~ Chapter 13 part 2 ~

It was a room with black curtains instead of a door. The two people rolled it up, the thick black curtains were strange, but they went inside nevertheless.

“Who is this? Aren’t you a cheeky child?”

A girl, wearing cute pigtails with pink hair, who just looked about thirteen years old, welcomed them.

The child was sitting behind a large reddish brown desk with magic tools and various documents, and beneath it was a display of brilliant emerald-colored magicians.

“Who are you calling a child?”

“Why? Do you want me to call you a baby with a fishy smell?”

Verndia snorted at the child’s words.

He don’t care. Lia shook her hand in the air and summoned two chairs.

Then, she beckoned friendly to Psychke, who was standing still.

“Welcome, welcome. Let’s see. Your name is…… Psychke Silkisia?“

‘That’ Silkisia. Hahaha.

Green eyes which resembled green vast scenery, twinkled as if they had discovered something interesting.

“Our rookie has a skill. You got engaged to such a pretty princess.”

“Stop saying such ridiculous things.”

“… The reason I’m here today–”

Psychke stuttered at Verndia’s sudden nod.

She was puzzled because seeing the wizard first time in her life looked like a child.

Unlike her immature voice, her eyes and attitudes were completely adult, so honorifics naturally came out.

She had the type of magic that could freeze monster’s wound if inserted into it,

She asked for advice on how to deal with the monsters death.

Lia held her chin with both hands and swung her feet that did not touch the floor.

Then as soon as the story was over, she yawned loudly.

“Why are you talking care of that yourself? What are you doing?”

Verndia, who was pointed out with a glance, responded harshly.

“That’s why we’re here together.“

“You made the reservation yourself. You have to take care of it yourself. You have to follow your fiance around, and you have to know that a baby like me doesn’t have the ability–”

“Is there a way to ask the princess to do it?”

“There is.”

Indeed, among the current Ice Barrier wizards, it was an answer like one of the best.

“What’s that?”

Psychke welcomed her immediate answer without hesitation. However, she darkened her complexion with the following words.


“I’ve already paid for it. When I make the reservation.“

“That’s the price you came to meet me. It’s right to pay extra to get an answer.“

It was forced. At the time of the reservation, she told the association’s wizard the purpose of her visit, and had paid the commission fee in consideration of returning after receiving an answer.

It was disappointing because it was not a small amount. But the one holding the answer she was waiting for, was over there.

She was going to ask how much more she should pay.

“Okay, what’s that?”

Verndia took a step ahead. He said he knew this would happen, but he was annoyed.

“As expected of our rookie. It’s good that I don’t have to explain it.“

With a single smile, Lia took one of the parchment piled up on the desk and threw it to Verndia.

It was the coordinates of an illegal auction house held two days later outside the capital.

“I heard that ‘the item’ is coming out this time. I want you to bring it. By the way, don’t ask others to do it, but do it yourself. Because it’s your job.”

It was a request, but in reality, it was a threat that if he don’t give what she wanted, she wouldn’t answer them unless bring the item over.

Verndia crumpled his face.

It’s like they have caught each other’s weaknesses. She kept accepting those good things, but there was no end.

The ability to control her heart’s ‘non-dissipating flame’, is in her hands, he wouldn’t have been dragged around like this if he had only met someone else with the same ‘melting ice’ magic.

“What is that item?”

“Necklace that sting someone with a poison. Keitan’s necklace.”

“Hmm? Didn’t you say you didn’t want to investigate more after you failed back then…?”

Verndia, who stopped talking, wiggled his eyebrows. He wanted to take precautions in front of Psychke, and he said quietly so that only Lia could hear him.

“Can you say that in front of a Silkisia?”

“Oh, well… Honey, it was Silkisia, right?”

Lia, whose eyes were round, quenched her lips silently.

Shall I erase her memories with magic?’

‘You, you’re not your magic major, are you?‘

‘She can faint until she forget it.’

‘Are you crazy?’

While they were having such a conversation, Psychke was gently pressing her chest and calming her surprise.

It was because of the word ‘poisoning needle necklace’ which Lia uttered.

‘No way, it’s not the same thing.’

Her hands trembled when she thought of the object that led her to death in her  previous life. Because of that, she didn’t even know that the two looked at her meaningfully.

She thought it couldn’t be possible, but she carefully started to wonder if it would be possible.

“If you don’t mind, may I know how the necklace looks like?”


Lia’s eyes became round. Silkisia doesn’t know this?

Is she trying to know how does it looks like or she really doesn’t know how does it looks like? To find out, Lia briefly explained.

“It’s just a normal gold necklace. Embedded in an emerald large enough to be rustic.”


The word ‘big emerald’ opened her ears.

Psychke breathed haplessly by the mention of the object that has the same shape as that necklace.

At the same time, Lia’s green eyes that looked at her became as thin as needles.

“What’s the reaction? You really don’t know what that necklace is?”

His cold voice that sounded colder compared when Lia called him ‘Honey’.

Suddenly, the atmosphere inside became cold as winter.

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