Fairy’s Box

Chapter 596: arrest

Soon after the formation of the garrison army, it brought a large number of middle-class families to the Celts, which made the only economic and administrative center in the area, the city of London and London, increasingly prosperous. The streets of Spring Day are full of life, and it is even rare to say that there is a lot of traffic. Everyone is in a hurry, and most of them are busy with spring ploughing.

A beautiful young woman walked to the street. She was wearing a white mask and a beige suit. Her hair was delicately combed back, revealing a beautiful jade neck. Under his feet were a pair of high-heeled shoes with bright leather, a deerskin satchel on his shoulders, and his thighs wrapped in pantyhose were slender and round, looking as reserved as a lady.

Walking north along the street, the filthy smell of mixed flavors in the residential area is getting stronger and stronger in the air. Fortunately, the cold of winter has not gone away, otherwise the filth poured on the street and in the ditch will soon rot. Then the city of London will be enveloped in a terrible stench.

It is obvious that the city's infrastructure construction cannot keep up with the development, but the Governor's Palace, which is keen to expand the military, is ignorant of this, and it seems that there is no plan to pay for it at all.

The glamorous young woman walked through the residential area into a filthy pub, and after taking a key from the bartender, her modesty immediately disappeared, becoming tense and tight.

She took off her mask, looked at the informant with a smile, and said to please:

"good afternoon."

"Why did you come looking for me today, and you're out of medicine so soon?" The informant seemed a little surprised by her well-behaved attitude, looking at the other party with a puzzled face.

"There are many more medicines."

Aisha looked at the other party with a blushing face and murmured excitedly: "Didn't you send someone to inform me yesterday that in order to reward me for successfully hooking up with Arcia, allow me to make a request, I just want to see my daughter."


The informant suddenly turned pale with fright, his body trembled violently, and he almost fell from his seat:

"I didn't send anyone to inform you!"


Miss Tree Elf's pretty face lost its blood in an instant, her throat squeaked, but she couldn't utter a word.

At this moment, the sound of footsteps like a tidal wave came and stopped downstairs in the bar, followed by a commotion, which made the two people in the room unable to control their fear, like puppets. as stiff in place.

"Quiet! Quiet!"

A loud voice roared a few times, but the tavern was still noisy. After the sound disappeared for a few seconds, a shattering sound of utensils suddenly sounded, mixed with the sound of sporadic heavy objects falling to the ground.

Soon, the tavern became eerily quiet, and there were only a few faint roars left. The loud voice cleared his throat and announced in a roar-like voice:

"There is an order from the Governor's Office to suspect that the Champagne Tavern is colluding with foreign forces, hiding spies, and conspiring to do something wrong. It is specially sealed up, and no one is allowed to enter!"

"Arrest everyone here, and let no one go."

The informant walked quickly to the window and tried to escape by jumping out of the window, but found that the entire tavern was surrounded by a heavy armored army, and suddenly fell to the ground with a gray face, muttering to himself:

"It's over, it's over... it's over."


Aisha's face turned red and white, her breathing became faster and faster, and she suddenly turned her eyes to the person on the line.

"You idiot, it's all because of you, the master's plan failed, and I'm going to follow." The other party didn't seem to understand the meaning of her gaze, and cursed like crazy:

"You are dead, so is your daughter, she will become the most sought-after prostitute in an underground brothel!"

"No, no."

Miss Tree Elf shook her head, suddenly took out a dagger from her satchel, and flew towards him like a female beast. The blade instantly pierced his heart, and the blood red rushed out like a waterfall.


The informant's eyes widened in disbelief, and the expression was fixed on his pale face.

"As long as you are dead, no one will know my identity, so... your family should be able to survive... provided your master speaks."

After Aisha whispered these words in his ear, she let go of her hands and let the other party's corpse collapse to the ground, took a few steps back, and fell back on the seat at once.

The next moment, the door of the room was kicked open with a kick, and Beverly rushed into the room with several guardsmen, looked at the body of the informant, and then glanced at the tree elf slumped on the seat.


The red-haired boy's eyelids twitched. He didn't expect that the other party would have the courage to kill someone under such circumstances. It seemed that he was negligent.

Silently writing down this lesson, he said with a livid face:

"I seem to underestimate you a bit."

"I don't know what you're talking about. This man tried to **** me and was killed by me. If you want to catch it, catch it." Aisha closed her eyes and said with a trembling voice.

"Take her away!" Beverly snorted coldly and waved back.

