Female sword shells beasts their necks and sorrow, and they have passed thousands of meters.

Its body is huge, the skin is also hard, Li Liangxing and consultants have been used in hand, and the silver of silver is getting brighter. They concentrate on the moment of mental injection.

The mother beast tried to stand up, and the fluctuations brought by the volatility were blown out of the two days, and the Xisan and Yu arrived over, and the body of the sword shell was stumbling.

But the snoring can not be lost, and the male sword shell outside the number is completely mourned, and it will be rampage after falling into the violent state.

Dozens of steering beasts on the nose, when the beast is straight, the earth is shaking in dramatic.

Sign in a very smooth forest, Slightly stopped their speed, Swarlin took a deep breath, to his work arranged, he blocked the one in the forehead, and the group of anger in a far away.

The protection from the teammates made him completely without loss of any kind of mental strength, as the person who had the highest spirit of the four people, Swinn should have the main force of the protective cover.

He reached out, with the other three orientation teammates, in the range of female sword shell lying down, shrouded a protective cover.

However, each of the long-hit of the sword shell hits the spirit, and the volatility is worried that the protective cover will be disappeared in the next second.

[What about the Sai Fang? ]

No people? Your live broadcast you don't know what happened? ]

How long has this past, is it necessary to come to people! ]

The person in charge of the competition party wiped the sweat on the forehead, removing the eyes from the comments, "Chief, you see ...?"

Sitting in the master's way to watch the military's face, the face is quiet, his face is firm, "" Wait a wait. "

"The chief, waiting for it, I can wait," the person in charge smiles, "It is what you must ensure that their security."

"I will," middle-aged soldiers, "this has not yet to their limit."

The rank of the military shoulder shows that there is a fermented troops under the top of the colonel. Everyone in the troops is the Lommond's colony, and people call the "Rommont Private Guard".

The person in charge, I don't know if I have a sympathy, I have symptoms that I have been being collected by Luo Mund. Whoever makes the colonel be a famous eye, I don't want to die. It is to practice people to death.

As long as you look at this school, the good day is really ahead.

... Honor is also willing to get your hand.

The officers stopped the rescue of the event. The audience on the star is filled with indignation, and the team of dreams in the actual combat is not so much.

Resisted in violent states, the spiritual fluctuation of sword shell beast is getting bigger and bigger, and Li Liangxing and consultants stepped on the mother beasts, knowing that the teammates can't hold it.

The consultant has become a doubt that does not cause others. His spiritual strength is maintained in the same level of Li Liangsing, but now it can't be more than so much, his hand is slightly pressed, the mother is mirroad, stiff, like a stone A crack on the shell cracks from the crack under Li Lo.


Li Liangxing's eyes are bright, and spiritually, he does not hesitate to drill into the crack, wear the flesh of the mother and beast, and directly to its brain.

The dead snoring makes the surrounding male sword shells, and the scene of attacking the protective cover is more fierce.

"Don't hesitate, kill it," The voice of the consultant is cold, he believes that Li Liang will sympathize with these sword shells, "they are not dead, death is us."

Li Liangxing's mental force has surrounded the fatal point of the mother and beast when he did not fall.

I cramped, and the mother and beasts that were struggling were heavy.

Li Liangxing's eyes quickly, pulling the consultant to his arms, and the two fell on the ground, and the two circles stopped.

He took the consultant into his arms. The consultant achieved his hand in his brain. After waiting for two people to stand up, he found that the other party did something stupid.

Really ... the meat is sweet.

I don't have time to experience this beautiful feeling. They have played a teammates who have to exhaus them, and they will fly the planned route.

The sword shell destroys the spirit of their left, chasing them rush.

Colonel Lemmon looked at the roads they fled, and the person in charge was to open: "A group of people who are responsible, the direction of the terrain is dangerous and will not hurt people in other groups."

"Expand the rescue, Mr. Luo Mund stands up, said to the person in charge after the commander of his deputy," take care of my future soldiers. "

"... Yes," person in charge, "Don't take care of us, they can also break into the finals."

The departers followed the collections of Rohmund to go out, smiled and said: "Colonel, you are still satisfied with them?"

"What is dissatisfaction?" Rohmont asked, "Niki prince personally orders, can I still reject my team?"

"That is also satisfied," said that the deputy is reveutation, "It seems that you didn't refuse the requirements of the prince of Nik."

Rohmont reveals a laughter, "" Next, pay more attention to their performance. "



The dream team didn't run a sword shell and beast. The people of the event finally came out, and the efficiency was high in replacement of the belongings of the sword shell, and quietly disappeared again.

A considerable part of the contestants on the day mean didn't even know what happened.

