Fake Funeral

C174 Origin of Xia Xin

The words Mr. Zhao and Xia Xin spoke made sense, but I actually didn't understand their thoughts. From time immemorial, how many people had pursued immortality? It was enough that a man could live, and his thoughts could run through the ages. No matter how big the price, he would be willing to exchange for it.

Perhaps, I need to obtain longevity one day before I can understand Mr. Zhao's thoughts.

Mr. Zhao sighed, and said: "After I turned into a middle-aged man, I continued to search for my origins, but to no avail. Even psychiatric hospital doesn't know where I came from. "

I asked in bewilderment, "How could the psychiatric hospital not know about this? There must be a record of who sent you, right? "Who paid for your hospitalization fee? You should at least have a bottom line for your finances, right?"

The Mr. Zhao said, "Speaking of which, it's quite a coincidence. That year, the tenth anniversary of the establishment of the Fan Manor psychiatric hospital, the higher ups would come to inspect. According to the eyewitnesses, I happened to be wandering around in a state of madness. The people of psychiatric hospital thought. What's the use of building our hospital? There was a psychopath on the way who was seen by the leader. That was definitely not a good thing. If the Leader were to say that Zhu Men stank of alcohol and meat, he would freeze to death on the road. That's a big problem. "

"So they took me to the psychiatric hospital for free. Thus, no one knew about my origins anymore. I also asked around Fan Manor to find out where I first appeared. But no one knew. as if I had come out of the ground overnight. "

I grunted, then asked the Mr. Zhao, "Then how did you find me?"

The Mr. Zhao said, "That was not that long ago. I found I could remember more and more. But I can remember. It's all about capturing ghosts and defeating demons. I don't have any personal experience. While I was feeling troubled, I suddenly felt that the surrounding demonic energy was soaring. "

"I knew something was wrong, so I got out of the coffin."

When I heard this, I immediately got the Mr. Zhao to stop. "Where did you come out from? Come out of the coffin? "

Mr. Zhao said, "Yes. I tried everything to get my memory back. Didn't I know how to catch ghosts and kill demons? I just lay in the coffin and slept, creating an atmosphere for myself.

Xia Xin and I both nodded. "You're really a genius."

Mr. Zhao said, "After I came out of the coffin, I felt that something was wrong. Because in the middle of waste grave, there is a palanquin, a white paper palanquin. "

I was a little helpless to think: So it was not just lying in the coffin, but also the burial mound's coffin. This place was filled with a demonic aura, what was so strange about this?

I withdrew my thoughts and immediately heard the Mr. Zhao continue, "How brave was I at that time? My first reaction was not to escape but to see who this person was. In the darkness, I had a feeling that this person was looking for me."

"As expected, the curtain of the sedan chair was opened and a woman walked out. When the woman came down, she smiled at me and said, "Hello, Mr. Zhao."

Mr. Zhao slapped his thigh: "You don't know, this woman is very beautiful and dignified, but her voice is very lovely. Do you know what it means for a dignified woman to have a lovely voice? "That's simply …"

Xia Xin coughed, "Can we get to the point?"

Mr. Zhao coughed, "Right, right, let's get to the point."

He cleared his throat and said, "As soon as I saw this woman, I knew we had no chance. Because the way we look at each other we know there's no way we could have intersected. "

Seeing that Xia Xin's expression was getting more and more impatient, Mr. Zhao finally regained his senses, "This woman calls herself Madam Temple."

I suddenly understood. "So she's Madam. I've seen her before. Why don't I find her charming?"

Mr. Zhao said proudly: "Her charms are also meant for different people, do you understand? Do you think that anyone can make them... Cough cough, what are you talking about? "Oh right, this woman is called Madam Temple. She handed me a letter, saying that someone wanted to give it to me."

"At that time, I was very curious as to why she would have my letter and how she knew who I was. I also asked her if she knew where I came from. But she said she was just a messenger. After saying that, I sat on the palanquin and left. "

"I didn't open the envelope until she was gone. You've seen the contents, that's all. When I woke up from psychiatric hospital, that was all I had to do with the mortal world. One was the sender, the other was the person mentioned in the letter. I don't know who this Tie Shan is, so I went to Hu Village to try my luck. "

The Mr. Zhao ended his story here. Because of his amnesia, his story was not long.

I looked at Second Master Guan, who was standing behind his shadow, and didn't move. This showed that what the Mr. Zhao said was true.

I asked the Mr. Zhao: "Is there anything else you're hiding from us?"