The two dark-faced guards immediately stepped forward, stretched out their ape arms, lifted the tree elf from the seat like a rabbit, pinched her arms, and walked towards the door.

Aisha opened her eyes and said hurriedly, as if holding the last life-saving straw:

"Wait a minute! I'm going to contact a lawyer!"


The red-haired boy showed a sneer on his face, looked at the back of the tree elf, and said coldly:

"I'm sorry, this is the Celtic province. We are not executive officers, we have no court, and we don't have the lawyer you want. The governor's order is everything."

After finishing speaking, he raised his chin towards the Weisuo Army: "Take this woman away and be careful not to let her commit suicide."

The closure of the champagne pub is like a death knell for some people, but for the local residents, it is just a chatter after a meal. Few people care about where those who were captured end up going.

Elsa was escorted by the guards into a carriage, and like a large number of innocent unlucky people caught in the tavern, it was transported to Glamorgan, west of London.

Along the way, the tree elf is like a delicate puppet that breathes, completely losing its response to the outside world, so that the guards guarding her need to deliberately push and shove from time to time to check the signs of Aisha's life.

It's finally coming to an end...

This ending may not be bad, at least, I haven't had time to hurt Arcia, Marta... I hope she can live well...

The road continued to stretch forward, and she opened her eyes from time to time to look around, and found that after she did not reach the end, there would be a ripple in her calm heart, both fortunate and regretful.

Finally, the carriage stopped, and in front of it was a spacious courtyard full of spring, with the scent of jasmine and cinnamon wafting in the air, and red or yellow fruits dotted between the branches and leaves.

The tree elf was supported by the guards, walked through the slate-paved vestibule, passed the straight road, and approached the hall of the Earl's Palace gently.

Looking at the tall figure with her back facing her, Aisha stopped, confirmed her memory and judgment for the last time, and called out the title she hadn't called for a long time:

"Lord Governor."

"Meet again, Miss Elsa."

Yale turned around, put down the golden gun barrel in his hand, squared it on the side of the weapon rack, and turned his eyes to the pale but calm face of the tree elf:

"I never imagined that the third meeting between you and me would take place in this form."

"I killed someone... The owner of the tavern tried to violate me, and then I accidentally killed him." Elsa subconsciously moved her gaze to the floor, her voice lowered a few degrees, and said weakly:

"If you want to execute me, do it."

"She lied!"

Beverley's voice came along with his footsteps.

"I can 100% conclude that this woman has ulterior motives to approach Arcia."

The red-haired boy walked to the tree elf, glanced at her sideways, and said loudly:

"She killed her intentionally to silence her. Through the review along the way, the bartender of that pub has confessed. This woman often goes to a special room to be with the bar owner."

"so what?"

Elsa didn't even look at him, and calmly defended:

"I just have business dealings with him, and we don't know each other well. No one knows what happened to the guy today. He jumped up in the middle of the conversation and tried to violate me."

"Miss Elsa, you are really articulate."

Beverly walked in front of her, stared at those bright eyes, and said strangely: "It's a pity that dead people can't speak, right?"

The tree elf avoided his sight, took a deep breath, and said lightly:

"I do not understand what you mean."

"It's okay if you don't understand... Can you explain this thing?"

The red-haired boy took out a glass bottle containing white powder from his arms, shook it in front of Aisha, and asked with a sneer:

"Why do you have this in your house, and why is it stored in the cellars of the champagne houses."

"It's just sleeping pills, sir."

Aisha's heart shook violently, she bit her delicate thin lips, and argued stubbornly: "That guy sold this sleeping pill privately, and it works very well. I often suffer from insomnia, and I need to take it to calm my mind."

"Oh... sleeping pills."

Beverly deliberately made an expression of sudden realization, took the glass bottle back into his hand, stared into her eyes and asked:

"In that case, please tell me why you bought sleeping pills from a tavern owner, what is the name of this drug, what is the unit price, and how many doses are appropriate to take at a time?"

"It's...by a coincidence, the first time I came to Celtic, I lived there...and lost sleep all night...the tavern owner recommended this drug to me. I don't know its name...it seems...the owner called him White powder, the unit price is twenty sols a bottle... The dose is about ten carats in one ounce."

After the tree elf reluctantly answered the other party's question, beads of sweat appeared on his white forehead.

Beverly narrowed his eyes, and after a moment of silence, a smile finally appeared on his face:

"you are lying!"

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