Fake Cinderella

7. Poisoning

I spent almost half a day in my bedroom that day.

Originally, I'm the type of person who wakes up pretty early in the morning, and I don't sleep forever even on holidays.

Even this morning, I was going to sleep just a little bit because I was tired. Well, I guess I was mentally pretty tired because of that,

By the time I woke up, the sunlight was colourful, both orange and yellow, in the afternoon. Almost in the evening because it's past three o'clock.

Here, no matter how much you take a nap, no one will wake me up. Wow, heaven! Or so I thought at first, it was something that I couldn't be out-of-the-box lazy whenever I thought that would be forgiven.

Nobody blames me for sleeping too fast, and everyone helps me get dressed faster than usual.

I asked Lilia's absence with my gaze.

The three got lost and Julia opened her mouth as a result of conceding to each other before me, still quietly awaiting an answer.

"We're investigating the princess's attempted poisoning."

I learned that the clam bloodshed was developing into an 'Attempted Poisoning of the King's Princess' and was about to erupt into so much ridicule.

But then I panicked.

Because if it was an attempted poisoning, I thought the person who cooked that dish would be suspected.

I knew best that it wasn't an attempted poisoning.

(Don't exaggerate that it was an attempted poisoning...)

I'm trying to tell you that somehow, but I'm still going to make Julia tilt her neck somewhere strange.

The samurai had a distinction, and in the past, she was not allowed to speak directly with you unless she was an official woman. I still have the remnants of it, and my behavioral apprentices and I don't talk very directly.

Lilia is the only woman in my maid of honor, and that's why Lilia always talks to me.

As a courtesy, it is forbidden to speak from what is at hand, and if I keep it in this part of my daily life, there is nothing I can do about it, so there are things like tacit understanding around it.

Julia, who helps with my demeanor, seemed to be nagging and crying. Her eyes are slightly red, and she even looks like she's crying.


"I'm sorry.... It's already past noon, so I'll just tie your hair easily."

I didn't know.... that the real incident happened after I went to bed.

"I must inform you of my regrets."

I'm in my usual chair.

Lilia, who came somewhere, thanked me and opened her mouth in a changed way.

To Lilia's words, which sounded nervous somewhere, I leaned my neck. Some of it was because he wasn't yet awakened.

But in the next word of Lilia, I woke up all at once like when I wore ice water from my head.

Your Highness, El Lucia is dead.

Lilia shook her neck sideways with no power to my gaze, which she pointed at because she wanted me to deny it was a lie.

"Cause is this morning's breakfast"

My meal is served with the samurai poisoning.

This is an indication of the royal vigilance that even if it is a raw house... no, it may be because it is a raw house... it cannot be trusted.

To find out what dishes were poisoned, they say they are each distinguishing the dishes they eat. The problem was clam soup, stir-fried eggs and green vegetables. Erucia, who had these two poisonous opinions, said she complained of abdominal pain after about an hour.

"It was too late when I called the doctor, I complained of abdominal pain for about two hours and took my breath away after lunch"

Lilia's words echo somewhere far away.

I'm supposed to be sitting in a chair, but I wasn't sure what I was doing.

I even felt all five senses taken away at once.

"We don't even know what poison we used yet, but the doctor said it was probably a slow-acting poison,"

(That's about it, even I know I'm not a doctor)

Useless and suppressing myself from about to utter cursing words. It's not Lilia's fault.

I took many deep breaths to calm my mind.

You have to calm down.

Anger clouds your eyes.

I tell myself many times...... yet my squeezed hands, tremble.

(... I know)

This anger is not right.

I noticed it myself.

The anger towards the murderer who took Erucian life does exist. But that's not all.

I... I couldn't forgive myself for sleeping when El Lucia was in pain.

Just because you were awake doesn't mean you could have done anything.

Still... I was angry at myself for sleeping without knowing anything.

(How could...)

On the chest, swirling anger and sadness...... then, irresistible anger.

Ask yourself again and again why this happened.

In my heart, the wrath of boiling back and the pity of stimulating the tear glands are mixed in a mess.

... but that wasn't the only thing I couldn't save.

(Had it not been for that clam incident, I might have eaten it too)

I know clam soup is different. Because this is how I live, and I'm pimped.

Even though I was thrown up, if that soup had been poisoned, it would have affected me in some way, even if I didn't lose my life. For example, what was poisoned was stir-fried shimmers and green vegetables.

Probably would have kept his mouth shut if it hadn't been for that noise.

Essentially, because I decide to put my hands on every plate all the way through.

... I had myself at ease somewhere in my mind about that.

I'm glad I didn't eat it.

I realized that I wanted to cry for the first time that I was too egoist.

El Lucia had herself happy to have been helped, even though she had died because of it.

It may be natural to rejoice in your safety. But I was ashamed of myself like that, and I was sorry.


There was no reason for El Lucia to die like this. There must have been no reason to be killed.

(Sorry, El Lucia)

I thought the fact that she was my maid drove her to death.

I opened my eyes wide...... and my tears spilled.


The samurai, including Lilia, look at me with a stunned look.

Because Altirier probably never cried in public.

But I couldn't stop crying.

Reminds me of El Lucia, which I only know for four days.

The faces that laughed at me, the faces that surprised me, the faces that troubled me...... all kinds of faces. It's only four days, but I remember it right.

And yet she's gone.

"El Lucia is a fruitful child. I was able to protect the princess..."

The ladies didn't cry.

But everyone, my eyes are red, so I thought I must have cried a lot already.

Rub your eyes.

(No if you cry...)

Being Princess Wang, I must not weep at the death of a single maid... the voice of my heart that tells me so. I know.

I know. I know, but I can't stop crying.

So I turned around. Don't let anyone see your crying face.

One of the knights standing outside the veranda looked at this one, but turned his back in a hurry.

I bite my lips...... look down.

This isn't crying.

Put your hands together in front of your chest...... drop your head.

This, I'm just praying. So I want you to miss the drops that fall on the floor.

I felt, for the first time at this time, that I had come a long way in a true sense… to another world.

In this world, lives are taken so lightly.

"... go home"

I came out with my mouth shut.

"My princess, your voice..."

Lilia and samurai open their eyes.

"Take El Lucia, go home"

To my words, which were clearly spun, Lilia looked at me.

I raised my face, looking straight back at Lilia's eyes.

I think I made up my mind at this time. I didn't exactly think so, but still, I'm going to live in this country.

"Yes, sir."

Lilia knelt down and bowed her head deeply.

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