Fairy’s Box

Chapter 483: bloody capital accumulation

Heavenly Capital - Alonidan - House of Commons.


The host, Consul Hans grabbed the gavel representing the divine law on the iron plate, struck the bronze bell engraved with the initial code, and immediately cast his eyes to the front of the bright hall:

"Mister Antony, I represent the will of the Cabinet, His Majesty the Emperor and the Senate, and you are allowed to speak."

Behind the crescent-shaped stone platform, a middle-aged man wearing a white drag robe and short hair and tall and thin walked to the front desk. His hairline was very high, his eye sockets were sunken, and the corners of his lips were obviously bubbling and festering.

Anthony walked up the stairs along the quaint inclined stone steps, passed through the realm of truth in the center of the hall, walked quickly to the back of the podium next to Consul Hans, and closed his eyes to Romulus on the pig iron throne in the rear. The emperor bowed:

"May your summer be forever, and winter be short, my majesty."

After saluting the emperor according to the agenda, he immediately turned around, took out a blood-stained letter from his robe, glanced at the more than 300 members below, and said with a serious expression:

"This is a letter from the people of Emilian to His Majesty the Emperor and the House of Representatives through my hands. In order to prevent the citizens' demands from disappearing for no reason, this time, let me stand behind the realm of truth and bring them unfortunate. and suffering to be made public!"

His voice was strong and powerful. Through the special structure of the parliamentary hall, the ups and downs reverberated in the ears of everyone. Immediately, the expressions of several members changed greatly, and they stared at this man with eyes that could not wait to eat their flesh and blood.

"...that powerful George Pommier deceived and violently took possession of your miserable people - our pastures, which we have owned for generations. He fenced these pastures and other lands as his own all.

"...Later, this George Pommier forcibly seized our houses, fields, furniture and orchards. Some houses were sued for destruction, some were even set on fire by his dispatch, and we were forcibly evicted."

"...If anyone didn't want to, George would surround his house with thugs. Armed with swords and sticks, these men violently broke down the gates of his house, without regard for the cries of his wife and children."

"George Pommier did not hesitate to imprison us, beat us, maim us, or even kill us in order to occupy our land. We could not even save our lives."

Anthony narrated in a solemn tone, and reappeared in front of the crowd a picture of a nobleman oppressing the poor peasants, making them homeless, hungry and cold, and most of the deputies in the audience showed sympathy.

Even Emperor Luomulusi, who was sitting high on the throne and closed his eyes, had a look of unbearableness on his face, but it was fleeting and was quickly replaced by coldness and calmness.

"This is a provocation to the imperial order! This is a blasphemy against the law! This is even more the blatant persecution and oppression of the commoners by the corrupt nobles. When our citizens are illegally violated, what are our courts doing? What are our executive officers doing? What is our Ombudsman doing? Why can someone like George Pommier get away with impunity, I think we all need to reflect on this!"

"Dissent!" Behind the crescent stone platform, a slightly chubby congressman raised his right hand and stood up from his seat.

"Allow!" Consul Hans struck the bronze bell.

"Mr. Anthony, the blood letter in your hand is just a one-sided word. Mr. George is Emilia's main tax collector and a local big philanthropist. What he does is completely in accordance with the law. The rude and false accusation of the farmer who went to the land but repented temporarily!" With sweat on his forehead, his face was pale, and he argued arrogantly.

"It turned out to be Senator Lawrence of Amirien..."

Anthony looked down at each other condescendingly, and a mocking smile appeared on the corner of his lips:

"What you said may be reasonable. George Pommier may be a philanthropist or a robber, and no one of us has said that. So I urge His Majesty the Emperor to send an investigation team directly to find out the truth of the matter, and return George The innocence of a gentleman or innocent farmer."

"Allow." Emperor Romulus opened his eyes and said calmly.

"Thank you for your wise decision."

He suddenly looked happy, turned to face the emperor and bowed again.


At this moment, Senator Lawrence's face was ashen, and he sat down like a lost life clay sculpture.

"We can't let this continue to happen!"

Assemblyman Anthony waved his fist out of thin air, his eyes flushed with excitement, and said indignantly:

"Similar things happened not only in Emilia, but in the whole country, especially during this time, it was so frequent that it happened every moment. Nobles and merchants joined hands to embezzle the peasants' land and make them homeless. They can only be relegated to workshops and emerging factories, engaged in painful labor for up to 16 hours a day. You can't imagine the environment they live in. Businessmen try to squeeze every shred of value from these poor people. This is a loss to life. And the destruction and contempt of basic human rights!"

Having said this, he paused for a while, then increased his voice like a stronger tone, and said with a roar:

"So, I propose legislation to stop this madness, give civilians the legal weapons to resist them, and send to **** those businessmen who are full of filth and greed with every drop of blood!"


Senator Anthony's loud ending slowly dissipated in the hall, but the space was unusually quiet. The Senator did not say a word, and even looked at each other with disgust.


