Fake Cinderella

37 Green Morning

"... Huh? Like this?"

For me a night full of turmoil dawned, and now when I tried to return to my own palace, His Highness told me not to return.

"Oh.... Lana Hartley said she decided to clean up because this is the time. So until the National Founding Festival is over, you stay here."


For the most part, you have no right to say no to me.

(For now, I'm not dissatisfied. So far......)

"So, what should I do? By appointment, I think the rituals and events were tightly packed from today on..."

"You're supposed to be sick and resting in your own palace."

"... ok"

Always to think, but isn't half of my frailty made by His Highness's conspiracy?

We all know I'm weak.

I get a lot of heat (about two-thirds of which I'm just supposed to have a fever), I often catch a cold and fall asleep (about half of which I'm just supposed to have a cold), and I often fall down. (falling is more or less true)

So even if I'm sick and I don't come out of the room, it just seems, again.

"... so, in the meantime..."

"There you go, princess. Get dressed for this."

What shall we do? When I inquired, it was Phil-Lynn who stacked several costume letters and opened the door with his feet and came in.

(Phil is awesome that this bad behavior is allowed)

"Is this...?

I leaned my neck against my jacket glancing at me from a letter I had half opened because I had placed it rampantly.

"You can't be a princess while you're here. So."

"... so you want me to wear this?

"Oops. My brother's old and bad!

"... Phil = Lynn"

I heard a chilling voice. The coolest thing I've ever heard...... the sound of ice creeping my spine just listening.

"What are you going to let Ruthia do?"

"What... just let him disguise himself. I won't do anything from you. I still have my life to spare."

"It's not a game."

"I know. I'm not going to play. I'm just not stupid over there, either, and you should keep an eye out. No one would ever think a princess dressed like this."

"... Ruthia is not Arienol."

"Wow. But you're the most unexpected.... And then, yeah... Why don't you just call it a squire apprentice who rose to the royal palace on my fringe? There is a degree of power that is difficult to take back and can never be ignored as a back shield. Well, a tiger's authority."

"Why do I have to put my Ruthia on your side?"

"... How far are you going to show your exclusivity? That's not the problem right now!

"Shut up.... and if you're going to tell a realistic story, the face of this hand will never come from your bloodstream"

"So even when you say it's my edge, it's not all about our relatives and our bodies. There's a pattern of people asking me to recommend relatives of people close to me... and I can't take them for apprenticeships or samurai outfits, but if they look like this, I can take them with me."

"... right"

…… ……

I'm not sure what words are meant to be exchanged between them. No, I know what you're talking about. But I'm not sure what that means.

Sigh, it was His Highness who opened his mouth first.

"... Lutia. In the meantime, keep up the good work today."

It's an unintentional expression.


"Bye, over here, over here"

Phil invites me to move to the next room.

Waiting there are the familiar uniform maids. I suppose you're going to help me with my demeanor.

(... I just got dressed)

I know how many times noble women change, but I think it's something I can't help but get fed up inside.

I found my own maid in a deep bow of my head.


He looks at me and opens his eyes wide, and then he looks like he's about to cry out.

Milady embraced me unexpectedly.

"... safe..."

"Yep.... I'm fine now. Sorry, take it easy."

(... you must have lost a little weight)

It deceives the blue complexion with a base makeup. Maybe he wasn't sleeping very well. If you look closely, the bear under your eyes also covers it with makeup, and the color of the lipstick is a little bright, probably to make it look bloody good.

"No… I couldn't help but say"

"Yeah. I'm fine. It's not Milady's fault."

I just got involved, and in the first place, it's weird that there's such a case in the Royal Palace.

I laugh at Milady, who gives me a depressed look.

"Enough is done...... come on, help me get dressed"

As for the case, it's probably not over yet.

I don't know who did it, and I don't know why.

But I'm back safe.

Milady was safe, too.

So between us, this is' over '.

I have something in my heart that I no longer do and it's not refreshing, but if I need anything, I think His Highness will talk to me later.


Probably. I guess what I'm trying to say got through right. Milady grabbed her expression and thanked her softly.

"You look great."

It was Anya who accompanied me through the change of clothes with Milady...... Annamaria Erlane, the next Chief of the Second Miyagi.

