Fake Demon Lord

: Bu Invite Lotus Fan: Mo Lu

In this world, Chang'an as the emperor capital is naturally the most prosperous place. However, when it comes to the unique scenery of the mountains and rivers, it is also counted as Gusu. Most of the monks like nature, and Gusu is also the place where the Xiuxian sect is most concentrated, and Shuiyue Mountain Villa with the most beautiful rivers and lakes also stands here.

At that time, Bu Qingyun was still sixteen years old, and under white clouds and silver swords under the cloud city, the first time he walked through the streets and alleys of Jiangnan and rested in Shuiyue Villa. Bu Qingyun, as a big brother of Xuanmen, also has a bright personality. After walking south and north for several months, he soon met many young monks in the world. After he realized that he had almost practiced, he returned to the division and abducted Bululian who was only fifteen years old.

"The scenery outside is very good. You have never loved talking, my brother. I was so bored in Xuanmen all day that I was about to become dumb. Come out with me to see the world."

That's the way, Bu invited lotus to pack up his baggage, and was confused and led to Bu Su by Bu Qingyun. Bu Qingyun is accustomed to walking. He always pays little attention to walking in the rivers and lakes. Brother Qi, who was eating all the way, paid for it, and lost his master and turned over the map. When he encountered Mo Xiu, he chased each other's nest. As a result, the brother dragged him on. run……

In just ten days from Yuncheng to Gusu, Bu invited lotus has not seen much scenery, medical skills and physical skills have made rapid progress, just like the old mother carried by Bu Qingyun, she is really tired.

He was speechless, but Bu Qingyun suddenly found out that since there were many younger brothers around him, when he met fellows in the rivers and lakes, he chatted and went out to discuss, and no restaurant owner would chase after the account, no matter where he went, he could always find the inn to rest. There is no need to sleep on the tree, and there is a cure at all times even on the side of Demon Guardian Road. The quality of life has improved more than one grade, and I immediately felt that my decision was extremely wise, and the more and more heroes fought against the waves of righteousness.

"This is the first time you have left Xuanmen. Follow me, don't lose it."

When Bu Qingyun uttered this sentence to his brother outside Gusu City, Bu Yaolian's first reaction was to cling his eyes tightly to this person, for fear that he would see what interesting things he lost again . However, I did not expect that Bu Qingyun, who had never taken a stone to ask for directions in the wild, could not distinguish between the southeast and the northwest. When he arrived in this city, the streets and alleys were memorized in his chest. The two walked around in the morning, and the storage ring was almost full, and Concession invited Lotus to doubt how seriously his brother had been going out in the past few months.

"Master, this is the Eight Treasures of Zhenwei Pavilion, which is much better than Master."

Bu invitation lotus inner world: Tell me, who was the childhood person who ate the Master's date mud cake in one breath? Will your conscience not hurt?

"Brother, don't you like medicine? I introduce Gusu's best psychiatrist to you."

Invite the inner world of lotus: No, I have no interest in medicine. If you don't let me have so many opportunities to become proficient in this technique, I will thank you very much!

"Brother, look, this is Yingyue Lake. There are many beautiful sisters and sisters in the floating water village on the lake. I told the owner that you are looking for an acquaintance, and she also sent me a list of disciples."

Invite Lian's inner world: Obviously you want to see the beautiful girl! Can Master Xuanmen need majesty to use his brother as a cover? What about the face of the younger brother? Is this thrown away?

However, Bu Yaolian is a calm young man who has not loved to talk since he was a child. At present, his highest record is that he has not spoken a word to anyone for a whole month. Great room for improvement. Although he had been together since he was a child, he had to talk more with Qingyun when he was together. In the end, he couldn't pull his face to say the inner turbulence.

Therefore, in the eyes of Bu Qingyun, his master opened his eyes every time he went. Although it was because the necessary calmness of Xuanmen's disciple could not be complacent, it was obviously very shocking to the scene he introduced, so the interest grew stronger. Then he dragged him out of the Tiandao League and pointed at a high tower and said, "Master, there is an inquiry building built by the Tiandao League. Many seniors have left Mobao on the top floor, and we will be able to stay on it in the future. inscription."

Wendaolou was built by the ancestor of Xuanmen Kaishan when the fisherman set up the Heavenly Alliance. It is actually a stele that goes straight into the sky. Due to the special materials, only the monk Yuanying can leave traces on it. At the time, the fisherman was only on the top of the stele. Carved a word "Tao" and then returned to Xuanmen. In order to commemorate him, other monks of Tiandao Alliance will be engraved on the stone stele every time they have a new insight, so this monument can be said to have gathered all the centuries. Yuan Ying's monastic experience. Later, in order to allow young people to have a sense of this monument, Tiandao League built a tower outside the stone monument and named it Wendao Tower.

