Fake Cinderella

16. Operation

The next day, when I woke up in the morning, the living room was loaded with offerings.

It was really a mountain.

"... that's the end of the day."


Me and Lilia sigh. The samurai are not. Oh, or I'll have fun.

Checking one at a time while unloading is a bit like opening a bag excitedly at home after shopping.

When I get here, it's like unpacking a moving package and all...

"Let's open it from the garment"

"Uh, it's from a trinket, trinket! Because if you don't do it first, you'll definitely be in trouble later."

Yeah, Julia, that's right.

But I'm already in trouble.

The ladies are a little excited because there are so many clothes this time.

I'm already very satisfied with just the continuation of this' Eyes in the Sky '......

"Your Highness, the pattern of this decorative string is very elaborate."

"Beautiful. There's a lot of them?

"Looks like there's about thirty volumes"

A decorative string is a thin string. Patterns are woven in bright shades and there are many types of patterns.

Different applications include decorating hair, using it to decorate clothes, wearing gift ribbons, and later on book signs.

The pattern is considered so expensive as to be fine, and anything that is small-flowered or Ichimatsu like the one dedicated to me is special.

"... then you can take whatever you want in two volumes at a time. Leave it in the study."

"" "Thank you" "

These kids aren't in a position to go out freely either, so I'm going to split them up a little bit each time I get something. To the extent that Lilia doesn't say she's giving it too much. This addition and subtraction is difficult.

Even though you can't go outside, unlike me, they're relatively free to amaze if you're in the royal palace, and sometimes they go to the main palace cafeteria to eat and tell you a lot of stories they bought there.

One day, it's one of my ambitions to go to the staff cafeteria.... but don't tell Lilia.

"Your Highness, look at this splendid weave."

"... really, it's beautiful"

The cloth shown to Alice has a strange shade due to the different colors of the longitudinal and transverse threads.

"This is Norlook's work."

"That's right, Elsevelt"

Milady sighs of admiration.


"Norlook is the most popular workshop right now. In the meantime, she refused to order from Her Royal Highness. I asked a kid who works for the main palace."

"... say no"


"To be exact, I didn't say no, but I said I could do it after, because I have a good appointment up to three years away."

Lilia explains it to me.


Normally, when an order comes from Her Royal Highness the Queen, it seems to be the first thing I will take even if I insist on something else.

"Norlook's workshop is a bunch of craftsmen… but Norlook's workshop gave it its name so far because there was asylum for the Duke of Elsevelt"


"Yes, it is now my pleasure to address Her Royal Highness, because Elsevelt is famous as a patron of the arts..."

Arahan of Wu, Elzevelt of Beauty, Grachez of Knowledge, Ferdis of Commerce and the public say.

Lately, I've been talking to children outside of Lilia a little bit, and I hear things that Lilia wouldn't listen to. Alice told me about the harshness of winter in the north, where my parents lived, Julia told me about the nobility of the king's capital, and Milady told me about the ranch. They were surprised at first, too, and are now totally used to what I talk about.

"The pale color of this longitudinal thread can only be used by His Royal Highness the Prince Wang and His Highness the Queen. His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is forbidden to color."


"Yes, the colour ban is laid down for His Majesty the King and His Royal Highness the King Prince, so that royal silver may only be used by royalty named 'Dia'. It is a colour that can only be used by those who are queens, except yourself."

"... what is the forbidden color of His Majesty the King?

"The colour of the coat that His Majesty summons you for when you dress... is that blue colour called emerald blue."

"... the colour of the flag of the spire of the royal palace or the colour of the flag?


Convinced. Speaking of which, did each Duke's house also have a set color?

"Now can you tailor a gown for your outfit?

"Is it official?

"Yes. All the laces used are in the water colour of Elzevelt. I'll take care of the design."

"... awed"

Dresses are officially called gowns. If you call it a dress, it means something private.

Lilia nodded a little thinking.

Since the circumstances were the case, none of my connections with my parents have been equal so far. but there are signs of coming here and walking a little further.

A man who is my father may try to exploit the fact politically.

I know that's not the point. He can't ignore it.

But I ended up adding that it was available or unavailable.

- - - - - Redemption.

He had asked for redemption from his daughter, who had abandoned him once.

Though I know I will not be forgiven.

In the blink of an eye, I found out about him, and he found out what I found out.

"... are you tired?

"... just for a moment"

I receive cups of tea. Honey-dropped herbal tea. The aftertaste is refreshing.

The dedication check lasted until near evening along the way, across a brief lunch.

That's all there was to it.

Cloth is expensive here, where hand weaving is the main thing, so it's a fortune.

"Speaking of which, you didn't have any accessories, did you?

"Wearing such ornaments in earnest will be after the ceremony of the flower crown Kan. Her Royal Highness will perform the flower crown ritual on her next birthday, so it will be amazing after that."

A flower crown ritual is one of the rites of passage for noble girls. When you are an aristocratic man, this becomes the ritual of the bandaged sword.

Essentially this is done on birthdays between the ages of 13 and 16 for both men and women.

At the end of this ritual, the children of the aristocracy will be considered to be alone.

It is originally done by the hand of my father, the Duke of Elsevelt, but in my case it is done by my husband, Prince Nadir, because he is already married.

"It is."

"Her Royal Highness has many jewellery inherited from your late mother and grandmother. Princess Effinia's mother is a beautiful, well-known Leafid princess, and Leafid is famous for her craftsmanship."

So they say some of my inherited items are as delicious as they were known all over the continent.

"The management is carried out by His Royal Highness Prince Wang. Seriously, it's not advisable to leave it here so that the thieves who are after it can come in."

