Fairy’s Box

Chapter 541: gun of destiny

Elena laughed loudly for a moment, and gradually withdrew her smile. Looking at the surging sea in front of her, she covered her flushed cheeks with her flared sleeves, and said in a trance:

"I know what you're up to lately."

"I'm not surprised at all, after all, you are the witch queen who is proficient in prophecy... The prophecy last time really made me miserable." The black-haired knight showed an indignant expression.

"Do you think I'm lying to you?" The Queen Wu continued to cover half of her pretty face, looked away from the sea, and looked at him with a pair of sapphire blue pupils.

"Didn't you tease me?" Yale stared at the other party's eyes and looked at her with a reproachful look.

"Forget it... All in all, I've been here in Celtic for a long time, and I originally planned to stay here to help you, but some guys have noticed my existence... So, I must solve my own troubles first. "

Elena waited for the blushing between her cheeks to dissipate, and slowly lowered her arms, a solemn expression appeared on her exquisite face, her eyes fixed on the other's eyes, and she said word by word:

"Watch out for men with short guns."

"Short gun? Why?" The black-haired knight was once again confused by her.


Miss Wu Queen tightened her eyebrows, her pretty face suddenly turned white, she quickly covered her thin lips with her slender hands, and said vaguely:

"Because I saw some strange clips, it was a blood-stained short gun that pierced the hearts of many warriors, one of which was you."

"Heart?" Yale subconsciously put his right hand to his chest, then smiled easily:

"It won't kill me if I pierce the heart."

"Do you think I'm joking?" Elena put on a cold expression, her blue eyes shone with cold silver light in the setting sun.

"Okay! I believe in you!" Although the black-haired knight felt that the prophecy was a bit inexplicable, he still wrote down the other party's words for the sake of the previous generation of witch queens.

"Don't forget it!" After Miss Wu finished saying this, she moved her right hand away from her thin lips and warned again seriously:

"It was a short gun with blood on it."

"Yes, I'm sure I remember it." Yale replied solemnly.

"Looking forward to seeing you next time."

Elena finally showed a relieved smile and grabbed his hand. Before the other party could respond, the entire body was swallowed by a sudden black cavity.


The Papal State of Achaemeni, the Temple of All Nations.

Hundreds of bell-shaped stone columns form a magnificent column forest, and the golden throne stands imposingly above the hall. These columns are engraved with vertical grooves, and the capitals and bases of the columns are engraved with exquisite carvings. The dome is full of frescoes depicting heavenly scenes, in which countless angels spread their snow-white wings, and the brilliance of the setting sun shoots in from the cross-shaped upper-hung windows at a high place, leaving crosses of light on the white jade ground in the hall. , the largest of which is in front of the Holy Cross behind the Golden Throne.

This cross of light just coincides with the holy cross made of gold, making the entire throne shrouded in light, looking solemn and holy.

"The new governor of Celtic has now cut off the trade channel and gradually integrated the strongest types of monsters in the area. He is currently preparing an army. The King of the Highlands means that we hope that we will increase assistance."

Cardinal Joseph stood directly below the golden throne, his eyebrows lowered, and he narrated respectfully.

"The attitude of the Rosevians towards the southern Celts is just a buffer zone. Even sending a knight of origin to become the governor is just a show to delay time. And the population of the northern Celts is a hundred times greater than that of the southern ones. It stands to reason. In other words, even if we don’t give any assistance, the Fannon family still has an absolute advantage.”

The voice from the throne is full of majesty, a temperament that can only be cultivated by staying at the top of power for a long time.

"But our goal is to expand to the south. Only by integrating the entire Celtic Free Alliance can we form a coercion over the Gaul region, thereby disrupting the Roseviers' position... We need a strong highland kingdom, even if they The body is full of ambition and greed."

He narrated without haste or slow, until he fully explained what he meant, then turned his eyes to the golden throne, bowed slightly and said:

"This is also the situation you would like to see in the Holy See."

Looking at the entire Polis Plain, the only person qualified to sit on the golden throne is the current Pope, Hailifan III.

At this moment, the ruler of the supreme heaven is wearing a triple crown, holding a cross in his hand, and wearing a luxurious black robe. The style is somewhat similar to that of a cardinal, but it is more delicate and luxurious. More than the most expensive silk, indescribable fabrics, piping embroidered with gold thread, like the hem of a cloak, with two streamers at the back, hanging down the back.