A faint voice came from the throne. Although it was not loud, it sounded like a thunderstorm in Anthony's ears. He almost trembled and turned around, looking at His Majesty the Emperor, and asked incredulously:

"Your Majesty...you...what did you say?"

"There is no problem with private land transactions, and it conforms to the most basic principles of contract." The emperor looked at him blankly, and said word by word in a tone as firm as steel.

"Your Majesty! Do you know what that means?"

His red eyes widened, his voice trembling, and he said with a trembling body, "Are you going to abandon all the farmers in the empire?"

"They can be workers." His Majesty Romulus replied calmly.

"Your Majesty! The living conditions of those workers are like **** on earth, Your Majesty! Please consider carefully, doing so will be tantamount to losing the hearts and minds of farmers across the country!"

"This is progress." The emperor was unmoved, his tone was as cold as ice.

He doesn't care about losing the farmers' hearts, because it's not worth mentioning at all. Even if the farmers in the whole country rebel together, they can't shake the rule of the empire. In the face of the three mountains of the knight class, the mage class, and the bourgeoisie, these farmers are very different in terms of combat power, intelligence and financial resources, and they can't cause much trouble.

"You, you, you..."

Anthony faltered incoherently for a while, and suddenly his face turned blue, he pointed his finger at the sacred and inviolable emperor, and angrily rebuked:

"You are stupid! You are going to destroy the rule of the empire! You are destroying the kingdom of the Agaric Dynasty!"


Consul Hans struck the bronze bell abruptly, and instructed the Kings Guards on the left and right: "Miss Anningi disobeyed in front of the palace and brought him to the lounge. The meeting will not end, and he is not allowed to come in!"

"As ordered!"

The two Kings Forest guards in golden armor immediately stepped forward, held each other up like a chicken, and strode towards the exit of the parliament hall.

"Let go of me! Let me go! Your Majesty, please think twice! You can't abandon the people who are loyal to you! Your Majesty!!" Senator Anthony was still struggling, shouting and crying blood.


When the figure of the other party completely disappeared from the hall, the emperor let out a faint sigh. Anthony was a loyal minister, and most of the farmers were innocent citizens. He is very clear about this, but even if he is as strong as a god, there is still a dead end.

Short of money, the entire empire is now extremely short of money, the deficit has reached the highest level in a century, and the cost of the Hundred Days of Holy War accounts for a huge proportion.

Among them, the pensions for the sacrificed heroes in the Hundred Days Holy War are only a small amount of expenses. The real major expenses are weapons and equipment, and the cost of just one rapid-fire gun is millions of Sols. The production and assembly are purely manual, which is tantamount to selling Golden Cave.

The reason is that Rosevia is an agricultural country. Yes, the empire has developed trade, an advanced financial system, and prosperous handicraft workshops, but agriculture still occupies a dominant position in the national economy.

For thousands of years, Roservia's capital power has been limited by energy difficulties. Although it is also very strong and active, it has always been suppressed by mages and knights. The key is that it cannot substantially increase its military power. .

Now that the energy issue has been resolved, the Magic Stone Revolution and the Armament Act have set off a wave of industrialization, in order to win the Cold War. Rosevia must complete the magic stone revolution, and the capitalists are the cornerstone of the successful completion of the magic stone revolution, so their power must be strengthened.

But the farmers will not obediently enter the factory, because in the traditional consciousness of all Rosevians, it is very unseemly to work in the workshop and it is a lowly occupation, so this plan must be completed through necessary violence.

It was the unanimous decision of the emperor and the cabinet to let the capitalists deprive and devour the land of the peasants first, and then drive them into factories as cheap labor to strengthen capital and industry.

The core of the whole plan is to separate direct producers from the means of production and release more powerful production capacity. Although the farmers are pitiful and innocent, but there is no way, their existence hinders the progress of society.

Because of this, it is clear that with a golden arrow decree, a large amount of food can be recruited from the hands of the Lord of Flowers (the food radiated by mana is not safe, but people who have no food will not care). Emperor Romulus just looked at the hungry farmers after losing their land, just to force them into factories and become workers.

"Next, we continue to negotiate the Enclosure Act and the Homeless Act... Restricting the original common land rights and pastoral rights... The able-bodied homeless people must be forced to work, and if found, they will be sent back to local factories ."

The consul Hans narrated word for word, each one representing the indulgence of capital power and the oppression of the poor people.

However, the vast majority of parliamentarians are full of approval, because the financial masters behind them, or their own families, will benefit from this enclosure movement.

As a matter of course, these two bills were quickly passed by the parliament. When the wooden hammer representing the divine jurisprudence struck the draft bill and announced that it officially came into effect, there were cheers one after another in the hall.

When Senator Anthony, who was under house arrest in the lounge, heard this wave, he saw a picture of the farmer entering a sweatshop in desperation, starving for thousands of miles.

"It's over... it's over."

He walked to the grooming mirror in the lounge, sorted out his clothes solemnly, then walked to the back of the compound door, and slowly knelt down in the direction of the emperor.

