Fall in love after simulation

Chapter 214 The Simulation Begins, Shagui's School

The bright moonlight printed the clear night on the silver window frame, like a quiet painting, Nan Yuxi rolled up the sleeves of his uniform, propped his chin with one hand, and twirled the marker at his fingertips with the other.

The cool wind blows in, strokes his back, and lifts the hair of the girl sitting in front of him. The girl's eyes hidden behind her bangs are bright and dark because of the swaying of the thin shadow cast by her hair, looking forward to the streamer.

It's Wednesday night, Minami Yuki and Ibuki Yuko are doing their daily tutoring.

Ibuki Yuko is wearing a blue dress. The lace skirt makes her very petite. The ball head she wears also has the effect of setting off the cuteness. As for the white socks that wrap her delicate legs, they are even more beautiful. Added charm to her cuteness.

Nan Yuxi watched her, listened to the class, and thought about Asagiri Mizuki.

After getting the dream movie, Asagiri Mizuki did not take any action and could not see any changes, but Nan Yuxi knew that this was just the girl hiding her emotions deeply.

The relationship between him and Mizuki Asagiri is different from that of Naixiling. It is a love with a touch of sadness. In addition, compared to Naxiling's honesty, Mizuki Asagiri is a child who likes to lie. What will the girl do next? He can't guess.

"Does Yuxi understand?" Ibuki Xiko noticed the boy's distraction, she raised her head, and brought her lovely cheek close to Nan Yuxi.

"Sorry, I lost my mind."

This question is a bit difficult, Nan Youxi was too distracted to understand it.

"If you lose your mind again, you will be punished." Teacher Xizi was very strict.

"Okay. By the way, what kind of punishment is it?"

"Eat ice cream." Xiko Ibuki shook her feet wrapped in white stockings.


Is this ice cream serious?

"I'll be careful and get away with it."

Nan Youxi knew that if she asked carefully, she would be seduced by Xizi Yibuki more deeply, just like quicksand, the more she struggled, the deeper she sank, and only by stopping her resistance could she escape safely.

"Let's talk about English next, and read this article on reading comprehension."

"...Senior sister, this is the content of the third grade in high school, right?"

"I took it wrong."

Yuko Ibuki took back the test paper and replaced it with a first grade question.

Nan Youxi stared at her expressionless face, and she returned a pure, suspicious look.

Nan Youxi complained in her heart, if he didn't find out that it was a third grade test paper, and if he found out that he couldn't understand it, Xizi would definitely punish him in the name of poor teaching!

What a cunning heart!

He looked at the test paper that the girl had just produced. Although this English reading was not beyond the syllabus, the grammar was extremely awkward, and it belonged to the extremely difficult class.

This loli teacher is still trying to plot something wrong!

Fortunately, he had a few learning experiences and was smart.

He answered the question perfectly, and Xizi Ibuki gave up her plan of punishment temporarily with a groan in her heart.

She returned to her normal lecture topic.

At nine o'clock, the tutoring was over, and Nan Youxi sent her out.

While waiting for the elevator, Nan Youxi said to the girl, "Is Teacher Xizi free recently?"

"Yes." Ibuki Xiko's answer followed Nan Yuxi's voice.

"Can you fold some origami cranes for me? In return, senior sister can make a request that is not excessive and does not violate public order and good morals."


The elevator arrived, and the metal door opened with a low friction sound. Xizi Yibuki walked in. Nan Yuxi waved to her, telling her to send herself a message when she got home safely.

In fact, there is no need to tell me, Ibuki Xiko will not let go of this opportunity to chat, but Nan Yuxi will still feel worried, and this kind of worry cannot be resolved like the ripples on the sea.

Before going to bed, while chatting with Asagiri Mizuki, Nan Yuxi also asked for a paper crane.

Early the next morning, he was in the Asano house, and asked the elder sister of the dead house to ask for a paper crane.

After school in the afternoon, he went to Chikusa University Hospital to make origami stars with Rena Nakajima.

He took Reina's paper stars home, he took Nao's paper cranes for dinner, and Xizi's paper cranes for tutoring.

[You have received gifts from [Asano Nao], [Ibuki Yuko], [Nakajima Rena]]

[Simulation times +3]

Adding the rest before, there are 4 simulation times.

Time to start a new round of simulations. In this round of simulation, falling in love was not his original intention, he just explored more.

I hope this round of simulation will allow him to see a different future.

【Simulation starts】

[Remaining number of simulations: 3]

[Simulation object: ████]

[Initial Relationship: A Fateful Encounter]

【It has been nearly two months since you came to this world...】

The beginning of this simulation was exactly the same as before, and Nan Yuxi's recent actions did not affect this simulation.

He skips the repetition and looks directly at the options.

【You who are not ready to fall in love for the time being, have a lot of energy left, you choose to use this energy for...】

【1. "In addition to women, there are also men in life!"】

[2. "In addition to emotions, life also has mathematics, science, literature and art!\

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