"Therefore, I will send Itril to subvert the **** of the Orthodox heretics in the southern Celts"

The Pope's silver mask-covered face showed a smile, his eyes turned to the stooped cardinal, and he said slowly:

"And you, Cardinal Yusuf, will reverse the heresy of the Orthodox Church and re-proclaim the Gospel of God."

"my pleasure."

Yusuf showed his gratitude just right. He knew very well that this was the reward promised by the Pope. As long as he won the southern Celtic, he could get the entire Celtic island.

However... it is naturally important to spread the faith, and to oppress Gaul, but if an angel of the rank of Itril is dispatched for this reason... it is too risky.

After thinking seriously for a moment, the cardinal said hesitantly:

"Sending angels to participate in disputes in this world may cause anger on the Rosevi side... It may even trigger a full-scale war between the Free Alliance and the Order Alliance."

"The dispatch of Yituer is just the last weight to ensure victory."

Hai Lifan III raised the right ring of the index finger of his right hand, and shot a pure white beam of light, which was then projected onto the altar below the throne, and said in a low voice with fanaticism:

"In the farthest ancient times in legend, when the world was still integrated, there stood a world tree in the center of the earth that supported the heaven and the earth. It had seven branches and turned into the sword of **** of the supreme heaven, and correspondingly there were seven rhizomes. , turned into a long gun."

Along with the ups and downs of echoes in the space, the center of the altar burned a white flame, and in the center of the flame, a peculiarly shaped branch slowly rose.

This branch looks like two twisted rhizomes intertwined, like a strange tree with deformed growth, but it is obviously wood, but it is covered with rust, especially at the pointy position, it is actually stained with a trace of blood. .

"This... this... don't tell me...!"

Joseph stared at the branches in the flame, his eyes were round and round, and his body couldn't help trembling with the throbbing of the holy flame.

"Adhering to the power of the World Tree, that long spear has the power to smash fate, and defense of all nature is meaningless in front of it. It's a pity... It is permanently damaged in the collision of the sword of the end of everything, and the sword of the end is also useless. As a result, it shattered half of the blade. Later, the emperor of Rosevia made the spear of Jusius by imitating it, and slaying a powerful pagan god."

The Pope stretched out his other hand and drew the objects in the holy flame to the palm of his hand, then clenched the middle of the branch. short gun.

The flame in the center of the altar slowly rose, and then wrapped around the short gun, sealing it into the shape of a scroll.

"Come here, my bishop."

Hailifan III held a scroll made of a short spear in his hand, and beckoned to the cardinal who had completely lost his calm and composure below the throne:

"Accept this is your sacred mission."

"Holy See, how can I trump the glory that belongs to you." Bishop Joseph crawled on the ground with a terrified look, his body shivering on the white jade-paved floor.

"No need to panic, this is a rational and divine choice. We must take advantage of the rare advantage now to achieve real results."

The Pope's face under the silver mask was calm, and he said calmly and calmly: "Even an immortal warrior can only drink hatred and fate."


Glamorgan, Nightmare Ruins.

In this new army training camp, the sound of neat footsteps stirred up the sky, and a group of new recruits formed several rows of horizontal teams clumsily in the voice of the officer's command.

"Idiot, distinguish your left foot from your right foot and keep your pace!"

"Hold up the rapid-fire gun in your hand, flat raise, do you understand what is flat raise?"

"Kids in the third row, don't always look left and right, look straight ahead, and use the corner of your eyes to pay attention to your left and right teammates."

The 200 instructors constantly shuttled back and forth in the squad under their command, swearing and teaching the recruits, and using the simplest and most effective method to teach them to move forward.

On the high platform in the distance, Yale watched all this silently. Everything was going smoothly for the time being. The new army he imagined was actually not that difficult. .

Compared with the traditional way of training, it is much faster. The reason is very simple. Hand-to-hand combat skills can not be learned in a few months, at least a few years are decades of hard work.

It will take at least a few years for such an army to take shape, and the military will certainly not let it go easily after it takes shape, and often press them for decades.

And the treatment can't be low, otherwise the fool will join the army.

This kind of training camp-style legion can indeed train a large number of high-level warriors, but unfortunately the efficiency is really low. Without the national strength of Rosevia, it can't stand such waste.

Among them, a large number of soldiers who were stuck in the second rank became ruffians, because they were not used in the war, it was useless in small-scale battles, and they had no hope of advancing to the rank.

The idea of ​​Celtic military reform in the future is to use this part of the soldiers who cannot break through and are forced to become ruffians by reality, thereby greatly enhancing the military power of the empire.

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