Mr. Zhao replied, "No."

After saying that, he looked at Shadow again, then hesitated before saying, "There's one more thing. I feel like I'm not single, but I really can't remember who my wife is."

I said to the Mr. Zhao: "Don't you dare speak such nonsense. If your wife overhears it, you're done for."

Mr. Zhao nodded in deep agreement.

Then he raised his head and smiled to Xia Xin, "I've finished talking about me. What about you?"

Xia Xin went silent for a while, before replying, "I have already told Hu Chujiu about my matters. "I admit that I let go of the Ghost Prison for the sake of a heart."

Mr. Zhao was not satisfied with his answer. He asked again, "Do you have nothing else to hide from us?"

Xia Xin frowned and asked, "What do you want to know?"

The Mr. Zhao elbowed me. "What do we want to ask?"

I thought for a moment and said to Xia Xin, "Before my foster-grandpa left, she told me that she had seen you before when I was young. "What's going on?"

Xia Xin had a helpless expression, "You want me to start from the beginning."

Mr. Zhao immediately said, "That's right, start from the beginning and speak without missing a single word. Where do you live, who are your parents, and where did you go to school? Where did you learn these skills and how did you enter the Underworld? "

Xia Xin sighed and said faintly, "Actually, my situation is very similar to yours. I don't have any memories either."

Mr. Zhao waved his hands, "Stop, stop. And pick a better one, will you? "

Xia Xin helplessly said: "What I said was true. If you don't believe me, I can also ask Guan Di."

After that, she knelt on the ground and drew a blood blade just like how Mr. Zhao did. When she finished drawing, I saw the shadow of Mr. Zhao running to Xia Xin's side.

Mr. Zhao said to Xia Xin: "I only said that. I don't really don't believe you, why are you doing this."

Xia Xin rolled her eyes, "Hypocrite."

Then she said to me, "This is how I first came to be. My Mother... Or rather, my foster mother was an ordinary person in a small mountain village. One day, she went to work in the farmland and saw a huge footprint on the ground. She stepped in and felt a change in her stomach, as if she was pregnant. "

Mr. Zhao waved his hand, "Wait a minute, why do I feel that your words sound so familiar? "It seems to be some kind of legend."

Xia Xin pointed at the shadow behind him, "Guan Di didn't move, which means I'm not lying to you."

Mr. Zhao said, "Maybe your foster mother lied to you. That may not be true. "

Xia Xin was unhappy, but she didn't say anything. She went on, "After a few months, my mother's belly got bigger and bigger, and she couldn't hide it anymore. Her family was angry and pressed her about who the father was, but she couldn't say it. She was a very honest person. Without even speaking with the man, how could she possibly be pregnant? "

"Later on, in the month of labor, my mother's stomach suddenly went down, as if she had only been ill for a short while and was now completely well. By that time, though, rumors had started to spread that my mother had secretly given birth to the baby and given it to someone else. Because of this rumor, she has never been able to get married. "

"Actually, it's not like no one is willing to marry her. I just don't want to marry a proper family. She looked down on those who were lazy and scoundrelly. And she stayed at home until she was thirty-five. "

When she was thirty-five years old, she suddenly had a dream one night. Dreaming of auspicious clouds descending from the sky, a golden immortal told her that your child had not disappeared.

"When my mother woke up, she was skeptical. She tossed and turned, unable to fall asleep, so she went inside the field to take a look. When she reached the farmland, she found the huge footprint again, and I was lying inside it. "

At this point, Xia Xin pointed to herself, "At the time, I was just like this. His figure, appearance, and age didn't change in the slightest. It's as if I was born that way. "

"My mother didn't really believe I was her daughter, but she did believe in the fairy in the dream. She always said I was a gift from a god. When I was brought home by her, I was like a baby, unable to talk, unable to walk. It took us three or four years before we were able to take care of ourselves. "

"It was also because of my existence that the rumors about my mother were confirmed. Now she tells people that she was never pregnant, that she never had a child, and that no one believes her anymore. "

Mr. Zhao scratched his head: "So, you really lost your memories?"

Xia Xin said, "It can also be called amnesia. Or rather, I had a childhood, but it was a very special childhood, because my body was so big from the beginning. "

The Mr. Zhao asked again, "Then how did you join the Underworld Prison?"

After Mr. Zhao asked this question, I suddenly realized that Xia Xin was gnashing her teeth in anger. Anger was written all over her face as she said, "I didn't join Hades voluntarily, so I hate that place."

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