Fake Cinderella

39 Samurai Apprentice

Continue along the long corridor with a large cage.

In the cage is a stew with chicken meat dumplings in the insulated pot of the prototype.

(I'd like you to have it while it's a little warm...)

I say insulation pot, but it doesn't have a separate insulation function. It's a substitute for covering a metal lidded container with a tightly packed insulation bag.

Some vegetables steamed in a pot for use in sauce scraps as they get cold, or you can eat them in bread if you want. Of course, I haven't forgotten Garrett.

(I was wondering if you could develop a magic bottle or something)

Sure, I think the magic bottle was made from a liquefied gas storage container.

(Gas lights exist, so isn't it strange to have them?

Recently, part of the Wang capital… construction to install gas lights has begun in a university city on the south bank across the river, he said. Of course I've never seen it, but in the meantime, I was taught at a tea party with Nadi.

(... that? Could a gas burner or a gas stove be used? No, but the kitchen facilities at the Royal Palace are still old-fashioned ovens, so is that undeveloped?

Alternatively, gas burners, gas stoves and gas lamps may be of different types. Unfortunately, I'm not very familiar with it.

(I think if we could have a gas oven or a gas stove or something, there would be a culinary revolution)

Although 'cooking' - or 'cooking' is no different to being a heavy labor - it can be a dramatic advance technically.

(... chiffon cake might bake)

My interest, first and foremost, is there.

Whatever the advantages of a gas oven are first, it will be highly fired and unmistakable to bake.

"... uh, princess, really, can you give me a break?

Phil = Lynn walking forward stopped his leg. I have had bad round-the-clock times throughout this period.

"I don't like it. You can't, Master Phil. Promise is a promise. You are allowed to cook and serve. And I'm not a princess. Call me El."

Doesn't it make sense to be called a princess, given the pseudonym Erti-Ardia? Even you'll find out who you are.

"I mean, when Elle walks in my squire's face, it's creepy and scary."

Pushing his back just to walk, Phil started walking cursorily.


"... I know you're Nadir's princess. As far as I'm concerned, it's so hard to treat you like a servant or a subordinate"

"Never mind. It's good. Because I am Elty now.... is a distant relative of Master Phil, a pre-adult child who has a hindsight."

"Yame-ku.... at least give me a serious break about that Phil-like"

"So what do you call it?

"Phil, okay?

"Isn't that a little disrespectful?

I don't know if I'm getting a later look.

"I won't keep you company, my family."

"Okay.... if Phil says so."

Then I have no choice.

"... than that, how long will you be there?

My feeling is that I've already walked a lot, but it's a perfect building called the Royal Palace, so I can't get to my destination yet.

"Uh, the other half's over."

"... Really? Are you still halfway there?"

Ha, and a small sigh.

"Hey, Phil.... Do people skip meals when they have plans like this?

The cage I hold is for His Highness Nadir, and what Phil has is the rest of His Highness's. Though Phil has already consumed a lot, he still has enough for a few. They brought it to me hoping the people of His Highness's men would eat it.

"Uh, more or less, don't get it done with portable food"

"Your Highness, is this portable food you specialize in…"

Your Highness likes… or even if you are eating portable food without so much restraint, you will not be able to eat properly with your Highness alone.

I feel sorry for everyone who fits in.

"Well... it's best for convenience."

I heard a water noise from Phil's cage called Chapon. Probably the sound of the chai in the water bottle shaking.

I have plenty of cinnamon and ginger to keep my body warm.

I also thought I'd make it a hot wine, but I left the Founding Fathers' Festival in Chai because tomorrow is the real deal.

A recipe made with alhan pepper and tea leaves in Ferdis' dairy cow's milk with Grachese honey and ginger, Elzevert's cinnamon and cardamom, making it exactly like Dardinia itself.

(You want thermal insulation, but you also want sealing)

One of the plain problems here is that I can give you less means of preserving food. Especially those that are already cooked or half cooked - - - I have a lot of trouble with the juice and the simmering.

They might say I should use a water bottle, but if it's a pure drink, that's fine, but the water bottle doesn't contain ingredients.

The wide-mouthed bottles and kettles that I mainly use right now take up a lot of places, and are not suitable for carrying. Although bottles and cans are made, they won't be easy to use because they will require a hefty amount of facilities.

I always wish there was something as easy as a tappa in the world.

(I just don't really need to think about preservation in the first place, so I know things for this kind of use didn't develop very well)

For example, our meal is prepared in a very inedible amount every time. But all of them will be servants' meals, so there is no such thing as leftovers.

I've made too many, so I'll eat this again tomorrow! I can already do a cycle where there is nothing like that, and what I made that day can be eaten during that day.

