Fairy’s Box

Chapter 928: Zombie Siege (2)

The increasingly rich night, shrouded the boundless ocean in a dark gray shadow, looking quiet and gentle.

On the calm sea, an old boat floated. Jarvis stood on the bow, compared the sea area map in his hand, glanced at the reef not far away, and quickly nodded firmly:

"Yes, this is the location of the sea tomb."


Yale's pupils stared at the dark sea, raised his hand and held it, the sea suddenly wrinkled, towering upward, and then tamely separated to both sides, revealing a slender gap, which looked like a straight opening on the surface of the ice. crack.

"You go back first, it's enough to have me here."

He turned his back to the head of Hydra, his broad back was like a wall in front of him, his voice was calm, but it had a meaning of indifference.

"I understand……"

Jarvis nodded tactfully and agreed, glanced at the cliff-like sea, his heart suddenly thumped, and quickly added:

"If you need anything, please feel free to contact me."

"If the plan goes well, I will not forget your credit."

The black-haired knight looked back at him, and after leaving these words, the figure suddenly blurred and faded, escaping like smoke, and quickly dissolved into the air.

Just as the head of Hydra was stunned at the afterimage, his real body had already fallen into the sea along the gap, followed the straight fall without hindrance, directly crossed the sea water thousands of yards high, and appeared in the coral reef. and reef paved seabed.

When Casper created the first generation of perfect body, he could understand the essence of energy operation, free transformation of ice, fire and photoelectricity, and possessed the power to control the power of nature.

Now that Yalei has created a second-generation perfect body, his strength is far superior to him, and the ability to control the power of nature is of course out of the blue. Miracles such as dividing the surface of the sea were nothing but trivial matters for him.

In the depths of the dark and gloomy sea, the boundless coral rocks are like a gorgeous carpet inlaid with flowers, paving the uneven surface of the seabed. Through the thick layer of lichen-like coral rock, the outline of the hulls of ships can be vaguely seen, standing in the water like clay sculptures - these are ceremonial ships for sea burials, only the notorious North Sea pirates will follow. this custom.

The North Sea pirates were once world-famous for their evil deeds. They were as greedy and despicable as hungry wolves. They sacked Gaul, the Lowlands and Talago, set off a **** storm on the south bank of the Baltic Sea, and attacked the Celts several times, almost destroying the Highland Kingdom, and leaving a lot of species there.

These daring and legendary pirates never bowed their heads to any enemy during their lifetime, but they were no match for the butcher knife of time. They rested on the seabed around Funen Island. Their cemetery was covered in a coral rock, and it was as quiet as a work of art.

Now, their dreams are coming to an end.


Yale removed the power to divide the sea water, propped up the protective cover of the same height, and the whole figure seemed to be wrapped in a large bubble, and quickly walked into the depths of the underwater cemetery.

This sea tomb was larger than he thought, distributed along the **** to the deeper seabed, with a radius of more than five nautical miles. The further inward, the narrower the space is. Except for the rock folds formed by the mutual extrusion of natural forces, the fossils of the hull covered by polyps are gradually increasing, and the shapes are becoming more and more obvious.

After simply counting the troops that he was about to get, the black-haired knight felt very satisfied. He floated up and stood on the steep **** at the highest point of the sea tomb. A flame suddenly ignited in the palm of his hand, reflecting a bright light.

"Clean up a little."

He stretched out his hand and pushed it forward, and the brilliance burst out from the palm of his hand, slowly flowing down, like a stream of cold water.

Driven by the pure white light tide, the coral rock was slowly and gently peeled off, then decomposed, and flowed slowly and softly into the deep sea like a liquid. The evenly crushed coral rock is like oil floating on the water, floating on the surface of the sea tomb, and the wavy folds appear with the light tide, which can be seen clearly.

The precipitation of the years follows the light and the tide, and the sea burial ships that slept under the coral rocks in the past are now clearly showing their whole picture in front of Yalei——Hundreds of thousands of ships are deposited on the bottom of the deep sea, each other. Forming a support point, it seems to be a huge beehive, standing silently in the dark and deep environment, supporting a vast field along the slope.

