Fake Cinderella

11. Tales of Princess Nadia and Secrets

"... ruti"

Princess Nadia Ulysia, second princess and half-sister of His Highness Nadir...... Nadi came just after the first dance.

When I thought I sat in the chair next to the provisional throne worrying about my painful toes and cramped calves, I came as if I had been waiting. Nadi has something really wrong with her.

(Oh, this, you've been waiting for it to end. Absolutely)

I was so glad Nadi was here because I just had to dance the song for less than three minutes to get the best of it. Because if you're talking to Nadi, you won't be invited to the next dance.

"... may I speak with His Royal Highness the Prince, Your Highness the Queen?

After grabbing the gown for an abbreviated greeting, Nadi opened her mouth with a slightly more reminiscent look.

At first I couldn't have a decent conversation with His Highness, Nadi, but it eased a lot because of my accustomed to coming to see me over and over again. Yet now, for the first time in a long time, I'm nervous enough to look pale.

(Well, brothers and sisters don't have much intimacy...)

Perhaps His Highness is not sure how to deal with a half-sister who is not the subject of his asylum.

Of course, I don't know the right answer either, nor is it like having the right answer in the first place, but that's the only way His Royal Highness treats Nadi when Prince Wang is against the noble lady. If you insist, only calling it by name is so special.

"I don't mind.... Ruthia, stay here with Nadia. Let's get you a drink."

"Thank you"

His Highness, who is in great distraction, leaves me and Nadi alone.

At the same time you understand that Nadi would be hard to talk to if I were you, I think you thought of something cold because I feel hot because of the fever.

I've been told not to speak at night club seats, but if Your Highness is going to bring it to me, it's not a story.

"What's going on? Nadi."

Speak from me to Nadi, who doesn't know how to talk.

"Ruti, I'm sorry"


Suddenly he apologized and tilted his neck.

"... though I'm really sorry to say this all of a sudden"

"... go ahead"

"You know... the..."

The hesitant Nadi shuts her mouth as she speaks again and again.

"... Nadi?

The provisional throne is placed on the upper seat, and everyone stays away from a certain distance. It doesn't mean there's a partition, but that's the rule.

(My gaze hurts enough though!

Nadi is royal, so he can come from himself. But those who are not royal cannot come this far from themselves without being called.

And as long as Nadi, the princess, is talking, no other human being can push Nadi over and talk to me.

(Because royal rituals are so fine...)

But I think that's why His Highness left me and Nadi here to take their seats off.

Otherwise, there is no way His Highness, overprotective to me, would leave us alone.

(My biggest job at this nightclub is done! All you have to do is sneer next to His Highness)

They say you don't mind leaving, but as soon as you get back to your room after the dance, it seems like you've come out just for duty, so I'm going to get the right time.

(And you want to keep a little restraint too!

In the meantime, there's only so many rumors ahead of us, so here's one, us, we're actually awesome friends! I want to show you something like that.

I also plan a lot of things belly-black.

"Nadi, that's a new gown. I knew you'd look great in orange."

I giggled at Nadi and talked.

"Thanks, 'cause this hair colour is so limited that it fits...... because Ruti told me that oranges look good on me too"

Honest Nadi comes to the story with pleasure. Nadi likes to talk about fashion and is familiar with fashion. Although not the type to create an epidemic, gathering information is not indispensable.

"Yeah. You look great."

Nadi's gown had a lot of pink lineage. It's also almost a pink shade of stuff.

It was a bit childish, of course, although it was a good color for Nadi.

(Even in the same pink shade, it's not the same if it's something lighter or salmon pink or gracey pink... and then you design it, right?)

The current fashion is one in which racing is used so excessively, and this, in a way, is also an exaggeration of financial power.

Racing is pretty expensive just a little bit.

Actually, Nadi's gown today is something the two of us thought about designing.

Racing is fashionable but I wonder if it would be better to use it a lot, so I narrowed the point of use. I use a slightly lighter shade of lace on my chest and cuffs than the color of the orange gown itself. The gloves are white, but they are scattered with embroidered orange flowers.

Adult Nadi's gown for the night club was decorated with a large neckline, with a decorative decoration of the chest.... around here as fashionable. While holding down the basics, it sums up the feeling that I have given my own personality.

"What about your mother's pearl necklace?

It was a design I had seen.

Beautifully patterned with white small pearls and large conch pearls. That was Nadi's mother… it should have been one of Her Royal Highness's pride dishes.

"That's right. My mother gave it to me. Because you're an adult now."

Nadi seems just a little happy.

He said he couldn't dislike your mother no matter what he said.