(And you don't really think about carrying it)

I don't think you have the idea of 'lunch box'. This is due to the fact that there are sometimes no containers with excellent sealing and portability, and because there are many stalls and cafeterias that can be eaten easily, the price competition is intense and it is possible to eat out cheaply.

At the end of the carpet, the water colour of the rear palace is the tone, where the blue carpet of the orthogonal palace begins, I proceed with my feet in a slightly different mood.

(... you feel something fresh)

I usually follow my samurai and female officers and walk forward. Now, take the cage and follow Phil. That alone makes me feel different, but there are other reasons to feel fresh.

Because ladies and samurai with different sets of outfits gently salute and bow their heads to Phil, but don't even look at me and walk past the neighbor early enough.

I'm not wearing the same outfit as them, because I'm not one of them, nor, given my age, an official guest.

(... I want to treat 'Apprentice' as a ghost)

As a person who usually keeps an eye on one foot at a time but gets too much attention, I would greatly appreciate it.

With that in mind, I looked into the wall and noticed.

(That... this painting...)

It's going to suck in, ahhh... I don't know the border between the sky and the water, that painting with the fantastic landscape is one I secretly liked.

(... ah...)

I felt like I heard the wind cut in my ear all the time.

My legs snap.

(... yeah. It's okay. This is what's in the building)

I remember that day. I wanted to go a little further that day to see this painting.

Come to think of it, it hasn't been a week since that day.

Something cold is coming up my spine.


Trying to call Phil's name, I couldn't speak well.

My body trembles and my legs don't move.

(I'm not afraid.... because I'm not scared at all!

But there was a view of that life-targeted moment in my brain as if flashing back.

Even though I can't try to remember it, now the fear of that moment brings me back to this body vividly.

(... Nadir sama)

That fear I remember binds my body. I was about to squat, and I stuck. If I got squatted, I felt like I wouldn't be able to walk a step.

(... Dear Nadir)

Repeat its name in your heart as if to cast a spell. That's all there is to be born in your heart.

Where I stand, where this soul stands.

(His Royal Highness Nadir Ethelbert, Prince of Dardinia)

My husband.

Tomorrow, who will be king.

My knight who protects me.

When I was about to be beaten up by a man in Lower Town, I remembered Master Nadir for helping me.

Back to cover me, strength of arms to hold me up...... muddy when I was held in my arms......

(... I can stand properly)

To me, Master Nadir's name is a magical spell.

Just chant it in your heart, it always holds me back.

"... are you okay? Are you feeling sick?

I have a soft voice and I give you a face.

One step, standing before me as I took my feet, was a woman dressed in royal palace samurai attire.

Though I think I'm over thirty years old, I'm not as old as forty. Honestly, the age of a woman is hard to understand. The royal palace samurai, whose makeup skills are developed, in particular.

(This Thai is a female official. It's also a position holder)

Same Thai shape as Lilia. I guess the collar and sleeve design is different from my samurai's because she works for the Orthodox Palace.

The beautifully crafted wagon she is pressing is equipped with cleaning equipment as well as public notes to prepare for the holding room and the replacement of the glass pen. Probably replenishing the storeroom around here with supplies.

"... thank you. I'm just a little dizzy."

The stone that adorns her cuffs is not rugged, black...... obsidian represents that she is not noble.

"Really? But you still don't look well. Why don't you get some rest?

"Oh, but..."

"We're getting a little ahead of ourselves, and a lot of people are busy going and going. It would be hard if things got worse in there..."

She glanced at my face worryingly, probably out of kindness. It advises me to take a break.

"I just checked the cleaning, so you'll be fine using the room here. Use this wall chair. I can't follow you because I have a job..."

She pushed open the door just a minute away and urged me to go inside.

(Duh, what do I do...)

I don't know if I want to take a break, but I want to deliver the plug right away.

(... but I have no idea where I'm going without Phil)

Phil didn't tell me where His Highness Nadir is now.

(I stopped my leg. I'm sorry too, but Phil's gonna mind back a little bit more too!

I wonder how far you've gone by putting me down.

"... but..."

"I am a junior lady in the rear palace. My name is Elinia-Nelke. And you?"

Elinia-Nerke...... it was a familiar name somewhere.

(... where did you hear that?)

I should have heard about it recently. Even though I feel like I'm remembering it to my ear. It's a shame I can't remember it in the critical.

"It's Erti Aldia. Beginning today, we are apprenticing His Royal Highness Prince Wang under the Duke of Altheidel Exanidium."

I bow my head deeply. For a moment, I was about to get Phil's name wrong...... I guess I wasn't wrong...... and then I almost thanked the lady.