"You don't pay attention to it, you don't care about your most extensive people, you will definitely pay for it." With that, Anthony took off the golden ring on his thumb, swallowed it with his head up, and closed his eyes in despair.

At the same time that the congressman committed suicide by swallowing gold, the Isaiah consul had already stepped onto the podium. Facing the calmed congressman, he elaborated on the important direction of the magic stone revolution:

"The center of the Magic Stone Revolution, the center of industrialization, and the foundation of industrialization is the development of heavy industry. In the final analysis, it is to develop the production of means of production, and to develop and strengthen the machine manufacturing industry in Rosevia!"

It sounds lame and extreme, but in fact it is a last resort. Because Rosevia has been focusing on the development of the local area, she has few allies in Antrazu, only Frank (shaking M) and Corella (My son), there are a considerable number of protectorates and vassals outside the territory.

After the formation of the Cold War pattern, the empire fell into an embarrassing situation of almost one-on-one world, and the border and protectorate were far away and difficult to quench their thirst.

The leaders and giants of the Liberty Alliance are playing Rosevi's abacus all the time. While isolating and isolating the empire, a war will be launched at any time, and as long as they think there is such an opportunity and possibility, they will recklessly rush to Rosevia, which is incompatible with them.

"Only by quickly and prioritizing the establishment of a strong heavy industry, and only when the empire itself has an extremely solid material foundation, can the diplomatic and military attacks of this group of hungry wolves be defeated, the strategic initiative can be gained, and the hostile forces can take the lead. During the siege, increase the national strength to the point of crushing them!"

Archon Isaiah spoke in a standard hawkish manner and ended the speech with murderous intent. The next moment, thunderous applause broke out in the hall.

"Like countless wars over the millennia, we will win the Cold War, God Bless Rosevia!"

"God bless Rosevia!"

In the end, the meeting came to an end with the uncharacteristically aggressive speech by Consul Isabel and the furious cheers of the legislators.


Emperor Romulus watched this scene calmly, his eyes cast on the blood book left by Anthony in the realm of truth, casting an ominous shadow in his heart.

A few days later, Glamorgan, after receiving the news, stayed up all night irritably, stood alone in the backyard of the Earl's Palace, walked a few steps from time to time, and kept talking to himself nervously:

"This is crazy! So radical!"


Inside the stone arch in the backyard, three heads appeared from top to bottom. Looking at his violent back, he sighed heavily and quickly retracted.

"What should I do, Yale didn't sleep all night after receiving this news... Now the next day is almost here." Charlene stroked her forehead with one hand, her pretty face full of sadness.

"Your Majesty the emperor is going too far, this is forcing the farmer to a dead end." Nicole said with a face full of depression.

"Give him some time... I believe he will figure it out soon." Bruno patted the green-haired **** the shoulder and said comfortingly.

"By the way, do you think this is a good thing, but in terms of the Enclosure Act and the Homeless Control Act?"

Charlene looked at the two of them anxiously. Although she was the daughter of a noble family, she had never participated in family affairs and had a kind heart.

"What a piece of shit! The ancestors have kept a manor for generations, and the family has houses and fields. This is the happiest day for farmers. The emperors of all dynasties have been on their side, so they can barely maintain this kind of life. Now the emperor is on the side of the capitalists. , they are finished, they will definitely be deprived of their land in various ways and finally driven into the factory!"

Nicole has not yet adapted to her identity as a capitalist, and she firmly stands on the side of the majority of farmers.

"I don't think there is anything wrong. Land consolidation and centralized farming are the general trend, and can increase production capacity. Farmers entering factories are also a force to expand industry. As long as this situation is maintained, Roservia's national strength will be greatly enhanced. At least the price of equipment can be reduced. It's just that the way it was handled was too radical... Things that should have been accomplished in a few decades have been compressed into ten or twenty years, and I really don't think of farmers as human beings."

Bruno was born into a wealthy family and his stance is also biased towards capitalists, but he still felt that the cabinet had gone too far this time.

"His Majesty the Emperor and the consuls of the cabinet are too confident."

Yale's voice suddenly came from behind the three of them. At this moment, his expression has returned to calm, but his tone is still full of anxiety:

"They were too eager for success and too underestimated the power of the farmer."

"What's the meaning?"

The three of them were startled at the same time. Facing the sharp sword of the empire, how much trouble could the farmer cause.

"The farmer himself does not have much power, but you must know that people often seek the help of faith when they are desperate. At this time, if someone is a little deceived and tells those desperate people that their suffering is because they believe in the wrong God. God belongs to illusory, and another **** is the real god, what do you think will happen?"

He asked with a dark face.

"Believe in the evil god!" Charlene, Bruno, and Nicole blurted out.

"This is just the turmoil I can think of... I believe that the gang of people who are trying to subvert the empire must have more talents than me... But so many brothers died in the holy war... Some things are really unimaginable."

Yale looked at the dark red sunset in the distance and slowly narrowed his eyes.

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