The consultant has been returned to the residence with the constant laugh.

After Li Liangxing smiled, he followed his body and was handling the communication request on the MEC.

After his hand exposed, the Star people who did not see him were surrounded by him for a while, and many good-looking lady blocked him, how can I add Li Liangxing's star net.

In their eyes, it is too romantic to get rid of a flower. Pingping and odd squid flowers are also given a different brilliance and charm.

But the consultant to hold two ponytail flowers, and put the flowers on the table.

Li Liangxing did not have traces, and he wanted to laughed, but he had retired, and it was nothing to do, and the leisure is sitting on the bed.

"The horse is very easy to love, is it right?" The consultant said it was cold.

Li Liangxing, "I don't know, this is my first time I come to the horse."

He frowned, some are sorry, "I still count for a night, I am still a pure veteran man."

"I see you very positive."

Pure situation? It is truly.

I will be so hung in nine years old.

There are many moments, the consultant feels that Li Liangxing is a crown, and it can be seen when he looks at him.

He is only thinking now, he really forgot or put it forgotten, but any one of these two may make the consultant into anger.

The consultant came to think about it, and the time quietly passed. After he returned to the god, Li Liangxi has taken off the clothes lying in the bed and waiting to sleep.

A pair of eyes stared at him, "Ask, let's sleep."

The consultant is translated, and Li Liangxing looked at him in another bed, staring at him, in the darkness of the darkness.

"... Don't look at me." Said that the consultant he stared at him.


Li Liangxing reminded his sight and turned back to the consultant.

After a while, the consultant became more annoying. "Why don't you see me?"

"..." cute is a bit foul.

Li Lo Star is back to him, mutter: "Don't you let me see you?"

Consultant, "If you listen to me,?"

The little ridicule in the tone makes men can't bear it. Li Liangxing is like he is willing, and it turns over and stares on his body.

However, I still read it in my mouth: "It's a man, what is good?"

The consultant is smashed, and the face is very dark to turn a circle in the room. After finding a black eyeliner, he bluntly covered the eyes of Li Lo.

"Is this ok?" The opponent's lowered the sound of anger sounded in the ear, "Satisfied?"

"Okay," Li Liangxing will see anything, don't say tofu, even the face of the consultant can't see it, he sighed, "Sleep."

He won't be a bit for a while, and his breathing is gentle, but the consultant is turned over, and you can't sleep.

After a long time, he held the bed and sat up. Sozo put on the clothes, pulling from the window, rushing to the recent entertainment venue in the Horset Port.

In the evening, I will go this place, and it is a happy male and female in demand.

The consultant became in, less than half an hour, and his face returned to the room.

Li Liangxing's breathing is peaceful, and a disturbed his thoughts.

He wiped his mouth red, standing on the side of Li Liangxing.

When the women want to kiss, the consultant does not know why she wants to avoid.

After escaping, I still have a festive emotion.

It seems that I have learned by those women, what happens to let him regret.

It's unimaginable.

He is in peace, walking to the table, wanting to fall a glass of water, after the end of Li Lo Star thable, "Watcha?"

The consultant became a stiff, and the process of creating the front step into a more dark place.

This reaction exposed him, Li Liangxing woke up from sleep, he took the bed, the upper part naked, and the bare festive stepped into the direction of the consultant.

He frowned, cold, asked: "You are still following us."

"Stop," consultant is lowered, panic, "standing there, don't move."

He tightly leaned against the dark corner, only a blurry figure allowed Li Liangxing to catch.

Li Liang stars stopped the feet, "How do you know that we are in the horse.

The consultant is a heart jumping he thinks that Li Liang will hear!

It's too dangerous. He didn't take a mask at all, but I didn't plan to let "Wast" appear in the horse, don't mention the bed of the consultant, as long as Li Liangxing looks back, this identity will completely expose .

However, he's response and camouflage sounds have proven that he is undoubted.

Consultants have never feel that I can be so stupid.

He tried his best to show the foot of the horse, "This is completely coincidental, who can know if you are in the horse?"

Li Liangxing smiled, "Okay, it is coincidence - then do you explain why in my room?"

"Right, consultant." He looked back, he went back to the bed to the consultant.