"... really?

When I glanced at Milady, I noticed that Milady was, of course.

In the big picture in front of me, I look like a skinny boy.

Yes. Not the girl... in the boy's appearance.

(... here, even men usually have long hair...)

Or rather, many men may be stretching longer.

It is the samurai's taste that stretches his hair, because it is supposed to represent the samurai's readiness.

"... are you crazy?

Turn around and show it.

"It suits you"

Anya told me with a smiling look.

White shirts with lots of lace, white skinny trousers, and long coats overlaid on top have a nasty vine color.

I see. I was also convinced that it belonged to Phil's brother. The decor isn't as beautiful as what His Highness wears, but it's very tailored.

(... I'm a little surprised)

He looks like a proper boy, although he is feeling slightly poorly grown. It's not a girl dressed as a man, it's a little thin but proper boy.

(... here, it seems there are very few women in pants, so is it because of that?

The long hair was knitted and tied with a dark purple decorative string that was not decorative.

The hair tied is a testament to the easy to understand aristocratic man. It is said that although the length is different for each person, it is the official practice to knit it it into three pieces and turn it around the neck.

"It looks good on you, but it's also nice on you"


"I can't believe the honorable princess, who would also be the Crown Princess, has to stop looking like such a boy..."

Milady sighs.

"Nothing. I don't mind, but is it also contraindicated by some male outfit?

Instead, it's a lot easier to move than a gown, so I feel like I'm going to be a little queasy.

"No, it's not like that..."

"... Princess Arienol used to dress like this when she was little"

Anya squeaks with a distant look.

"Is His Royal Highness Arienol here?

Milady looks out.

Dardinia, I wonder how surprised it was that the princess, rumored to be the best lady in the social world, had ever worn the boy's clothes.

"Now is the time, you are famous for being the best lady, but I was a very nasty Grandma Princess at a very young age. She used to say that she was born to four brothers or a woman by mistake."

When I hear only rumors, a beautiful and brilliant princess, a very princess, but a completely different story often pops up.

"… Your Highness"

said Anya with a slightly softer look.

"Dear Fia, Your Highness's Mother... Ephinia always said that one day she would like to run around the garden dressed as such a boy"

"... didn't that come true?

"Yes.... Master Effinia was not as robust as Her Royal Highness... besides, it was not an environment to allow it..."

(... So Master Arienol is the exception)

Bad timing, I haven't met Princess Arienol yet. I only know about rumors, but I think you have a lot of faces.

The air creaks because of what happened to my mother, or if I had any memories.

"... by the way, could you tell me what was really supposed to happen today"

"Your Highness? What are you going to do when you know that?

Anya shakes her neck.

"I won't do anything about it.... It is an official announcement that the Princess Altirier is absent."

I just want to know.

"… after breakfast, a glimpse with the members of the Privy Council who resign with the date of today. After that, we will finish our sight of the meeting with the priests at the Diocese of the West Palace and perform two rituals. Later, you will see the royal family in the East Palace and there will be one ritual in the East Palace. And perform the ritual during the prayer of the Royal Palace Basilica. Then His Royal Highness Prince Wang and His Royal Highness the Queen will enter Jiesai together."

"... How far is Princess Wang absent?

"You will participate from the ritual at the Royal Palace Cathedral. Roughly, as a guide, it's eight past night. Until then, I want you to be with me as you are."

(... What is the reason Princess Wang is not participating?

If you're going to accompany me in this outfit anyway, you should be fine with the Crown Princess Altirier. Yet why avoid it? Why should I rest? Whatever it is, I guess it means His Highness will do something again...

(... something, I don't like it)

There's something in my heart that's moaning.

Something complains in a corner of my mind that it's not neat and it's not.

(... you don't like being made an excommunicated... no, it's a little different than being an excommunicated...)

Until now, I didn't dare to know why His Highness would do it, because I didn't think His Highness would do it wrong.

Of course, I still don't think His Royal Highness will make it bad.

─ ─ ─ It's not like you don't believe.

I just want to know.

What His Royal Highness did for me.

Or what His Highness will do for me.

Whatever that is, I don't think it's a good thing I remain unaware of.