As disciples of Xuanmen, the two saw the ancient monuments left by their masters with their own eyes. However, Bu Qingyun did not go up the stairs. He firmly believed that he would be able to successfully ascend in the future. Until then, he would join the masters. Usually stand on top of this monument to witness.

Bu invited Lian didn't know his ambitions. When he saw that Brother Xi had come to a serious place this time, his heart was filled with relief that Brother Xiong finally stopped being a monster, and immediately encouraged: "I believe Brother can do it."

"Do you know what Master has left here?"

Although Bu Qingyun never went up, he knew a lot of the above rumors. When he saw his brother was really interested in himself, he answered with a smile, "Think twice before you go. Only this sentence is really the style of Master."

Qing Xuzi has always acted cautiously, but Bu Qingyun was born with a brave temperament. He was still young at this time, and never agreed with his master's claims. These questions were carefully discovered by Liu Bulian, and they are different today. He argued, and only asked, "What words would your brother leave in the future?"

Bu Qingyun really didn't think about this problem. He closed his eyes and thought for a moment without success, and simply laughed: "I will write, Peerless Peerless.

"Brother, don't make a fool of yourself!"

Such unbridled statements are naturally startled by Bu Yaolian, seeing that he looks serious, and Bu Qingyun knows that the joke has gone too far, and quickly laughed: "Just a joke, I am Master Xuanmen, naturally the same as Master Leaving monastic experience. "

He didn't really look like this. When thinking of Xuanmen to be handed to this person after a hundred years, Bu Yaolian seemed to see the future head go out to eat, drink and play every day. The sad scene of working, I felt a little stomachache when I thought about it, but sighed helplessly: "Brother, you are the head of the mysterious future, so be serious."

When Bu Qingyun was a teenager, he was really a free-spirited man. He said that it was the same without change, just shifting the topic, "Don't say me, what about you? What do you want to write?"

"I don't have this idea." He asked him a moment, and Bu invited Lian knew that he was not as talented as he was, and he was afraid that it would take him a long time to reach Yuan Ying, but he never really thought about these issues.

"You don't have much to say, what if you don't even want to write this?"

Bu Qingyun had a sense of Qingyun since he was a child. Naturally, he didn't understand the troubles of others due to the limitation of his talents. At this time, it was only his autistic nature, and then he had an idea again. If you want to say something to me, just write it next to my study book. I will definitely return to you when I see it, and we can write the whole wall. "

Bu Qingyun was able to come up with such a bold idea, and Bu invited Lian lamented that his brother was really not a common thing. He always wanted to die in order to die. Even the magicians couldn't reach it, but his mouth only said lightly: "Then I wrote that I went out and forgot to bring Silver Two?"

Bu Qingyun grew up in Xuanmen and never used silver money. After going out, friends from all over the world took the wind to wash the dust. This money bag was often forgotten to take. At this time, he could only laugh and said, "This is not you."

Glancing at him, Bu Wanlian's expression was very calm: "Ye no more lost Qian Tianbaoyu."

Gan Tianbao Yu is a unique pass for Master Xuanmen. However, Bu Qingyun always loves to throw it away when he changes clothes. If it weren't for Bu Yaolian, he would keep it for him. It's in daily production. Suddenly found that many of his problems were in the hands of his master, and Bu Qingyun was bitter in his heart, but his mouth was righteous: "This thing flew away accidentally while hanging on the waist, how can you blame me?"

Bu Yaolian knew from a young age that this person never confessed to defeat, and did not expect him to admit his mistake. He only sighed: "At least don't just care about removing the demon guardian, from time to time, you will be bruised."

"It's okay, I'm not afraid of pain."

Sure enough, even at this time, Bu Qingyun was very nervous. Just when he wanted to tell this person to pay attention to his body, he only saw Junxiu raised his face, a pair of peach eyes fluttered endless spring breeze, and said, "And, if If I do n’t stand in front, wo n’t their swords cut you? ”

Just a word, all the tiredness and exhaustion suddenly disappeared. At that time, Bu invitation lotus thought that although he could never appreciate the colorful scenery of the rivers and lakes in Bu Qingyun's eyes, as long as he stood behind his brother, he felt that the rivers and lakes were good at this moment.

Now thinking about it, since the age of eighteen, Bu Qingyun gave up his previous wanton behavior and truly became a calm and steady Master Xuanmen. He will never forget to carry a money bag. When going out, he can always arrange everyone's schedules. No matter what school he visits, he is a model of youth praised by the elders. The only constant is that whenever he encounters danger, it is still his first One rushed out to protect everyone behind him without fear of life or death. Bu invitation lotus no longer has to worry about his daily chores, but only one-handed medical skills are more and more superb. At that time, he lamented that he was useless to his elder brother, and felt that the gap between the two was getting bigger and bigger, and slowly he could no longer talk to him in childhood.

But he forgot that Bu Qingyun's free and easy youth time lasted only two years. His brother, who always smiled and laughed, buried all the juvenile fun for Xuanmen, and finally forced himself to grow up.