"I see."

"There are also Tiaras of Lady Effinia and Queen Eleanor, but Tiaras used by Her Royal Highness in the flower crown ritual is naturally ordered by Her Royal Highness Prince Leafid"

"Isn't that a fresh flower crown?

The floral crown ritual is commonly performed with a floral crown made of fresh flowers based on white flowers.

"That is in the case of noble daughters. Her Royal Highness is Dia, so the Tiara of the Flower Crown Rite will be made of silver."

"Heh... But isn't thirteen a little early?

You're too old for rituals.

"In Her Royal Highness's case, we have no choice but to carry out the formal marriage ritual as soon as possible."

I also nod at Lilia's words, because His Royal Highness Prince Wang has intended to do so.

We cannot go against His Highness Nadir's will. No, there's not even something against it.

Except for the fact that they're after my life, I'm blessed. economically or in any other sense.

Much of this is due to the fact that she is the Crown Princess.

Well, I'm the provisional heir to Elsevelt, so unless you have to obey everything.

"Princess, this fruit liquor and honey will be delivered to the kitchen."

Alice and the others say they like sweets but are not very interested in the ingredients.

"Wait. Leave it."


"And I want you to turn that little room into a working room."

"Your Highness?"

Lilia tilts her neck.

There is a small room next door that I don't use much on a daily basis, but that has chairs, etc. that I might need if I have visitors.

"You can leave a big table, just a painting or a chair. Do it somewhere else, and then you take off the carpet."

"Your Highness, what?

"Because of this, I was going to make a work room when making sweets... it's always hard to clean. I'm careful, but what's wrong with the powder? I wish there was a place without carpets."

They say there was a proper kitchen in the Princess Wang Palace, but before, there was still an attempted poisoning or something, and it was shut down and crushed.

I thought it would be a lot easier if it was just the workplace. A little food pantry, too.

I can make syrup and vinegar... Count Stazen told me there was a berry in the garden. I want to make jam too.

"Hey, Lilia. Can we cook sweets again next time? I want to plug it in to the Counts and everyone, and then to His Royal Highness the King."

I grin. I have a reading that Lilia would not object if I told His Royal Highness Prince Wang.

"………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… My client is falling."

His Royal Highness Prince Wang has set a priority! And they complained.


Right, should I follow His Royal Highness Prince Wang? Let's be careful.

"Ask the knights for help and do as Her Highness says."

Lilia can tell everyone.

"" "Yes" "

The three nod with a ridiculous face. Cleaning carpets is tough.

"Your Highness."


Called in a changed tone.... You didn't do anything, did you? Me.

I've been impatient lately, Lilia.

Sometimes I do something hell because I don't remember. It's my fault.

"... what does Your Highness think of His Royal Highness the King?

"What do you mean?

"Do you like it? That is."

"I don't know enough to say whether I like it or not.... but I don't hate it aggressively. I was afraid."

Yeah. I think you're a good guide - or something.

I was wondering if there was anything surprisingly cute about it.

... There's something I don't know about the bottom, and that catches me though.

"Don't you hate it when you're scared?


Because I don't know you're scared.

his empty grin and the reason for that glance.

I barely know him.

"... how could you do that?

"No. I would like Her Royal Highness to have a good relationship with His Royal Highness Prince Wang if possible..."

"Of course not. We're a couple."

I don't think I can get a divorce or anything. Basically.

Then it's better to have a good relationship.

Besides, I apologize for being as purposeful as I could be, but I owe it to His Royal Highness Prince Wang to live here safely. It is safe and everyday life because it is under his asylum. You can't lose this.

"I would like you to take an active opportunity to spend time with Your Highness."

"... why?

"If I speak plainly, I mean grab the heart of His Royal Highness Prince Wang. Because it gives Her Highness a chance to be safe."

"... more than now?

I think they're still fully protected.

"Don't you think there's a difference between duty and active will?


That's right.

"Besides, I don't think getting along with His Royal Highness has any disadvantages."


It's intelligent to think about anything with its pros and cons, but I know exactly what Lilia is saying.

"And what if I say this... there may be some movement"

Lilia whispers as she dives her voice in the second half.

"Back here, nothing like this has happened. … In the first place, there has never been anything in the palace that could hurt the princess directly."


"Well, there are many other reasons. But in the end, I want Her Highness to be happy."


"Yes, Your Highness cannot choose another man..."


Unless it is unavoidable for political reasons, there will be no divorce.

"Even so, there's not much you can do."

I'm a kid, so I can't blame you.

"I can't crawl at night to Her Royal Highness now, and Her Royal Highness Prince Wang can't do anything to make me drunk because he is strong on alcohol..."

"Muli, Muli, Absolutely Muli"

Mr. Lilia, please don't be afraid. That's because I can't do it. It's not about age, it's about skill.

"When His Royal Highness Prince Wang is pressed, you will see him with a silly face, or you will cut him off in cold words with that absolutely zero-degree look, responding with a grinning smile"

"... none of them"

In the first place, training manipulation and the use of a woman's weapon... I don't have that kind of ability.

"... in the first place, if I told you what I could do, there would be only one thing."

Yeah. Just one thing.

"Cooking, is it?

"Yeah. First, I thought I'd plug in snacks every day."

Glad to hear it, Lilia approved and you can make snacks every day.

"... for His Royal Highness Prince Wang. It's not for escort, for samurai, let alone for yourself."

"I know."

It's on the roots, Lilia.

Thus, the top-secret "feeding operation of His Royal Highness Prince Wang" … Lilia pushed me to never speak the name of the operation… was started.

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