The consultant is in the heart, and the feet are jumped, and the kung fu him returned and slammed Li Liangxing.

A loud noise.

"Oh shit……"

Li Liangxing, which tied to the ground, "Worth, you are sick!"

It's a tattoo, the cloth is torn.

In the next moment, Li Liangxing's eyes were covered, and something was blinded in his sight. The stupid attacked him, gave him a dead knot when he was hurting.

It is tight into the eyes pain.

Li Liangxing took a deep breath and saved the power, and the people in the body were reversed, the two postures were exchanged, let Worth feel the feeling of weakness.

The cloth is very long, forever, there is still a long empty sweep, on the face of the consultant.

Li Liangxing touched his hand, put the hand over the head, and the two legs were put on the legs of Wasthae, resolved all the struggles under the people, ensuring that he can only be imprisoned by him.

But because of it is to ban him, Li Liangxing did not go to the eyes on his eyes.

"Play me?" He bite his teeth, "Well? Timed my eyes, why, afraid that I see you?"

He is a meal, "Worth, you don't have a mask."

Consultant became the resistance of the resistance.

Under the panic, he didn't think about it, torn off the clothes on his arm, and the clothes were torn directly to the chest, and the remaining clothes were half-hidden, and the wolf came to the extreme.

Every every big one is struggling, or the movement of Li Lo Xing will push the clothes hung in the body to the edge of the desire.

But Li Liangxing invisible.

The thin layer of cloth has covered his last sight in the darkness. He just aware that this is stiff, suddenly laughs, "Oh ~ It didn't have a mask."

He slowly lowered his head and seemed to see his look through this layer.

The consultant has not consciously placed breathing.

His nose is sweating with the forehead, and sweat is trembled, and I don't dare to roll.

Li Liangsing was blinded, but he did not.

He looked at the young boy from the eye, gotting closer to him, clearing the ingredients told him that the other party couldn't see anything, but the psychologically there is always a kind of other parties have seen who he is.

This feels like a dress, the body is more sensitive, and even feels the enthusiasm of the other party's breathing sprayed on his face.

Consultant, "- Li Liangxing!"

The sound of the sandy granulation sounded, Li Liangxing moved, he smiled, "Look," Look at what you called me, Worth, even my name know, still Explain not to follow me? "

He can't see the people of the people, it is unexpected, his head is still getting lower and lower until the tip of the tip of the consultant.


The heart beat the sound in a quiet room is like a giant drum.

The sweat of the nose is on the other side of the nose, and the whole is the taste of the other party.

Ping together, each other is also a volt together, the air is coming in, hot oxygen curl is curled up.

"My hands and legs should be made," Li Liangxing whispered, "there is no way to do Wastha, it is rare to forget to wear the damn mask, I always know what you look like."

He moved his tips from the tip of the consultant to the forehead. "The forehead is very full."

The consultant became closed, and Li Liangxing breathed from top, after his brow, eyes, cheeks.

"Here is the mouth." Li Liang stars stopped, his lips and consultants had only two fingers.

Consultants have a mouth, trying to face the face.

His sweat on his face is hot.

"What face?"

Li Liangxing chased his lips, not to talk to him, "Not you blindly, I can't see it? You don't let me see it, I have to use this stupid method."

"You have already touched my face," advisor became faced, no matter which direction, he was chased to face, he said that he was stunned, and he always stared that he would launch Li Xing's lips, "can be far away from me." Clicked."

"Who said that you have already finished your face?" Li Liangxing smiled away, dragging the magic, "Isn't you not touched by the place you talk?"

"..." The consultant became the hands of your hands, and the legs didn't force the big hand of Li Lo.

Oh shit……

This guy is eating what grows.

Psychotic can not be used, Wasthainese must fall!

The consultant has been forced to calm down, but Li Liang will press him, his face is so close, this fuck can calm!

"Don't move," Li Liangxing actually took his waist, "asked ..." Who is going to prevent you? "

The consultant is almost unbelieved.


However, let him think about a second day.

Li Liangxing lowered his head, lip and his lips touched, , "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "

From the lips to the lips, he turned over and quoted the last five senses in Wastha.

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