Successfully solved a big event, but the dream team responded dull, they just gasped, then waved by the people of the event.

After this area is quiet, there is only six people left in addition to the jungle trampled.

The consultant slowed down, "Do you need to hit the palm?"

When he stood in front of Li Langxing, he supported his muscles and relaxed, Li Lo Xing was put on his back, and the thumb was tapped. "It's the celebration of old earth."

The sweat is wet, the consultant can't keep up with the thinking of young people. He thought of the ass to take the ass to take Li Liangxing before I would like to call the way.

The battle is located in the place where they are far from the crowd. They still need to pass the customs, and slowly go back to the way, and mental strength has been recovering.

Like Swarklin, who has just hooded and prevents the male sword shell in the violent violent, and disresstores the four people.

But as long as the ending has, these don't say more.

When I returned to the card, I was already two hours, and they went all the way and harvested five cards. They were killed and robbed, and they felt very beautiful. The team now at least a medium or more?

The fact has become the first. The original first is Ren Qing's team, but the card of their team has been taken away by the Dream Team.

Watching live star citizens watching them are confident that they are more complicated when talking about their team is absolutely medium or more, and the mood and expression are complicated.

It's true ... Simple children.

The simple children are going to take advantage of this will take care of themselves. After the delicious enjoys a barbecue, they began to find a safe sleep tonight.

At night, I was quiet, and the young people who tired a day were sleeping. When the consultant woke up in the middle of the night, he did not see Li Liangxing.

He has changed his face, but immediately saw the teenager sitting above on the high of the towering big tree.

The consultant has stepped on the spirit of the tree, and after standing behind Li Lo, after reading him half an hour after reading him, she was satisfied with some sounds.

"Why do not you sleep?"

Li Liangying guessed that he is him, "I can't sleep."

The consultant has been picking the eyebrows to sit by his side. Two people bathe in the high tree under the moonlight, the foot is the forest, "Do you need to sing a bride for you?"

"If you are you," Li Liangsheng will listen, "I am honored."

Consultants have cough a few times, "I am joking, I won't sing what cradle."

He didn't have a childhood, the consultant is now in a pity, why didn't think about learning these songs of sleeping.

"So do you need me to sleep with you?" Li Liangxing smiled, "I sang you, consultant into a baby?"

The consultant really wants to tell him that the baby in front of you is 38 years old.

... but he didn't say it.

Seeing him not to talk, Li Liangxing is close to him, rubbing his cheek with your hair, "I am angry? Do you have a baby is angry?"

The consultant is hiding behind, can't control, "itch."

When he hid Li Lo Xing was more arrogant, he took his neck and rolled in his neck.

The consultant is placed in his back and prevents the child from falling, threatening in Li Liangxing: "You will make trouble again, I will kiss you again."

"What is it?" Li Liangxing left, suggesting, "Are you -"

Are you doing the brittleness? Do you want to pro?


The invisible equipment revealed in the distance, lit up red light, "" is not enough, energy is not enough ... "

The star is directly seen by two teenagers who are talking whispers.

That sample is like finding a new mainland.

Consultant Cheng and Li Lo Xing think about this is a full network!

Their face is ugly, I don't want to have been discovered before the water, but I haven't conducted intimate movements tonight and the intimacy of the third night.


Li Liangxing got tooth hurt.

The dead empire game.

The consultant is equally patented, two people are cold, watching the machine that lights up the red light warning, and the eyes make the audience before the live shots.

The bundled machine turned to the distance, escaped.

Li Liangxing knew that there were more than one device, and there was no just a good mood under the public, thinking is a space that herself and consultant, in fact, there are so many people staring, romance.

He sighed and could only admire the moonlight.

But with the consultant to enjoy the moonlight ...

The lips laughed.

"Crack can't sing, do you want to listen to it?"

The mentally sneaking his ears and passed the words of the consultant.

The opponent's expression is calmly looked at the moon, and it is very good at one fell swoop.

With a mature taste that has nothing to do with some young people, this breath is particularly deadly.

Consultants are trying to supplement their positive images in Li Lo Xing, "Not difficult."

Li Liangxing made him sing, the consultant achieved really sang, before I thought what love song was to sing, I found that the tune was magnificent, I was cold, more like a war song.

I have never heard of tunes, but the picture is very easy to appear. It seems that there is a iron man who is bloody, and after destruction of the enemy, the iron man lost his life.

Li Lo Xing took down the leaves on the tree, drums a few times, and the leaves became a ring, he put the ring on the head of the consultant, with encouraging tone, like a child, "asked Awesome. "

The consultant is laughing.

The sad feelings when I just homicifully thinking completely.

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