Fairy’s Box

Chapter 498: sincerely for you

The boarding passage is a long square corridor. Except for the brown non-slip floor, there are glazed curtain walls on three sides. You can see the night view of the entire station just by looking away slightly.

Charles, the tree elf mother and daughter and his servants are lining up to enter the cabin, the middle-aged gentleman's face is a little blue, and he is staring at Marta with a sullen look:

"Marta! Do you know how much I spent so that you can live a carefree life? You have shown hostility in front of an empire's governor, which almost cost me all my hard work!"

"I just hate him." Marta hid behind her mother, pulling her lower eyelids with her index finger, and grimacing with her tongue out.

"You kid!" The middle-aged gentleman leaned on crutches angrily.


Aisha didn't cover her daughter this time, she reached out and grabbed her arm, and pulled the girl forward with a frosty face: "Do you know how much trouble you've caused Uncle Charles this time? Apologize quickly!"


Marta had no choice but to walk up to the middle-aged gentleman aggrievedly, rubbing the toes of her shoes, looking up at her pretty face and looking at each other pitifully:

"Uncle Charles, Marta knew it was wrong and will never trouble you again."

"If you know what you're wrong, you must change it, understand?"

Charles looked at the girl's endearing appearance, his anger was quickly extinguished by the loving rain, and glared at her feigning anger: "No matter who you meet in the future, you must do the most basic courtesy, and the most important thing is, you can't Show hostility!"

He raised an index finger, shook it in front of the opponent's face, and repeated: "Repeat again, no hostility!"


Marta nodded vigorously, threw herself into the arms of the middle-aged gentleman like a white butterfly, and said obediently, "Marta likes Uncle Charles the most, and I will listen to you in the future."

"As long as you can remember."

Looking at the tree elf girl who gradually revealed his heart to him, he felt relieved for a while, and couldn't help but patted her on the back and said softly:

"This is the end of the matter."


Aisha held her hands to her chest, and looked at each other gratefully with tears in her eyes.

Under this man's meticulous care, her originally frozen heart was finally thawed, and she re-experienced the feeling of love and being quilted. Her whole body seemed to be wrapped in a scalding warmth, unexpectedly relaxed.

Maybe, this man is not only a strong support, but also a good home, Miss Tree Elf thought a little shyly.

The three of them didn't speak anymore, as if the moment they spoke would destroy the warm feeling at the moment, they just held hands quietly, the two hearts that belonged to different worlds lost the estrangement little by little, and gradually got closer.

The crowd suddenly became noisy, and Marta couldn't help turning her head to see that someone was cutting the line. The jumper was a man in a black coat, a large top hat, and a scarf covering his face.

He didn't seem to care about the disgusting eyes of everyone, and strode forward all the way from the back, the corner of his eyes was as sharp as a blade, and he glanced at everyone who passed by him.

"Another annoying person." Marta pursed her thin lips.

"Marta!" Elsa raised her voice slightly, with her hands tucked into her waist, staring at her daughter with reproach.

"Mom, I'm not lying...he has a lot of blood."

The tree elf girl hurriedly gestured and said eagerly: "The man before had a lot of blood around him, but he was very clean. This man has very little blood around him, but his body is soaked in blood."


Aisha glanced at the other party after hearing the words, but did not see any blood, she immediately tightened her eyebrows, and said angrily, "Marta, if you continue to talk nonsense, I will punish you for a month of confinement."


Marta could only hang her head down angrily.

"This kind of thing also depends on the occasion. It's fine to say it in private."

Charles turned to look at the man, his heart suddenly became cold for no reason, as if he was caught by an invisible and cold palm, and then he frowned:

"I don't like him either."


The man in black seemed to have noticed his sight, and turned his head suddenly. After seeing the appearance of the middle-aged gentleman, his pupils shrunk to the size of a pinhead, and he abruptly accelerated his pace.

"Uncle Charles!"

Marta quickly tightened her face, suddenly screamed, opened her slender arms and protected him like a brave mole, and said with a trembling voice:

"You hurry up and run!"

"Marta, you child!"

Charles was enraged by her actions, stroked the tree elf girl's head, and said in a slow voice: "Don't worry, this is not the world of trees, no monsters will suddenly jump out and eat me."

"Mr. Charles Williams?"

The man in black was getting faster and faster, and asked in a deliberately low voice.

"Who are you?"

The middle-aged gentleman narrowed his eyes and looked up and down at each other. The haze in his heart suddenly increased, and he immediately hinted at the servant beside him with his eyes.

"Please stay away from Mr. Charles!" The loyal servant hurried forward, trying to stop the other party in place.

"I'm a crocodile."

The man in black did not move forward, but lowered the brim of his hat with his right hand, and suddenly a flying knife slipped out of the sleeve of his left hand, which he hid in the palm of his hand:

"I'm glad I didn't miss this opportunity. Someone sent me something to give you."

