary did not expect was that the cannibal beauty in front of him glanced at the backs of everyone fleeing, and actually said a standard Rosevian official accent, and the words were so eloquent that he was ashamed. .

"You're not a cannibal?"

He suddenly widened his eyes, with a distraught expression.

"I don't plan to kill you, and I'm not interested in sleeping with you. I'm just sorry to tell you, Mr. Thor, you're out of this game." Nicole leaned forward and stretched out her right hand, pulling the opponent off the ground. Get up and smile slyly:

"You are now welcome to be a part of the audience."


On the other side, the people who subconsciously ran towards the western part of the forest had no choice but to stop. Because it was a dead end, the solid trees ahead stood side by side, forming a despairingly huge forest wall, the reflections almost obscuring the night sky.

"I can't get through here... What should we do?" Cassandra murmured to herself, supporting Martin.

"There are terrifying vines to the north, man-eating monsters to the east, and a dead end to the west... Is there anything else we can do other than go south and try our luck?"

Wayne looked up at the unattainable giant tree, and felt a sense of absurd despair in his heart.

"But what if there are monsters in the south?" Hill asked hesitantly.

"Then we can only fight, choose a place that is relatively easy to break through and do my best." There was a flash of determination in his eyes, and he resolutely walked behind him and took the lead toward the south of the forest.

"Is that the only way?" Cassandra looked at Martin in panic.

"Otherwise?" The latter smiled heavily, took steps, and followed behind Wayne.


The mercenaries looked at the huge wall of trees in front of them, knowing that they had no choice but to follow behind the White Crow mercenary group to the final way out.

This time, the goddess of fate seems to have finally favored them. The farther they go south, the more sparse the direct gaps between the trees, the branches and leaves can no longer block the sky, and the moonlight forms a silver beam through the gaps between the branches and leaves, which sometimes hides in the soft breeze. now.

Perhaps because the ventilation is getting better and better, the ground is no longer muddy. Instead, there is thick grass on one side, and it is soft like a green blanket when you step on it.

"This time we're finally on the right track," Hill said in a timely manner.

"Maybe." Wayne nodded, still subconsciously covering his abdomen with his right hand, even though the pain was no longer there.

"The way out of the forest is the right one, I can see the wilderness ahead." Martin looked through the sparse bushes and looked at the barren grass of equal height in front of him, frowning and never spreading.

The area of ​​the bushes is very small, and it took less than three minutes for everyone to pass through this area, and the curved sickle moon finally reappeared in the night sky after half a sound.

"Are we out?"

The mercenaries seemed to be looking at the sky from a lifetime ago, and they glanced behind them uncertainly, making sure that the nightmarish forest was left behind by them, and they all cheered in ecstasy:

"Great! We're finally out!"

"Let those monsters go to hell, I'm going home!"

"God bless me, God bless me..."

Everyone danced and cheered for a moment. Looking at the weeds of the same height in front of them, they gradually realized that they were still trapped in the wild. The cheering voice quickly disappeared:

"Where should we go now? What should we do?"

Wien pondered for a while, and said facing east: "The north is the forest, the south is the ice field, these two directions must not go... I suggest, let's go east."

"Okay, go east."

After successfully walking out of the forest, everyone subconsciously was willing to follow him, hoping to set foot on the right path again.


After walking fast for about an hour, the mercenaries found that the weeds were gradually disappearing, and there was still circular scorched earth burned by the flames on the ground, which was obviously due to human activities. Their originally uneasy mood immediately calmed down a lot.

"Look, everyone! What is that?" Martin suddenly raised his head and pointed to the northeast excitedly.


Everyone stood on tiptoe and turned their heads to look. On the flat land over there, stood a gray wall. The wall was completely made of polished stones, and in the center was a large arch.

"It looks like a small town.!

"In other words, we are out of the sea of ​​misery?"

"Great, we finally found a living person!"

From abandoning the ship and fleeing to the present, the mercenaries who had been tossing for a long time were tired and hungry. When they suddenly saw a small town, they couldn't control their emotions, and immediately rushed over.

"Let's slow down."

Wayne wanted to stop it, but he couldn't restrain so many people. He could only hold the members of the White Crow Mercenary Group and slowly follow behind them.