A hundred years have passed, but Gu Su seems to have not changed at all, Yingyue Lake is still so clear and clear, this questioning tower is still towering into the clouds. However, the silent boy who could only stand and look up at the stone monument was now a monk in the late Yuanying period. He could easily fly to the top of the building by just walking on the clouds.

Looking silently at the word "Tao" carved by the ancestor above, those memories that thought they had forgotten slowly emerged. He confessed his guilt to the Master and asked to leave Xuanmen, but until now, the news of the replacement of Master Xuanmen has not come. The world only invited Master Xuanmen to invite swordsmen to tour the rivers and lakes in order to break through, but his former brother became a new master. He couldn't help thinking, what did that man mean? Did the suffering of the past really go away?

Bu invited Lian also came to Gusu when he married Yue Lingjing. At that time, Yuefang Fangzhou said that in order to allow his younger brothers to enjoy the scenery of Gusu, he consulted them for a long time and made a plan overnight. Even more, he stayed up late to memorize the places of interest and allusions, and this was his brother who was more familiar with the streets of Gusu than the locals.

They got together to lament the changes in current affairs, but Bu Yaolian, who was standing aside, suddenly felt a pain in her heart. That person was always like this, and one person secretly worked hard, but said nothing in front of others. It was the affection that was discovered only after many years, and it hurt most.

On that day, Bu invited Lianming came to greet his relatives, but left Gusu like a flee. After that, he never stepped out of the mysterious gate. At first, it was because Bu Qingyun left too many footprints in the rivers and lakes, and he always found the trace of that person for the first time, and it was inevitable to look at his injuries. Later, he was really tired. He didn't love rivers and lakes. Once Bu Qingyun was gone, he never wanted to go outside.

In fact, he knew very well that it was not his jealousy that destroyed his Tao heart, but that Bu Qingyun was good to him. Even if he found countless reasons to be sure that he did not make a mistake, as soon as he saw these traces left by Bu Qingyun, it became an excuse.

It wasn't until he saw He Huan again that he really realized that he had been deceiving himself. Bu Qingyun had a good life and he looked sad, but if Bu Qingyun had a bad life, his heart was even more uncomfortable. From the day the two of them centrifuged, Bu Qingyun was a name that could only make him uncomfortable.

He thought he would never come to Gusu again, but he did not expect to walk to this place, and listened to the guards discussing a boy in white talking to himself on the top of the building yesterday. When he moved, he came up. .

It was only when I reached the top of the building that I found that the scenery here is not special. Just as he really got the position of Master Xuanmen, he gradually realized that although the man looked perfect on the surface, it was not true. happy.

There are many people's comments on the stele, some are long, some are succinct, others are unclear, so some people display their thoughts one by one, but only one glance, he found the familiar handwriting.

Do not forget the beginning, peace in the world.

He Huan, what a pain, life and death.

Obviously it is the same handwriting, but it is a bland and round, one open and easy, just as the two people's temperament, you can recognize who wrote it at a glance.

As a result, his brother didn't leave the joke words as the boy said. That man had found his own way, but he was still the same as before and didn't know what to write.

The white-clad Taoist stopped for a long time on the top of the building. When they came downstairs, they saw the guards still discussing.

"I remember who the boy is! He forgot to pay the bill yesterday at Zhenwei Pavilion, and the shopkeeper ordered me to leave it to him!"

"Calm, don't you say he lost a piece of jade, just take this to the shopkeeper's debt."

For a moment, as if back to the past, the mind had not yet thought, and the body had instinctively stood out. "How much he owes, I will give it for him."

The guards just saw him stepping on the clouds, knowing that this must be a predecessor of the Yuanying Period, and only respectfully asked: "Do you know that boy?"

They used to be able to talk about each other, but now he silently said, "It's an old man."

Seeing him say that, the guard was overjoyed, and immediately took out a piece of white jade. "The jade pendant, then you can keep it for him. We, those who are clumsy, don't dare to keep such valuables."

Xu Zhen is impermanent. His own Gan Tianbao jade stayed in Xuanmen and did not take it away. After eighty years of going around, Bu Qingyun's jade actually reached his hand again. Why it really is what that person should look like when he is eighteen years of age. He doesn't have to restrain himself for Xuanmen. He still loves to travel the rivers and lakes. He still forgets to pay the bill because of all kinds of unexpected thoughts. Throwing always keeps him.

He thought for a long time on the top floor, always feeling that there was nothing to say to that person, so he thought of leaving, and forgot about each other, and now that the white jade was in his hands, what he could say was finally thought of.

How have you been?

In the end, he only engraved four words on the monument, very ordinary greetings, without resentment and hurt, and some were just a shudder when Pingshui met.

Maybe young people will respond when they come to find Yupei, or maybe no one will see it, everything is good, after all, now they are not strangers.


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