It's not like I can do anything.... but I have to watch it right.

(... well, that's what I was doing anymore)

The attitude of waiting for me to tell you felt like I was running away.

(... ok)

I clenched my fist.

Finish dressing and go to His Highness's living room.

Phil-Lynn didn't look like him anymore.

"... rutia"

His Royal Highness punched his eyes in my appearance.

"... Thank you for waiting"

"No...... You're gonna change your face a lot."

My face is intact, though.

I'm just messing with my impressions with my makeup a little bit.

The eyebrows are getting a little thicker and firmer, and the eyes were slightly raised and the lines were placed so that they could be seen. That alone is a lot different. The truth is, they suggested I change the color of my hair, too, but I refused.

"Your Highness, would you like a little tea?

"... oh"

His Royal Highness places the documents in his hand on his desk.

Would you like to make it a cup of tea, but it's finally breakfast.

Of course, not that I was ready yesterday today as usual. But the people in the kitchen today are a lot more accommodating because of the people I raised.

Green, Green, Orange, Green, Green… The breakfast table was filled with dark, light, green-based colors.

".......................................... Lutia"

His Highness looked around the table about three times.


"... something, are you angry?

"Me?... Why?

Was there any reason for me to be angry? and deliberately strangle him.

"... aren't they just vegetables...?

"Yes.... while I was gone, I asked Anya how terrible her diet was. So I had it made around a menu where I could get vegetables quickly. The biggest concern is the lack of vegetables... and now you don't seem to have to worry about shortages"

I carried on the words with a smile.

"It's winter, so there are only a few vegetables available, which made the cooks struggle"

To my wasting grin, His Highness sat silently in his seat.

(─ ─ ─ First we win one)

This is an imitation of His Highness. Make him take a negotiating seat so that he can smile and intimidate him as much as he gets angry and move on at his own pace.

Your Highness is very good at this.

"First of all, this is vegan fried winter broccoli, right? Your Royal Highness is not your favorite vegetable, but please, try to eat it thinking you've been deceived. Just salt and pepper is amazing."

His Highness's hand with the fork hesitated for a moment, but carried it lightly to his mouth. Probably thanks to my credit so far.

"... that's surprisingly edible."

I guess it suited my mouth better than I thought. His Highness's fork moves the sleaze and winter broccoli to his plate.

(It was delicious, wasn't it? Good)

"Surprisingly, it's superfluous. Winter broccoli is sweet and delicious. Then, this is fried zade and salted pork, braised zade and sausage milk, ragna carrot salad and...... oh, this is the bread that worked out the zade, right? … and today's soup is winter bean potage soup"

Actually, none of them are vegetables that His Highness likes so much.

"... rutia"


"I don't know which thing you're angry about..."

"I'm not angry about anything. I was just worried."

When nutrition is out of balance, it is more likely to damage your health.

Portable food is something that was conceived around it, but still, it's portable food. It's better to cook itself, and it's nutritious.

"Oh, and then... I forgot. Vegetable juice. It nourishes quickly."

Served in a beautiful cutting glass was vegetable juice based on zade, broccoli and ragna carrots...... it looks just blue juice. The flavoring is just a little salt, but this salt is a little special, and the salt flavor makes you feel fluffy and sweet when you use the right amount well.

His Highness mouths a glass of blue juice with a look like he noticed something.

"... this is..."

"As I seem to say many times, it's vegetable juice.... Easily nourished at all times.... let me know if you really need to eat portable food. Because even the people in the kitchen can make it."

".................. ok"

Then we had a vegetable-centered breakfast silently.

I suppose you had reflected a lot on my offer not to say anything in particular, but could you please give me some time, because Your Highness made a good gesture with a strange face.

"I want you to tell me."


"This is why I, the Crown Princess of King Altilier, will not attend the ceremony."

I was your highness for a moment, but I pulled my strength out of my shoulder with the look of what it was like to ask my question.

"Guess I can't, there's no reason for you to be present"

"Is there anything I can't do..."

"Tomorrow is the most important thing, given its importance. There's nothing you have to attend."

"... Really?"

Something suspicious.

But there's not enough to pursue it any further.

I sighed small and shelved the pursuit for now.

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