Fairy’s Box

Chapter 753: barrier of the heart

A month later, in January of 1498.

training room.

Yale closed his eyes tightly, and his body faintly revealed a flawless diamond-like ray, and there were faint traces of black energy slowly gathering around him, and these black auras danced around him like lines.

Just yesterday, he transformed the power of the earth that he had trained to the peak into the power of the soul. The strength of the soul reached 87, and the body also had an energy level of 4,000 degrees. The soul, body, will, and control were almost reached. to the highest degree.

Now, the black-haired knight is studying the last fighting spirit - dark fel energy.

As powers that can only be controlled by special physiques, the power of electricity and the power of darkness are recognized as two wonderful flowers in the Fire of Life system. The predicament of extinction.

None of the inheritors who have studied dark evil energy in the past dynasties can die well, although there are only three of them in total, but the exact same self-destruction method of death will still make onlookers feel intimidated. Therefore, it was rumored that the three people became tigers, and it was very irresponsible to learn the dark evil energy.

Of course Yale wouldn't believe such rumors, but he also knew that there must be some kind of flaw in the dark evil energy, and self-destruction was just a series of flaws that accumulated to the final outbreak.

This is also related to the characteristics of the power of darkness. Like the power of electricity, the power of darkness also brings the domineering and extreme of the fire of life to the limit. Just like the external expressions of the two, the power of thunder has the property of violently destroying everything. If it is cultivated to the extreme, it will even destroy itself.

The power of darkness has the ability to devour all the fire of life. As long as the learner is strong enough, it can even absorb and digest the power of electricity, and finally use it completely for its own use - but the loss will be relatively large.

As the master of dark evil energy, it can even assimilate and absorb non-human life force, and transform it into the fire of its own life. Judging from this special effect, the use of the word fel energy is not an exaggeration at all.


The black-haired knight's mind sank into the vindictive movement, and suddenly there was a feeling that with the increase of dark evil energy, the cellular consciousness that constituted the body came to life one after another.

A burst of indistinct, ethereal and unusual voices kept getting into Yalei's ears, like many voices made by "self". Hundreds of millions of faint consciousnesses are sending the same signal that they are hungry and need more and more energy.

The sounds were uniform at first, but gradually began to murmur.

Yale suddenly broke out in a cold sweat. He did not expect that his current soul strength could penetrate deep into the cellular level, nor did he expect that the side effect of dark evil energy would actually alienate cellular consciousness.

He took spell classes while at the Obelisk, and also learned anatomy, knowing that it is the coordinated operation of cells that can form a complete life cycle.

And these weak consciousnesses, which are almost only instinctive, constitute his complete consciousness as a person-now these instinctive consciousnesses have turned from weak to strong under the stimulation of dark evil energy, and even have a tendency to alienate and become independent.

The black-haired knight now understands a little why the end of the inheritors of the past generations is so miserable. The digestive ability of the dark evil energy to devour all the fire of life was originally obtained by strengthening the independent consciousness of cells. No wonder it will explode in the end.

Just like a country, in order to gain military strength as soon as possible, let the local forces become warlords and separatists. In the end, it must be the backlash of warlords and the disintegration of demons.

By stimulating cellular consciousness, dark evil energy makes the body's activity and compatibility unprecedentedly improved, and it can even digest alien vindictiveness. In a short period of time, it may be possible to rapidly improve strength and enhance vitality, but in the end it will be over because of the conflict of cellular consciousness.

Ordinary people know the details of the dark evil energy, maybe it is time to get lost at this moment, abolish this self-destructing grudge, and burn these pits and secret books to avoid future troubles.

Yale thought so at the beginning, but he soon discovered that this ill is not the defect of dark fel energy, but the defect of dark power itself. In other words, if you want to practice the power of darkness, you must swallow this bitter fruit.

This pitiful result made him confused. Seeing that he could practice the eight extremes, how did he finally find out that the power of darkness is such a wonderful thing.


