Fairy’s Box

Chapter 918: breed

"Don't be so sad, the city of Shechem is gone, and it can still be rebuilt. Look, I didn't set the city of London on fire at first, but now the new city has been built, and it is much better than the original one. Tell the old not to go and the new to not come, think about it..."

"Come on, who doesn't know that the Dunlon you burned is a village!"

"It doesn't matter whether it's a village or not. All in all, it's built, and it's not smaller than the city of Shechem. Doesn't this prove that the reconstruction is not as difficult as you think..."

"Come on, Celtic is backed by Gaul, you have hundreds of thousands of square miles of land to sell, what do I have?"

"I didn't rely on selling land to rebuild Dunlon. The key was to open up the commercial trade of the Highland Kingdom, so that there was a steady stream of funds. Shechem City is so well located, and the aborigines are dying. Don't worry about no one living there, isn't selling land and re-planning something you should be doing?"

"Don't come... wait, it seems to be the truth..."

After Yale's hard-hearted enlightenment, Luya finally burst into laughter, accepted the reality that Shechem City was crushed to the ground, and cheered up again.

After experiencing such a dangerous battle of being attacked by a demon, everyone in the Governor's Mansion also returned to their hearts like arrows.

During this period, Luya left her lower part and followed all the way, like a curious baby, constantly asking about the fighting power of the perfect body. The black-haired knight kept silent with a mysterious look on his face, only telling her that the information could not be leaked, because he would have a big thing to do soon.

This major event, of course, is to carry out the emperor's secret decree, attack Valhalla, and conquer or subvert the rule of the Valkyrie. At present, it still needs to be kept secret, and it is a bit troublesome to reveal the combat power prematurely, so that the group of women can take precautions when they encounter him.

However, it's just a little troublesome. Absorbing the infinite energy of the Ark of the Covenant and possessing the power of light and darkness at the same time, the black-haired knight is much stronger than he himself expected, even stronger than the peak of the Dread Demon King.

Looking at the entire Anterazu, there are only a handful of people who can suppress Yale. As long as you can enter the World Tree and destroy it as easily as the palm of your hand, it depends on whether those women know each other.


"Goodbye, don't send it!"

The black-haired knight stood at the stern of the boat and waved at Luya, watching the figure of the girl with two ponytails go away, suddenly took out the fragment of the Blade of Time from his arms, and threw it:

"For this unforgettable battle, leave a memory!"


On the pier, Luya took it in her hands, her pretty face turned black. For some reason, when she saw this dagger, she could always imagine the two sealers attacking Shechem City.

"But forget it... Although the losses are heavy, at least there is no future trouble."

The female knight raised her head and stared at the clear sky, her eyes narrowed by the sunlight, she raised her hands lazily, stretched her waist, and couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

The sun shines through the mottled clouds, making everything in the world brilliant. She stares at the long sails standing in the blue ocean. The warm light flows on the white canvas, making them look golden.

"It will be the honor of my life to be able to watch you become a legend... goodbye."

Luya looked down at the Blade of Time in her palm, said softly, and clenched it tightly in her hand. Immediately turned around and left from the pier, the fiery red ponytail formed a unique scenery in the crowd and gradually disappeared.

There were also the Hebrews who left with the governor’s mansion. Yale promised to give them back, so he planned to bring the hundreds of surviving people to Celtic, give them land and houses, give favors, and also solve the problem for Luya. A nuisance - of course some bad habits, such as circumcision, have to be changed.


Celtic, London City.

At the highest point in the city, on the top floor of the Governor's Mansion, Yale leaned on the railing to look down, the hem of his clothes was constantly being blown upwards, and his eyes were fixed on the busy street, his vision was a little dazed.

The morning sun was cold and pale, and there was no temperature on the body.

In the distance, the Celtic Trade Building looks like an eggplant cut in half, which makes people have to admire the designer's brain hole. The tiles on the entire surface of the building reflect a platinum brilliance under the light of the morning sky.

There are uniform buildings around the building, and the styles are constantly changing along the streets between them. The asphalt roads between the high-rise buildings in the city are like black rivers, running through the big and small corners of London and London, as if they are the blood of the whole city.

Absorbing the wealth and manpower radiated from the kingdoms of Gaul, Lowland, and Highland, today's Dunlon City is no longer that small village, and there are faint shadows of some second-tier cities. At present, it can be said that it lacks everything except population. .

The black-haired knight is not anxious about this, because a large number of immigrants enter London and London every year to enjoy the preferential policies here in Gaul, the Lowlands and even the province of Tarago. In another ten years or so, the population of London and London should exceed 300,000.

But... can't be satisfied...

Yale stretched out his hand to cover the scene below, looking through his fingers, observing the city he ruled, and suddenly felt a violent sense of emptiness in his heart.

Too small, too small, so small that it can be smoothed out with one hand, and continuing to rule is like chewing wax.

After finishing the Valhalla's group of Valkyries, it is almost time to enter another world. Perhaps only the right to dominate a world can give me a little comfort now...

Just as the black-haired knight was silently planning the future, a hand gently held his arm, and Charlene's green eyes reflected the face of her beloved man:

"What do you think?"

"Some... things to do in the future." Yale put his arms around her waist and gently kissed his lover's cheek: "I've worked hard for you during my absence."

"It's not hard."

The green-haired girl shook her head, her eyes were fixed on her, and a worried light flashed in her clear eyes:

"I'm just a little scared."

"What are you afraid of?" The black-haired knight asked with concern, seeing the worry in her eyes.

"After casting a perfect body... are you still the same you?" Charlene bit her thin lip, her pretty face lost its color in an instant, and her figure was thin and transparent.

"Silly girl, what are you thinking about!?"

Yalei laughed, stretched out her fingers, pinched her little Qiong's nose, and said seriously:

"I will always be me, I am me now, I am still fighting with all my strength, and I have broken the boundaries of the body of man and god. This is the seed of great power, and it is also a good medicine to eliminate sealers."

As he spoke, he held up Charlene's blushing pretty face, and an incomparably sharp light shot out from her eyes:

"In a short time, you will become like me, with perpetual energy, eternal youth, and a person equal to God."


The green-haired girl felt that she almost melted into his sight, and murmured happily.

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