When they walked to the front of the fence, they saw that there was actually a brand new iron nameplate on the stone arch, with the name of the town written on it - the town of the brave.

The two slate doors of the arch open inward, and the white stone and brick houses are neatly arranged on both sides of the street. There is a clean slate road at the foot. There is no filth in the sewers on both sides of the road. to the wet flowerbed.

There was not a single person in the town. The mercenaries walked on the empty street and felt as if they were approaching an empty city. There was a faint smell of fireworks in the air, but a faint smell of wood paint.

"Hey! Anyone?"

"We're not bad guys, we're just tourists who have had a hard time."

"We have money and just want to find a place to stay for a night."

The mercenaries spread out in twos and threes, walked to the houses on both sides, and banged on the newly painted door panels, but received no response at all, and had to go deep into the town.

Wayne and the members of the White Crow Mercenary Corps followed behind them, walked along the street, walked to the big turntable in the center of the town, and found a small three-storey building.

The building is also made of white stone bricks, and there is a small courtyard outside. There are no horses in the stables, but piles of dry hay are placed. But what is different is that the top floor of this small building is jumping with the light of candlelight, which immediately attracts everyone's attention.

Wayne approached this small building, just in time to see a wooden sign hanging on the iron fence above, neatly written in Roservian: Hotel of the Brave.

"There are candles in this building, and there is a sign of the hotel. There should be someone."

"The Brave Hotel... Is there anyone staying in a hotel like this?"

"What's weird about this, I just walked all the way, and there are many shops prefixed with Brave, such as Brave Pharmacy, Brave Blacksmith, Brave Weapon Shop, Brave Library, Brave Massage Shop, Brave Hospital... Even the church is a Brave Church, what a bad taste."

"Never mind! Go and see first!"

The mercenaries were a bunch of rude people who licked blood at the edge of a knife. Even if they were a little civilized and reserved, they were wiped out by the reality of being tired and hungry. They rushed up and pushed aside the iron fence.

Wei En followed the team into the courtyard, and the iron fence suddenly closed, hitting the stone trough under the door, making a dull sound. He suddenly felt flustered for no reason, and after suppressing the inexplicable throbbing, he glanced at the small building in front of him again.

"Captain, what's the matter?" Hill asked worriedly when he saw him stop suddenly.

"I don't know... This town feels strange to me, it's like a new city that has just been completed... And with so many houses, only one hotel has lights, don't you think it's strange?"

"Indeed." The three nodded.

"What should I do now?" Martin asked hesitantly, looking at the mercenaries who were knocking on the door.

"Wait first." Wayne stared at the candlelight on the third floor, his expression gradually became serious.

"Open the door, open the door, open the door!"

The mercenaries were so angry that they slapped the door as if to vent. After knocking for a long time, no one came out, so they immediately wanted to break in, grab the **** boss and ask for clarification.

Just when they put this idea into practice, the iron door opened automatically with a bang, bright light poured out, and even the whole town was suddenly full of life.

A figure with an oil lamp appeared in the light. Her face was covered with a veil, revealing only a bunch of green eyes. Her body was wrapped in a white toga robe, illuminating everyone with light, and said calmly:

"Do you all live in the shop?"

"Our mercenaries who were shipwrecked encountered many strange things along the way. I would like to ask you to help us. We want to go home." A mercenary was obviously too excited and said indifferently.

"The neighborhood has always been unsafe, so the people in the town will fall asleep early, and no one will open the door if anyone shouts." The owner introduced briefly.

"So that's the case..." Everyone had an expression of sudden realization.

"Do you live in a hotel?" she asked again.

"We live in the store, we all live in the store, and we also eat, please get us something to eat, anything will do." Everyone messed up a complete meaning.

"Please come in."

The shop owner turned around, walked to the counter inside, took a bunch of keys from the wall, and spread them on the table: "The cost of staying in the shop for one night is thirty sols, do you have any money?


The mercenaries fell into a strange silence. They all mistrusted the **** advertisement and were persuaded to not bring one thing. They boarded the ship empty-handed, and only had a little change in their pockets. They couldn't pay for the hotel. .

"never mind……"

There was a bright ripple in the shopkeeper's pupil, and he reached out and brushed a row of keys, arranging them neatly: "You are all mercenaries, for your unlucky sake, you will be exempted from your room and board fees. It's not impossible."

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