Boring jealousy... it's Nadi's say... so, you know, trying to do something to me, nagging about Nadi's marriage. Oh, not like this. After all, I always complain about any candidate, dismissing him... you know, he's just worried about his wife being late.

(In all worlds, these worries go hand in hand)

I was dead at the end of my teens over there, right after I was born here, and I just heard the story because I don't really have much to do with being what I call my mother.

(A little, envious...)

To me, I don't understand how close I feel to being neglected which is only in close blood relationships… i.e. parent-child, brotherhood or sisterhood….

There and here, because 'I' is thin on the edge of the family.

(Still, I only listen to stories often...)

If I put it out in my mouth, you don't get it, so I gently shut my mouth and listen to the story. Because of this, I think the actual examples are quite abundant.

In Nadi's case, the physical separation of Her Royal Highness from the suburbs seems to have settled into a better relationship.

If we're too close, something unpleasant comes to our attention and we corner each other with details, but if we're apart, it's something we can caring for each other.

"You're just beautiful pearls. That's Alhan."

Pearls, by the way, are a specialty of Alhan, and is that why, Her Royal Highness Lady Arjena's accessories had so many pearls.

Sometimes red hair shows white pearls.

"White pearls are the most popular, but pearls come in many colors. Among other things, thin red pearls like those used for this are very rare. I'm looking forward to seeing your uncle give you hair decorations for your next birthday."


"Ruti's gown is nice, too. His Royal Highness Prince Wang always has a hobby."

"... why is your Highness there?

"'Cause all Ruti's things are designated by His Royal Highness the King, right?

"Yes... Huh? Is it famous?

"Famous… basically, the decoration of my wife is a gift from my husband"

"... oh, I see"

"It's just basic. In Ruti's case, you might have something from your father, Euria, or your parents' house.

"Yeah, that's right"

"But in these altered seats, we'll leave it to His Royal Highness the King."


"... that cuff, it belongs to His Highness, doesn't it?

Nadi gazes at the cuffs of my gown.

"Yes.... Your Highness said to put it on"

Lilia and I didn't forget to change out of the luncheon gown.

Luckily or as calculated...... the purple crystal fits well with my gown of the night today.

"You got it?

"Oh, I think you just lent it to me?

"That's not true. I mean, use it. Plus, the new cuff your Highness is using, the blue jade stone, not the ruti color."


"Shit. Didn't you notice? That's the color of your eyes. Wow, I think I looked for that color."


"Blue jade stone in such a dark hue is rare, and I think it's pretty big though it's processed"

Hey, what are you talking about, Nadi! Here it is!!

My face is so hot. It's definitely turning red! So I panicked and hid it with a fan.

"And those shoes are very nice, too."

"Uh... she looks so cute, but these, fine, are torture shoes"

"Torture is... Huh? Are you okay?"

"Yep.... it's so beautiful and cute, but I can't wear it without training. He's got a high heel, so if he's unfamiliar, he'll walk."

"Oh, really?

"It is. This is the only place my Highness and I have managed to dance."

"... there's a difference in height."

"I envy Nadi and His Highness Eol. It doesn't make much difference."

Nadi's partner is his twin brother, His Royal Highness Eol.

Probably not until one of us has a fiancée.

"Because I'm a twin...... but Elle seems dissatisfied"

"What is it?

"You're going to the party with me. If you're unhappy, you can just get engaged or whatever."

"Well, you better not say it because we're going to be like each other."

"That's right..."

Nadi points her mouth slightly at dissatisfaction.

Nadi's complexion got a little better because he was talking about no other love. I guess I've been settling down.

"... So, what's going on?

Was it something troubling too? Encouraging her to talk, Nadi shook her head small to the side.

"... it's not me"

"If not Nadi, is it His Highness Eol?

"No, I'm not."

"So whose trouble is it?

"You, Ruti."


"Yeah.... my cousin...... you know Renate, the Duke of Alhan warrant?

"Yes, I saw you at luncheon today"

You're that lady who seems to love eating, aren't you?

"... maybe Renate will go into the backyard."

The perimeter must have been crushed. Nadi hid her mouth with a fan and said in a tremendously small voice.

"... er, does that mean, as Your Highness's Queen?

I also ask by hiding my mouth with my fan.

It's a story I haven't heard at all, but Nadi probably heard it from the lady's side, so it doesn't mean it's a mistake.

(Aside from whether or not I have a word with His Highness Nadir)


I'm sorry, and Nadi lay down her face. I couldn't do anything, and there was a nagging seep in the twinkling voice. I'm not apologizing to Nadi.

"That's not what Nadi cares about."