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly raised his right hand, and the dark green pointed flying knife flew out like lightning, and a straight black line slipped out of the air.

"The things have been delivered, goodbye."

The man in black raised his head, and the sharp cold light on the blade of the blade flashed in his pupils, which made the servant tremble physically and mentally, and subconsciously let the other party turn and leave.

"Uncle Charles!" Marta quickly turned around and grabbed the middle-aged gentleman's sleeve.

"I'm fine."

Charles forced a long sigh of relief with a smile on his face, his back was soaked with cold sweat, the cold feeling in his heart quickly disappeared, and then there was a burst of happiness like a life after a catastrophe.

"No, no!"

The tree elf girl shook her head vigorously, tears streaming down her pretty face, she suddenly lifted the middle-aged gentleman's sleeve and raised his arm.


Aisha and the middle-aged gentleman's expressions changed drastically at the same time. There was a shallow scar on their wrist. The wound had turned black and spread rapidly toward the torso along the blood vessels.


"What a waste of time."

Yale glanced at the wall clock on the wall again, looking at the second hand crawling like a snail, his heart was full of restlessness and anxiety.

Obviously everything was well arranged, it's just that Mrs. Candied disrupted her rhythm... Next time you take the airship, you must make an appointment in advance and don't do extra things.

Suddenly, the entire waiting hall rang a deafening alarm bell, and the mechanical female voice in the loudspeaker suddenly stopped, replaced by the eager voice of a middle-aged man:

"Warning! There was a murder in the boarding passage. The murderer was a tall man wearing a black trench coat and a top hat. The exact appearance is unknown. From this moment on, the Gallic Airship Station will be closed in all directions, waiting for the investigation by the executive officer. All passengers please understand."

"Homicide case?"

The black-haired knight raised his eyebrows slightly, which meant that his waiting time would be extended again, and he could be so procrastinated by waiting for an airship. Things have really been going wrong recently.

"Catch him now!"

A high-pitched scream suddenly came from the waiting hall. Yalei looked around, and it turned out that two guards at the station were chasing a man in black. He looked like a murderer described in a loudspeaker. .

Now that he saw it, he naturally couldn't let it go. He squeezed his fist hard and smashed his right arm out like a cannonball.


Punching through the circles of ripples, the air squeezed into a ball suddenly galloped, smashing heavily on the back of the man in black, knocking his entire body to the ground.

"Tie him up." The two guards took out the reinforcement ropes around their waists and quickly tied them up.

"Let go of me, I'm really not a murderer."

The man in black was dizzy after being smashed, and he couldn't make any effort to struggle, just howling in vain: "It's just that someone paid me to hire me to put on this dress and go to the waiting room for a walk at this time. It's just a circle, I really didn't lie!"

"Shut up! It doesn't matter if you're real or not, let's talk about it when you see the executive officer." One of the guards kicked him hard, cursing and forcing him to stand up.

After another guard tied the man in black, he immediately trotted all the way to the position of the black-haired knight, and when they met, he squeezed his legs together and gave him a salute:

"Thank you very much for your assistance, let us catch the murderer."

"Not necessarily."

Yale shook his head and pointed in the other direction.

The guard turned his head and saw that there were several people wearing black coats, with thick towels wrapped around their faces, and almost the same height and dress, squatting on the ground, not daring to move at all—they were taken by the black-haired knight. Started scared.


Temporary emergency room

"Doctor Gilante, the patient's body has reached its limit... It can no longer continue to bleed." A nurse removed half a bucket of pitch-black blood and raised her head palely.


The attending doctor put down the scalpel in a slump, shook his head at Miss Tree Elf, and said softly with a bleak face: "We have done our best, this is the highly poisonous swamp blue crocodile... There is not much time left for Mr. Charles."

"How could this be?" Aisha stood up from the bench in panic and looked at the attending doctor pleadingly: "I can't live without him, please find a way to save him!"

"I understand your feelings." The other party shook his head regretfully: "But we really have no choice. The toxin of the swamp blue crocodile has no solution, and we can only carry it with physical fitness. If Mr. Charles' physique is a little stronger, the result will be Maybe it's different."

"Aisha...my Aisha...where are you?" Charles opened his scattered eyes wide, scratching at the air while he was dying.

"Charles, I'm here! I'll always be by your side." The tree elf quickly grabbed his wrist, tears dripping down on the sheets like pearls.

"Aisha...I was summoned by the Lord, I'm going to die." The middle-aged gentleman's face quickly turned gray, his eyes that lost their light looked directly at the ceiling, and two lines of turbid tears slanted down:

"I can't continue to hug you in the future...to protect you..."

"Charles, Charles..."

Aisha clenched the palm that once disgusted her, and whispered the other person's name reluctantly. For the first time, she felt that this man was so important to her.

"Damon, are you there?" Charles looked left and right.