"very good!"

Yale hangs high above the sea tomb, and has a panoramic view of the huge ruins composed of sea burial ships. A light source lights up behind him, and then suddenly expands, opening a huge blood-red vertical pupil from the inside to the outside. A dark red dipped in the seabed.

With his current strength, it is no longer as difficult to cast the Eye of Fear as before, and he will not be exhausted because of excessive consumption.


The rainbow ring inside the vertical pupil shrinks and shines, casting a beam of light downward, and a burly figure flashes with the beam of light, silently appearing on the bottom of the sea.

The visitor is a tall old man with a half-skull mask left on his face, a scar on his right eye, another scar spreading from the corner of his mouth to his body, and a huge golden compass around his waist - it is the once of the Ghost Islands. The ruler, has been powerful enough to complete the humanization, the silent king standing on the apex of the undead.

"See your lord!" The King of Silence showed a hint of respect on his face as he leaned over and saluted the black-haired knight.

"Help me turn these corpses into an army of undead, how long will it take?" Yale waved his hand to signal the other party to waive the salute, pointed to the sea tomb below, and asked while looking at it.


Two dark flames lit up in the eyes of the King of the Undead, glanced at the bottom of the sea, then turned around again, and gave him a clear answer:

"One day and night."

"Then let's start now."

"These corpses have been sleeping for too long, and either only the bones are left, or the muscles are half-rotted, and they are all garbage! If you want to use soldiers, you can directly summon the army of Ghost Island. Our nine brothers are ready to cut through the thorns for you."

The King of Silence seemed to despise the pirate corpses here, sneered at them, and proposed his own ideas to the black-haired knight.

"You are my trump card in this war. It should not be exposed too early. The role of these corpses is only to create riots. It doesn't matter if they are not strong enough." Yale didn't want to rely on this undead to win Feying Island at the beginning, and directly rejected it. it's recommended.

"Then... I will work according to your wishes. I don't know what else the adults have ordered?" The King of the Undead accepted the order.

"Resurrect these corpses as an army of undead as soon as possible, don't expose yourself, within two or three days, I will tell you the content of the next plan." After leaving this sentence, the figure of the black-haired knight turned and suddenly turned into a flash of light. , jumped to the sea in an instant.

"As ordered!"

The King of Silence watched where he disappeared, and bent down again to salute.


Funen Island, Oseden City, a hotel somewhere on the pedestrian street.

Due to the local tyrant demeanor displayed by the girls, the waiter introduced them to the best guest room, which was a large suite, which was elegantly and warmly furnished, a style that has always been comfortable and delicate in the Beihai area. There is a fireplace in the outer hall, a flower stand on the wall, and a pot of Chlorophytum hangs in the room. There are four rooms next to each other, and low white wooden cabinets are placed against the wall, which are filled with vases of various colors.

There is a large sofa in the center of the living room, and in front of it is a coffee table. On the coffee table, various kinds of fragrant desserts have been prepared, and they are still steaming. Obviously, the food has just been baked.

Seeing that they were very satisfied with the place, the messenger who was proficient in observing words and expressions secretly told a few female knights that the inn could provide special services, ranging from handsome gentlemen to muscular men, and it was absolutely worth the money.

Lydia, who was unusually pure to a certain extent, almost blushed. She suppressed her qi and blood with her powerful strength. dialogue.

After driving away the waiter, the girls sat in a circle on the sofa, lowered their voices, and exchanged the information obtained by stepping on the spot. While everyone was discussing the plan to attack Xiluda, Yale appeared in the hall with a gust of wind.

"No need for etiquette here."

The black-haired knight indicated that they don't need to be restrained at this time. Seeing the shopping bags piled up on the floor, he immediately felt a little funny: "It seems that for you, this is a beautiful job."

"Buy whatever you want."

Nicole lay down on the sofa, with her legs crossed, and explained innocently: "After visiting the jewelry store for a long time, it is easy to be suspicious if you don't buy anything in the end."

"Yeah yeah!" Nancy nodded vigorously.

"So what's the plan... How are you going to attack Goddess Freya?" Yale didn't bother to bother with the female man about his manners, and began to ask serious questions.