The black-haired knight spent an afternoon in pain and tangle, watching the sunlight cast mottled light and shadow on the brown floor through the dark green camphor, the ripples of the heart lake gradually rippling with a sudden thought.

He thought of a seemingly feasible method. Since the characteristics of dark power enhancing the consciousness and vitality of cells cannot be eliminated, then use powerful soul power to erode these cells and make them all become a weak independent version of himself.

This may be a huge and arduous project, but Yale has the confidence to complete it all because his soul power is so strong that it can almost take shape in the material world, and even has enough power to resist the Styx for a short time. .

Since he wasn't even afraid of Styx, why should he be afraid of the power of darkness - in the face of the perfect body that seemed to be close at hand, let him make up his mind to give it a shot.


After the black-haired knight had the same joints, his mind fell into a state of absolutely pure self-perception. All his feelings, all thoughts, all contracted inside his body, radiating a little flesh and blood on his fingers.

I am afraid that even the last King of Fear has not used the ability of soul erosion on himself, so he is very careful and intends to use this little flesh and blood as a test, continue successfully, and find another way if he fails.

He closed his eyes, entered the state of oneness of man and god, and then ran the dark evil energy, desperately activating and strengthening that little bit of cellular consciousness.

Soon, those cells exhibited distinctive properties, becoming stronger, more dynamic, and even dramatically increasing their lifespan. In the end, these cells can actually identify harmful substances and expel them from the body,

Disadvantages are also emerging. For their own interests, they begin to compete for nutrients and devour each other. At this moment, Yalei began to use the soul power that penetrated deep into the cellular level to perform soul erosion.

The beginning was not smooth, these cells could not withstand his power at all, and died one after another.

But a miracle happened when the black-haired knight adjusted his strength to the right level, and these powerful cells returned to order, recognizing themselves as part of "Are Bernstein" in another way, And this consciousness is fully replicated as cells divide.

Later, the black-haired knight found that he didn't need to use soul erosion at all. He only needed to use powerful soul power combined with consciousness to irradiate these cells to produce the same effect.

Time passed by minute by minute, while running the dark evil energy, while using the "big unity" to fight the "split", the cell consciousness of the whole body was swept away.

Let these stupid cell warlords and cell independent forces get back on track.

In the process, with the growth of dark evil energy, the power of his soul has completely penetrated into the cellular level, the cellular consciousness is completely unified, and there is no hidden danger. The physical function has been enhanced again, leaping from four thousand to five thousand, and the activity has skyrocketed to an unbelievable level.

The black-haired knight suspects that he will reach the peak of dark evil energy. If he leaves a drop of blood, as long as he absorbs enough energy, he will grow into a complete self.

Moreover, this highly unified and powerful consciousness will also condense and magnify the spirit, forming a kind of ability only possessed by the divine body.


Yale opened his eyes and stood up straight from the seat cushion. With his movement, it was as if an invisible ripple flowed through, as if it was a superposition of the coming of an illusory spiritual world. With the black-haired knight's body at the center, everything within a dozen yards seemed to become unreal.


With a light and crisp sound, a translucent hexagonal light shield rose in front of the black-haired knight. With the penetration of sunlight, a colorful halo appeared on the crystal glass-like barrier.

Clang clang clang clang clang-!

In the roar, one side of the wall of light condensed out of thin air, the edges were closely connected, and overlapped to form a flawless regular dodecahedron, completely protecting Yale inside. Cell consciousness is highly unified, radiating a powerful life force field, repelling all substances except "self".

A similar ability, the black-haired knight has seen it in the evil **** of the universe, but he didn't expect that he can have it now.

Yale relaxed his vigilance a little, and the dodecahedron crystal barrier revealed a hint of illusoryness. As he regained his normal mind bit by bit, the barrier also turned into a mirror-like phantom, and finally disappeared completely.

"This is a sign of approaching the body of a god."

The black-haired knight clenched his fist slowly, feeling the vigorous vitality and vitality in his body, and suddenly pointed his hand out of the window, a dark vortex slowly turning in his palm.