"But... from Alhan, I can't believe I sent your rivals"

Nadi understands very well that she is a princess. And at the same time, he cherished his connection to his mother's home, the Duke of Alhan.

"... rivals, is it?

It didn't pin.

(I mean, what does it mean to have your own daughter as your daughter-in-law when you know that you can only inherit the children I gave birth to?

There's too much difference in position from the start when it comes to competitors.

In other countries, we might consider it to be this one as long as we have children, but that cannot be the case in Dardinia.

Besides, from what I saw at the luncheon, neither the Duke of Alhan nor your lady looked bad.

(I mean the bad guy... you're not the type to stand around in the back belly black, are you?)

People say they don't know by appearance, but they also know a lot by appearance.

The type of person standing around in the back would be Grandma or His Highness.

"Master Renate, do you like His Highness?

As far as the luncheon went, there was no sign of that.

"... I guess I don't like it in that sense.... Though I don't know anyone who likes Renate"

Nadi thought for a moment before opening his mouth.

(I know you like Master Nadir and don't like him, but isn't it because you just want to be beside him?)

If that's why you're here to push your wife, I understand the story. Even with the Lady of the Order as Her Royal Highness's Second Queen, the Duke's house has no advantage at all in the present circumstances. There are more disadvantages to it. Still, I know what it means to say that you want to fulfill your daughter's wishes.

But if not, what are you thinking?

"... Um, excuse me, is Master Renate spared at the Duke's house?

Return the fan and ask sneaky again in its shadow.


Nadi rounded her eyes. I don't know what they said, that's the face.

"It didn't look that way, but the Duke of Alhan hates you or something?

"I don't. That will never happen.... Renate is a proud daughter to my uncle. That's why I kept it on hand until now without even remarrying."


"... because we are retroactively divorced. Formally, Renate is an unmarried duke, but she's really married once."


Retroactive divorce… going back in time, is to decide that we never had a marriage.

I don't think there was that information in the profile of the attendees briefly taught before the luncheon or in the various stories they told me afterwards.

"The person I was married to is our cousin... but he's weak. Well, that's why Renate, who was famous for being firm from the time, was chosen as his bride. Considering that Renate will rule over the Duke's house."

"Your opponent is already dead, isn't he?

"That's right. I guess there was hardly ever a marriage."

"... that's pathetic"

"Right.... but speaking of which, Renate won't talk about it at all."

"If you have had a retrospective divorce, there is nothing you can do to speak up..."

Even if it was something that everyone knew, it was nothing more than the Church erasing its records. You can't possibly do it with your mouth.

There's no reason at all to make an unmarried maid the Second Queen.

"... you don't know what that means"

"... why?

"It doesn't benefit Alhan at all"

"But Renate can have children now. If you go into the rear palace, you'll probably have a child before Ruti"

(If it does happen, it does.... but that kid can't sit on the throne)

"... for example, if Lord Renate becomes His Highness's Second Queen and a child is born... so, if I have a child later, which child do you think will succeed?

"............... I think it's Ruti's kid"

Just a little thought, Nadi said.

"Yeah. I think so, too. So, I don't think the Duke of Alhan can figure that out for Nadi?

"Yeah. My uncle is a swordsman idiot, but I can see that. Besides, my uncle is Leon... I was a little surprised to hear that Lennate suggested I go up to the womb because there were rumors that Lennate was going to take my son-in-law and inherit him more than Leon the heir."

"... maybe it's the other way around"


"The Duke doesn't intend to change his inheritance, but if he cared about Master Renate, that's the kind of rumor that came up. … as you deny it, there are no people who listen to it face to face, so there is no denying it."

"Normally, I don't think I can hear you."

"But if you don't deny it, it's not a good thing for your successor, Leon, or Lennate... it's a lot of rumors and problems when you name certain individuals, but you think it's safe to give them His Highness's name"

If it's just going to be a rumor, it's going to be a rumor all year round, and if we talk about it like that, it won't be hard to guess the Duke's sincerity.

"Shh. Huh?

Nadi tilts her neck adorably.

"Uh, I mean, it's okay. Nobody really cares until you decide whether to give it up to His Highness or not, because if it's just a story, it's a pile every day."

At least, I don't care.

"But if you tell Lennate or Leon that story, I think you two will know exactly what the Duke thinks."


(All I can think about is if the Duke is still intoxicated by His Highness...)

In that case, it would be a terrible story for Renate.

"... because I would definitely disagree if we really talked about that! So, Ruti, about me, believe me."


Our appearance in the shadow of each other's fans to tell a secret story was probably the object of attention throughout the venue.

I didn't know what that meant...... I didn't know how it would look in the eyes of third parties.

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