Fairy’s Box

Chapter 973: day of recovery

The world tree has extremely northern branches and roots.

On the ground paved with dry branches, countless cracked fine lines testify to the years, dust accumulates in the cracks of the branches, thousands of stone pillars more than ten feet high surround a lake, and a square stone platform stands in the middle of the lake. The broad lake was covered with sparkling waves, and several girls dressed in gauze with numb expressions stepped on the blue waves and stood there silently, as if they had no weight.

In the center of the stone platform, the brilliance of the blood moon splashed down, and Loki raised his hands high and stood in the center of the beam of light, his broken black robe flying with the wind.

"Everyone is afraid of the evil of chaos, only the red moon surpasses all things!"

The Evil God raised his head, with a fascinated and fanatical smile on his face, his palms up, and in a pilgrimage gesture, he recited aloud the words of praise.

In the rustling wind, the reddish mist filled the branches and trunks, and finally swallowed all the sky light, and everything seemed deep and quiet. A dull rumbling sound came from the bottom of the lake, and a whirlpool rippled in the center of the lake, as if opening an ancient tomb.

After the girls saw this scene, they walked to the four sides of the stone platform, knelt down, and crouched in front of the platform, praying some words in a low voice. After a while, they straightened up in tacit understanding and walked towards the vortex that was gradually reddening and expanding.

Whoosh whoosh-!

The moment they sank into the vortex, countless blood-colored rays of light rushed through the gap between the tree trunks and the thick fog spreading between them, and rushed into the vortex below the stone platform. The blood-colored red light continued to expand, gradually drowning everything. Through the gaps in the branches and leaves, Loki could see that the sky was twisted like lava, flowing, dark red like blood.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

He laughed frantically and excitedly, and opened his arms to increase the contact surface of the blood-colored brilliance with himself.

"You are the weaver of destiny, the witness of history, the ruler of billions of undead and monsters! I sacrificed blood and the great source monarch, you are the supreme, beautiful, and virtuous, the greatness who controls all things with destiny Crimson Moon!"

Accompanied by Loki's hoarse praises, the great and majestic source power boiled in the void, woven into countless mysterious patterns, cheering their king's arrival.


The Evil God raised the angle of view with a sense of feeling, and through the sky covered by the tree canopy, he saw the huge, blood-red full moon that was slowly rising...


Bloody rays of light poured from the sky, as if a certain restraint in the void was lifted, and all the branches and buildings changed into another form, squandering their crazy and twisted lives, twisting violently in a harsh creak.

The blood moon shone brightly, the lake shone like blood, and the air was gradually filled with a disgusting stench and smell. The entire lake surface became as viscous as blood plasma, as if it had been boiled, with bubbles surging wildly. The terrifying screams of the dead were faintly heard in the void, and with the twisting waves rising on the lake, they could vaguely see their figures struggling frantically in the depths of the blood.

And in the very center of this blood-colored lake, above the boiling eddy current, the ink-colored fleshy branches screamed viciously, like vines, climbing wildly towards the sky. Twisted and tangled together like a viper, and finally turned into a flesh-and-blood spire.

"Mother of the Black Goat..."

Under the tower, Loki raised his head and gasped silently. Even as the gods of Asa, he would still feel the fear in his heart when he faced the evil force that was crazy enough to distort everything.

The bright red blood moon rose to the highest point of the sky, shrouding the flesh-and-blood spire below, the burning sky began to violently churned, and blood lights spread down, slowly circulating around the spire like a vortex. There was an ear-piercing crackling sound in the air, the flesh and blood spire twisted frantically under the stimulation of the red light, the purple light ignited from the void, expanded and deformed a little bit, and dazzling electric light was intertwined in the blood mist.


A distorted and vicious scream suddenly came from the blood sacrifice spire, and it was dropped into the sky like a nuclear bomb, causing a large blood-red mushroom cloud.

"Under the divine light, even the evil **** of the universe, who made the world panic, can only become the foetus of our clan's recovery."

Under Loki's gaze, the blood-red rays of light were entangled layer by layer, the electric light was winding like a poisonous snake, and the tentacles of flesh and blood quickly swelled up, as if something had grown inside, twisting and squirming more frantically.


In another twisted and vicious roar, the top of the Flesh Spire began to split, blooming like a flower bud, the inner space was open, and the flesh walls inside were all naked and clearly visible. In the deepest part, the giant wolf wrapped in the placenta has gradually taken shape, and the dark-colored liquid emits a strange green smoke, like a living shadow, pouring into the placenta along the umbilical cord.

"Fenrir, my son...you are finally resurrected!"

The evil **** opened his eyes and watched all this in shock, his voice choked with excitement.

The ink-colored liquid is continuously poured into the placenta from the mother's body, and the speed is getting faster and faster. This originates from the power of the evil **** of the universe being turned into vitality by the red moon, which continuously nourishes the calamity wolf who is reborn. The black ink-like cloud of disaster swelled rapidly inside the minaret, shrouding everything inside, but if it leaked a little, it would be blasted to nothingness by the blood-red light.

I don't know how long it took, Fenrir's eyes opened a gap, and the dark eyes were instantly coated with a layer of blood. At the same time, crazy noises and screams came from the void, as if from another world far away.


The whole flesh and blood spire continued to expand and grow, and the tip of the bloom overflowed a large stream of ink-colored juice, which flowed into the lake like a stream, and was then swallowed up by the thick blood.


At the moment when the clone of the black goat goddess swelled to its limit, countless black lightning bursts from the inside. All the tentacles, no, the entire tower of flesh and blood were withered and withered in an instant, as if all the essence had been sucked up, and they were ashes as charred charcoal.


In the center of the dense and violent lightning, the black Calamity Wolf suddenly stood up, stretched the huge body that had just broken free of the placenta, turned his head, stared at the red moon hanging high in the sky, and then let out a high-pitched and distant roar.

In the long-lasting wolf howl, Fenrir's message came out:

"Father, am I resurrected?"

"Congratulations on your rebirth, my son."

Loki flew to the top of Fenrir's head, squatted down, and gently stroked its amniotic fluid-stained head:

"This is just the beginning, and it won't be long before we take back what was rightfully ours."


The calamity wolf raised his head and looked at the sky where blood and ink blended. He could see that in the depths of the blood-colored mist, in the endless darkness, more and larger figures were approaching...

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