Fake Slackers

Chapter 108

They couldn't help but chase him. He stopped and suffered a few times.

A group of people squeezed at the stairwell, and Rowenqiang slippers fell off and jumped on one leg to pick them up.

He Zhao leaned against the armrest, while they were not paying attention, made a mouth shape on his boyfriend, two words "help me".

“No, it's over. ”

Xie Yu looked at the time with a smile and said: “Are you still in class? ”

Old Tang told them to pack up briefly and have a meeting in class this afternoon. It's probably either a new book or a final exam talk.

Upon hearing this, Liu Jinhao let go of his hand and glanced down at the watch: “I'll go, it's all dotted. ”

He Dynasty walked down the stairs three or two steps, clamping Xie Yu's neck together in a low voice: “Do you have a conscience... I've been chased by them for half a day, you stand here and watch the show. ”

Xie Yu looked at him and concealed in his ear: “Know enough, I want to beat you up too. ”

“ …… ”

A group of people walked out of the dormitory building, the road was shaded, and there was no shading effect.

Hot and dry winds swoop in.

Only the senior year had holiday supplementary classes planned, and none of the other buildings were empty and the silence was somewhat uncomfortable.

Before he reached the door of the class, old Tang had already started his speech, and the sound of the speech flowed out the window: “The seats won't be rearranged for you, and you will still sit as they were. The weather is very hot. Hang in there. Let's try to finish the first round early and give you a few more days off. ”

Three classrooms reached half the population, all cleaning classroom hygiene.

Xie Yu walked to the door, looked into the classroom and saw the door sign:

Senior high school class (3).

When Xie Yu went in, there was nothing left to do. At the end of the day, he and He Dynasty split half a blackboard: “This half mine, you go over there. ”

Even though the division of labor was clear, Xie Yu washed the cloth and came back to find that his half of the river and mountain had been occupied by the He Dynasty.

“Robbing my land? ”

He Dynasty: “This is the world where the weak prey to the strong. ”

Xie Yu still had water on his hands, almost wanted to greet this man with a rag.

The boys were tall and squeezed in front of the blackboard for a while. Xie Yu reached out and grabbed the rag in his hand. He turned around and looked down at him. “Okay, I won't make a scene with you. ”

Old Tang said almost everything. He stood beside him and drank water. He looked at the two and thought they were funny. He shook his head again and looked away at the window.

Xu Qingqing, while polishing the windows, obviously did not keep his soul.

The same place was repeatedly rubbed, and it took a while to recover.

“I know you are all very interested in the end of the period, the rankings have been sorted out, our class is doing well this time, better than expected. You have to have faith in yourself. ”

Old Tang took the transcript from the office and was ready to analyze the exams for them. Before analyzing it, he couldn't help but mention another thing.

All three classes heard Old Tang say slowly: “This time, our school won two places in the first five miles of the city. ”

“ …… ”

The whole place is quiet.

Even though the two brain-wrecked bosses in the class were amazing on the stage of the four-school joint examination, it was only four schools after all, and they were still a long way from the key schools.

Now the city's top five news came out, still shocked soul scattered, unable to speak for half a day.

It's not just three classmates who can't digest.

On the day the old Tang record was completed, the office phone didn't stop all afternoon. Not only did the school leader come and ask, but the other key schools were surprised at what kind of mess the two of them killed.

Liu Jinhao first looked back and touched it in his pants pocket for half a day. Finally, he touched out a five-dollar picture and took it to the desk: “I put it in front of Brother Yu. ”

Wanda: “I... I bet on Brother Yu too. Brother Chao is too floating. He's not the man I can catch. ”

Rowenqiang: “I bet my dignity today, I also choose to thank the boss! ”

Xie Yu didn't care much about this ranking, he went through two pages of new textbooks and found that these people had already started gambling, and the situation turned out to be a bit funny: “What's so good about gambling? ”

These people may want to pursue a sense of ceremony.

He Dynasty waited half a day, no one put him on. He couldn't sit down: “Are you still human? Even if it's superficial brotherhood, you should mean something. I don't understand anything. ”

Liu Jinhao: “Sorry, we don't want to mean it. ”

“ …… ”

He Zhao got up and went to the front row, intending to bet himself, but after half a day of touching it, he didn't touch the change. He leaned over and knocked on Wanda's table: “Well, borrow some change? ”

Wanda hasn't had time to say no. He Dynasty said, "This is your chance to get rich. Think about it. There's only one chance. You lend me ten bucks today, and I'll...”

Wanda: “I don't! I refuse!”

Xie Yu leaned back with a smile.

However, it was unexpected by all that no one was willing to bet on the inferior quality of the "out-of-the-box, skin-skinned two-point roll" stock, and this time it really took back a round.