I didn't say Consul Phil-Lynn because of the setting that Elty is getting a hindsight in Phil's kin. Assuming that no matter how close you were, I thought it would be a little awkward to call someone abbreviated in an external setting.

"Under Consul Phil-Lynn... it's been a long time since today."

"I brought you here today because it's the Founding Festival."

Elinia was satisfied with my answer.

Samurai apprenticeships are considerably easier positions than samurai apprenticeships that seem the same.

Although samurai apprenticeships are said to be foiled for future marriages, they actually serve you and are severely stifled by both behavioral apprenticeships.

but the samurai apprentice is different.

Samurai apprenticeships have strong aspects such as social tours of the boys who choose their path from now on. For this reason, the sons of the rather high nobility may also rise to the royal palace as apprentices, and for that period is not good.

Some only stay about a week, others work two years as apprenticeships to truly be a squire, and remain in the squire position.

"Really? Well, when you get some rest, you should go to the courtyard."

When Elinia stops the wagon at the edge of the hallway, she takes my hesitant hand and welcomes me into the room, letting me sit in the chair.

"In the courtyard, is it?

"Yes. The Founding Fathers' Festival is also a flower festival. The flower beds are incredible."

(... even though my superiors would definitely piss me off if they found me)

Though unused, this is one of the guest holding rooms. It is not a good place for servants to use it. Still, he accommodated me in view of my physical condition.

"... I'd love to see it"

Elinia giggles at me for offering me a snack.

"Yeah, check it out"

She doesn't look so neat. But that smile was very appealing.

"... if anyone found me here, please tell me I was asking you to move the chair"

"Do you want a chair?

I glance at the beautiful chair that is against the wall.

"That's right. I switched chairs today. … Later, I'll let the consul know that you're feeling ill and taking a little rest."

"Thank you"

(Keep it up and wait for Phil to pick you up quietly)

I think you've already noticed as much as you want, and you'll be looking.

(Something I have trouble finding poorly and making mistakes)

"Now, if you'll excuse me"

And as I looked behind Elinia as she gently glanced out of the room, I remembered where I heard her name.

(... of breakfast during this time...)

It's the name of the person in charge at breakfast when it's hard to tell if it's deliberate or inadvertent or mean.

I left the door open thin after Elinia left so Phil would notice that she would come to pick me up.

(But... I don't recognize her face)

I guess she hasn't been out in front of Altirier, or, hardly ever.

(... because she's a junior woman)

I gently bite my lips.

I don't really like the distinction between advanced and inferior. But this is not an easy thing to do with my likes and dislikes.

(Must be amazing excellence......)

That's what it means to be able to put sleeves through the uniform of a civilian but official royal court woman.

He also had a good attitude and likeability to deal with me now. I see. I can see why she is said to be one of Annamaria's bellies, the next chief of the rear court.

When you live in the royal palace, you can't care less about status… or what it is called identity. The practice in the palace is defined in detail by your identity, as is your outfit, and there are many things you can do just to say hello.

That's not all, I have memories over there, and sometimes something called this identity feels so unreasonable or intensely uncomfortable. Of course, though I don't think that's why I should simply get rid of it or anything like that.

(My head knows...)

the princess of the keys...... in Dardinia, founded to protect the last empire princess and her bloodline,

Nobility is the descendant of the knights who protected the princess. For this country to exist as a nation, identity systems are absolutely essential.

In a way, I am a tenacious party at the top of this Dardinian identity system, and that's why I can't do anything.

(A lot, it can be difficult...)

Reminds me of the faces of the orphanage children. Rugs and ruffles, then, jarros and little ways...... unidentified children.

(... if you have the talent, you have the mechanism itself to get it installed)

I have kids who try college entrance exams, even from orphanages.

Even if you're a slave, if you can graduate from college, you can be a high-ranking bureaucrat, and if you serve in the military, even if you're a civilian, you can be a general depending on your abilities.

(In a broad sense, this vague existence of a junior woman could also be described as a remedy)

Because what can I do?

What you can and can't do - not only is it a matter of power, but a variety of factors are involved. I still don't know exactly what's going on in the royal palace, and I can't move.

(... but if I didn't do anything until I knew it all, I don't think I could do anything for the rest of my life)

In this case, you don't have to think of doing it on your own.

Even if I don't, I just need someone to know and tell me.

(You can't help thinking about it by yourself...... let's start with the step in front of you!

I cage my strength in the hand holding the cage.

(You can take the stage from what you can do)

When you think too much, you just have to get back to the starting point.

(Because my origin is Your Highness...... yeah. Let's start by getting His Highness to have a proper dinner!

"... All right"

Stand up. You have to rendezvous with Phil, who knows where His Highness is, in order for His Highness to have dinner.

When I tried to get out into the hallway, Elinia came out of the next room a little early.

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