A passing wild cat was pulled into the room by the suction before it even had time to fry, and its body quickly melted with the rotation of the dark vortex. In the end, there was only a group of weak and pure vitality, which was broken down into countless chain-like black lines, which were completely assimilated into a part of himself by the power of darkness.

"Unable to make ends meet..."

Yalei felt the plundered vitality, but found that it was not as much as the consumption of dark evil energy, and suddenly shook his head.

The power obtained by absorbing animals is too small and disgusting, and it is not in line with his values ​​to absorb people casually. It seems that it is more convenient to practice this dark evil energy by himself.


It didn't take long for the black-haired knight to practice dark evil energy, because his will has been baptized by deification, and the power of his soul is strong enough to easily imprint his mental imprint into the cellular level.

So when I stepped out of the training room, it took just over nine hours before dinner time.

Dinner was a feast cooked by Charlene herself. In addition to a series of Governor's set menus, there were also some seafood and game.

The freshly colored and delicious meals filled the entire wooden table, and the surrounding atmosphere in the open air even more stimulated the appetite of the guests, but it was a pity... The dishes on the plate were generally too bland. It has something to do with the green-haired girl's dislike of salty taste.

"How is my craft?" Charlene turned her head to the side and quietly asked the black-haired knight beside her.

"The taste is very good and the variety is rich, so you can come according to the requirements of your appetite. Your cooking skills have improved a lot. But you cook too little, and I can't eat enough alone." Originally, I had to eat five meals during the day, but today He had only eaten one meal, and now he is already hungry and faint.

"It's okay, I specially prepared a lot for you. After eating together, you can eat it alone." Charlene gave him a sweet smile.

"Honey, you are so sweet."

Yale was so moved that if he hadn't been busy eating, he would have hugged her and kissed her hard in the crowd.

"Brother, our business..."

Babur was holding a ball of seafood in the dinner plate and sucking, while swallowing the delicious juice, he hesitantly reminded the other party not to forget the business.

"Brother Octopus, don't worry."

The black-haired knight swallowed the Governor's hoof in two or three mouths, without even spitting out a bone, and said directly: "I'm ready here, we can set off tonight."

"Hahaha, good! My brother is really righteous!"

Brother Octopus excitedly wrapped the seafood that was about the size of himself, swallowed the whole thing into his mouth, his body swelled twice, and fell comfortably on the plate.


Everyone looked at a small octopus twisted and twisted in the dinner plate, and subconsciously had the urge to pour a spoonful of mustard, but when it came to the other party's terrifying real body, this thought was just a thought.


Yale held a casserole, swallowed the soup and meat in it, put it back on the dining table, swept his eyes along the seat, and called out a list directly:

"Bruno, Lydia, Kara, Goethe, Lolo, and Nancy over there, set off with me at night, let's go to the Uncharted Sea."

"Wow wow wow!"

The aquatic team applauded first. They were originally adventurers, and they had been admiring the Uncharted Sea for a long time, but unfortunately they never had the opportunity to go there.

"Understood." Bruno and Lydia were very calm.

"I hope to meet Hailong, the one I want to beat is also lying on the bed for two months!"

Cara couldn't forget Hailong, thinking of what happened to her after being beaten so hard that she couldn't take care of herself, she took two more bites of venison in anger, and her mouth was full of oil.

"Want to take a boat...going to sea...will the wind and waves be big there?"

Nancy was so frightened that her face turned pale. She would never forget the tragic situation when she smuggled in, and the tree boat she rode with Goblin Fruit. Going to sea has become a shadow to her.

"do not be afraid."

The black-haired knight raised a corbel, swallowed two or three mouthfuls, touched a handful of oil with a napkin, and explained patiently: "Our ship is large and stable, not afraid of wind and waves, and there is a sea devil like Babur escorted, Absolutely safe."

"That's better..."

The girl's pale face regained a trace of blood, and she quickly took a sip of the milk in the glass to calm her mind.

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