"We found the Crystal Palace, but we can't get in there during the day, so we plan to find a chance to sneak in and observe it at night. Besides, every time that Hiluda goes on vacation, he goes to the biggest jewelry store here, and we were there before. After walking around for a long time, I kept all the terrain in my heart.”

Lydia seemed to be the eldest among the girls, and when she spoke, the female knights showed serious expressions.

"Jewelry Shop?"

The black-haired knight narrowed his eyes, walked over and picked up one of the shopping bags, took out the delicate jewelry and looked at it for a while, then asked them:

"A very famous jewelry store?"

"Yeah, it's very famous. This store has a semicolon in the Federation! It can be said to be one of the classic jewelry brands in the four countries of the North Sea!"

Nancy stared at her shopping bag, like a puppy staring at the flesh and bones, showing a nervous and worried expression, as if she was afraid that the other party would confiscate it if she disagreed.

"That's it!"

Yale made up his mind immediately, condensed the air hood to prevent the partition wall from having ears, and pointed at the jewelry and said:

"When Xiluda settles down in the Crystal Palace, you will go and rob this jewelry store. You can rob as much as you can, but don't delay your motivation."


The girls suddenly showed their heartbeat expressions, especially Nicole, who almost drooled.

"Why? Don't you want us to put the Lord of the Rings on her?" Lydia expressed her puzzlement. Although she was also very moved, she wanted to make things clear.

"Xiluda is the goddess of Freya of this generation, surrounded by strong people, and the island of Feiying is one of the places where the Valkyries are stationed. It's easier to attack such a person. So we have to speak out, this jewelry store is a local One of the biggest name brands, if it was robbed when Hilda came, what do you think the Chief Executive would do?"

"Of course it's a full search!"

Surant finally got a chance to speak and immediately blurted out.


The black-haired knight looked at her approvingly, and then said according to his own thoughts:

"While the local police are trying their best to hunt you down, I will let an army of undead come in and create chaos in the entire city of Oseden. Faced with that kind of situation, this always soft-hearted goddess Freya will definitely not sit still. , there is a high chance for the guards to participate in the battle. When the defense around her is empty, and then you suddenly attack, it is the best chance!"

"The boss really has a great vision!"

Nicole was thinking about those jewels, and she almost flew with joy, and she immediately flattered.

"But, isn't this where the Valkyries are stationed? If they receive an order to attack, won't we fall short?" Surante frowned and looked at them uneasily.

"Yes... yes!"

Nicole cooled down instantly, scratched her hair, and showed an unwilling expression.

"Since the Governor knows that this is the place where the Valkyries are stationed, and has made such a plan, there must be a way. Just listen carefully."

Nancy Flatterer's talents are almost full, not as straightforward as a certain female man, but he can pat the black-haired knight's itch.

"Cough cough cough."

Yalei coughed a few times, suppressed his proud smile, and said solemnly:

"The Valkyries are stationed in the branches of the World Tree, which is a closed space by itself, not counting the mainland of Anterasu. It is easy for me to intercept their army. You can attack Xiluda while you are in chaos. ."

"In this case, the success rate is much higher." Lydia breathed a sigh of relief, showing a relaxed expression.

No one questioned whether the black-haired knight could block the Valkyrie. Most of the people here had personally experienced the process of his defeating the two sealers, and had a blind trust in Yale's strength.

Compared to the two sealers above the median, the Valkyrie's army can only be considered a piece of cake.

As for the strength of the Governor, the entire high level of the Governor's Palace has a clear understanding - the first person under the seven ultimates.

"However, considering that Goddess Freya may be ruthless and desperate for her people." Surante pondered for a while, and said carefully:

"How many strong people are around her, and their respective fields of expertise, we must inquire about this matter in advance."

"you are right!"

Yale snapped his fingers and nodded:

"I have already instructed Hydra to investigate this matter. Every generation of Goddess Freya is guarded by seven stars. Among the seven stars, the first-class bright star, the two-headed dragon known as the No. 1 warrior of the North Sea, Jegufrie—that is, He is a threat to you."

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