Old Tang lowered his head and looked at his grades unilaterally and said: “This time he Dynasty classmate ranked second in the market with a total score of 743, only two points apart from the first...”

Wanda's pile of money almost didn't hold steady, and she said she really lost her chance to get rich this time.

The pioneer students in key schools, they've seen it before, and their strength is quite horrible, and every time they score it, it's frightening to look at them.

In terms of the top five, these five are only a few points apart from each other.

Besides, there's still a year to go before the college exam, and the next exam may refer to who's before and after.

Xie Yu scored two points lower than expected in this speech, ranking behind He Dynasty, third. However, in the composition section, the batch teachers carry their own subjective preferences, and it is normal to have a gap of one or two points.

Xie Yu had a headache in completing his performance. He could probably have predicted that the Second Lieutenant Colonel's history would give him another layout, writing about "the power of the city to create a glorious myth".

The last time he was in the headmaster's office, he didn't even dare recall.

He Zhao rubbed his head: “What are the children thinking? ”

Xie Yu had no expression: “I wondered what kind of stupid posture Colonel History would use this time. ”

Old Tang child, keep nagging. He Dynasty listened for a while and reached out to touch the phone.

The phone just shook in his pocket for half a day, and he couldn't even look at it.

Xie Yu: “Who is it? ”

“Shen Jie,” He Dynasty said, "ask if you have time later, help him smoke two cards. ”

Xie Yu didn't even want to think about it: “No time. ”

He Dynasty placed his phone in the table belly, the screen kept darkening and lit up. He glanced down his head and said: “... can I smoke? I'm lucky too. ”

From dressing games to wild men, Xie Yu really didn't feel what he called good luck.

Clearly, Shen Jie, as a good brother, has never been taught either.

[Shen Jie]: Chao, recognize yourself.

[He Dynasty]: I think I know myself very clearly.

Shen Jie had a headache.

[Shen Jie]: Stop it! Can you be like your old Xie, that is the true god of Europe. Do you have amnesia? Do you want me to wake you up?

He and He Dynasty have known each other for several years. This person has never played cards as usual. Even if he had good luck, he could have been skinned by this person.

Shen Jie really intends to devote a period of black history to burning, but he hasn't organized the language yet, so he sees the opposite one sentence:

[He Dynasty]: But old Xie is mine.

Shen Jie: “…”

After he dynasty, Shen Jie's head was like a trick, a second greyed out.

Not even a goodbye, just disappeared.


After two exciting messages in the class, Old Tang began to report on the results of others in the class according to ranking.

It is not comforting to say that their class is doing well this time. Although the score is lower, the paper is difficult and generally improved.

After the usual newspaper, Xue Xin, immediately followed by them Qing, I didn't expect Xu Qingqing's grades to lag behind by several.

“What's going on,” he said in a low voice, "Qing did not play well? ”

“Don't know.”

Xie Yu looked up and could only see Xu Qingqing's straight back and ponytail behind his head.

They were worried that Xu Qingqing would suffer at first, but Xu Qingqing did nothing else during the lesson. The lesson should continue. After taking a few measurements like this, Liu Jinhao relaxed his guard and patted Wanda on his shoulder and said: “Look, it's our Qing brother, the man--”

Liu Jinhao's last half of the sentence was not finished. Xu Qingqing's original straight back suddenly bent. His entire face was buried in the arm bend.

“... crying, crying? ”

Xu Qingqing cried and there was nothing around her.

Xu Jing gently patted her back and said several times, "It's okay, it's just one exam”.

Xie Yu was dragged by He Chao to class 8 to smoke the card, then returned to work. This is the scene he saw: Xu Qingqing red eyes, Liu Jinhao and several of them stood in line in front of her, and took turns: “Let me tell you a joke, there is a little penguin...”

The pressure from senior year left a lot of people unacceptable for a while.

Cruel competition, uncertainty about the future, and expectations of family…

You can see what's going on.

He Dynasty walked out the window and joined the army. He shouted, "Brother Qing! Turn you into a magic trick. ”

This person did not know where to learn the bad magic and needed to cooperate, so Xie Yu temporarily assumed the position of Magician Assistant.

As a result, he dropped the chain in the first sentence, pointing to his assistant and saying: "Let me introduce you, this is my child. ”

Xie Yu: “… Will you or won't you? ”

Xu Qingqing: “…”

Xu Qingqing was silent, her eyes felt a little sour. She blinked silently: “You are sick, walk, stay where it is cool. ”

These boys are clumsy, they don't comfort people at all, and they are stranger than one by one.

But the mood has changed incredibly.

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