"Yes master, I have been here." The loyal servant replied with a choked sobs.

"I want to ask you to be a witness with all the people here."

The middle-aged gentleman's face had turned black, but he still squeezed his chest, and said in a trembling voice:

"All the factories, manors, and properties under my name are inherited by Aisha. All the shares of the consortium under my name are inherited by my adopted daughter, Marta."

"As ordered." The servant frowned, but still agreed.

"Aisha...my angel."

Charles felt that his vitality was draining from his body, and he breathed in vain, but his voice became weaker and weaker:

"My whole life... I've been fighting for money... but only you... let me know that there are better things in this world."

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry..." Elsa hugged him tightly in tears, she knew it, she always knew it.

The other party has been trying to melt himself with sincere and hot feelings, but he has never responded to this feeling, and even used him from beginning to end.

Ugly... Who is really ugly?

She looked at this man with tears in her eyes, recalling the expression on his face when she met him, and looking at him who was dying now, her heart ached like a knife.

Tick ​​tock!

Tears from the tree elf dripped into Charles' eyes, blended with his tears, and the miraculous magic restored the man's sight.

"Aisha...are you crying for me?"

The middle-aged gentleman showed a surprised expression, then looked at her distressedly, stretched out his right hand tremblingly, and wiped the tears from his lover's cheek:

"But... I always... want you to smile for me."


Aisha put his cold hand between her cheeks, and her soft face burst into tears, blooming like a white orchid, revealing a very warm smile, and even the curvature of the corners of her mouth was so perfect.

The long pale blond hair also seemed to float in this beautiful smile... Yes, this is the smile that I have always dreamed of... This is the smile of an angel, dispelling the coldness of death... The world is so bright, Not a single blemish.

"How beautiful."

Charles sighed in fascination, with a smile still hanging on his face, his right hand slammed into the sheets, life... had completely left him.


"What? The one who was killed was Charles? Are you sure?" Yale immediately stood up from the seat, staring at the guard with a wry smile on his face, an expression of disbelief on his face.

Just a few minutes ago, the two of them were still chatting and laughing here, but in a blink of an eye, the rich man who kept two tree elves died.

"How dare we deceive you."

The guard spread his hands helplessly, pointed to the waiting hatch in front, and explained patiently:

"Just a few minutes ago, we were called to the police that a passenger had been poisoned. We learned from his two tree elf companions that it was a man in black with a scarf wrapped around his face, but It was too late to find out."

"So, it was a well-planned murder." The black-haired knight looked around at several men in black who were squatting and shivering on the ground, and suddenly asked:

"How many entrances and exits does the entire waiting room have?"

"One entrance, one exit, and two emergency evacuation routes."

"Are there guards at the door?"

"Yes... But there was a time difference of several minutes from the discovery to the police, to when we started chasing the murderer... It is very likely that the murderer has escaped..." He said hesitantly.

"Most have escaped."

Yale narrowed his eyes and looked at the other party calmly: "The agility of tree elves is far superior to that of ordinary humans. Being able to kill people in front of them is definitely not ordinary... Take me to meet those two tree elves."


In the temporary emergency room of the airship station, Marta counted the second hand on the wall clock. Before she reached five hundred, the closed frosted glass door suddenly opened, and several doctors in white coats walked out.

"Miss Doctor, how is Uncle Charles doing?" the anxious tree elf girl hurriedly chased after him and asked.

"I am so sorry."

A look of embarrassment flashed across the nurse's face, she quickened her pace, and shook off the girl behind her.

"Mr. Doctor," she still reluctantly caught up with the other side of the white coat, dragged the other side's sleeve, and begged to ask: "Uncle Charles, he..."

The doctor couldn't escape in time, so he could only say apologetically: "Sorry, we don't have any medicine for swamp blue crocodile toxin, so we can only help Mr. Charles carry out conservative bloodletting treatment... He... failed to survive."

"Cheat... cheat..."

Marta let go of her hands in despair, her bright eyes instantly lost their color, and everything around them was rapidly disappearing, leaving only herself and the boundless darkness. A majestic and invisible voice was rapidly approaching:


This is the world of mortals, a fragile and ugly world.


Charles died because of you, and you can't change anything.


Not having power is a sin.


Hate your own incompetence.


"Marta, Marta!" Elsa whispered her daughter's name, pulling her back to reality from the darkness.


The tree elf threw himself into his mother's arms, his body trembled violently, and finally he couldn't help crying: "Uncle Charles is dead, I obviously saw everything, but I couldn't help him."

"this is not your fault."

Elsa stroked her daughter's hair lightly, her eyes filled with confusion, even if she inherited Charles' wealth, where would she and Marta go?

He is nowhere to be found.

"Although I really don't want to appear at this time, now is not the time to be sad." Yale appeared in front of them, looked at the two heartbroken tree elves, and asked blankly:

"There are some details about Charles' death that I need to ask you."

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