Fall in love after simulation

Chapter 281 I Want to Run Away from Home (Repaired)

He thought, maybe there was a problem with the selection of the first branch, and Guanyue mother and daughter should not be separated.

He looks at the options again.

"One," it's time to break them up. ""

"Second, "Sneak away with Xizi, or with Meiyue?" ""

"Three, "Uncle policeman, this is the man!" ""

Option three is definitely the wrong option... probably.

Option one is the path he chose twice and failed both times. The only thing left is option two, obsessing over Meiyue and Xizi, at least not going close to Guanyuejing for the time being.

Nan Yuxi doesn't know if this option is correct, but now there is only this option left.

He turned on the simulation again.

【Simulation starts】

[Remaining number of simulations: 0.5]

【Simulation object: Guan Yuejing】

[Initial relationship: acquaintance]

【When you come here...】

Skipping the repeated part, Nan Yuxi looked directly at the first choice.

[Guan Yuejing will commit a murder during the summer vacation, and there is not much time left for you, you decide to...]

【1. "It's time to break them up."】

【2. "Sneak away with Xizi, or with Meiyue?"】

【3. "Uncle policeman, this is the man!"】

He clicks on option two.

The plot text displayed on the simulation interface was somewhat different from what he expected, and it was within his expectations.

He thought that this option was to completely ignore Guan Yuejing and the murder during the summer vacation, but he still took care of that matter, this is his character.

【You chose to give up. Compared with Guan Yuejing, you care more about Naxi Reimi, especially Xizi and Miyue who have been active recently. 】

[However, giving up does not mean that you do nothing. 】

[You go to Shiori Ichinose and tell her that you are a person who traveled from the future, you tell her a lot of information about the future, and ask her to arrange Rena's surgery. 】

【At the end of the transaction, you told her that during the summer vacation, Guan Yuejing would argue with her mother in the rental house and kill her. 】

【You leave this trouble to Ichinose Shiori. You think, with the help of Ichinose Shiori, Guan Yuejing might have a peaceful future. 】

【Linnai's surgery is scheduled before the summer vacation. The girl wants to heal her heart quickly and stay at the same school as you. 】

[During the waiting time, apart from completing a few surgeries to find out how you feel, the rest of the time was spent on Nao, Xiko and Mizuki. 】

[Xizi and Meiyue's bright skin is like a bright moon. On a very late night, you can't stand the temptation of the bright moon and change into a werewolf. 】

【Before Rena's operation, you ate Nao again. 】

【His Royal Concubine's surgery was a success, you guarded the girl through the dangerous period, and returned to the apartment with anticipation for Linnai's bright moon. 】

【Originally, the apartment with plenty of space for you has become a bit cramped recently. 】

[You can't sleep four people in a single bed, and your bedroom can't fit a quadruple bed. 】

【Summer vacation, you moved to Asano's house, you thought it was a great way to solve the problem. This is true for Nao, Yuko and Mizuki, but for you, new problems have arisen. 】

[When you move to Asano House, besides the problem of space, there is another thought. Nao has a lot of games and comics in his collection. You can play and read them to your heart's content. 】

[However, after a week has passed, you have no chance to touch games and comics at all. 】

Three short memory scenes flashed in Nan Yuxi's mind. These were the scenes where he was trying to play games and read manga, but was disturbed by Yuko, Nao and Mizuki.

He tried to lock himself in the bedroom, Xizi opened his door with a spare key, took away the maid manga in his hand, put on white silk and a maid outfit and stepped on his legs.

He tried again to exhaust the three girls into a deep sleep. The strongest Mizuki and the second strongest Nao are not his opponents, but the weakest Yuko is never tired of it, and has repeatedly defeated and fought.

He tried to get up in the dead of night, sneaked into the living room, and turned on the host and TV. Nasu, who was in a light sleep, rushed over when he heard the sound, but he didn't stop him, but picked up the game controller with him. However, the existence of this Mount Fuji itself is an obstacle. The mountain was there, and Nan Yuxi couldn't stop.

[Faced with such a predicament, you decide to...]

【1. "I want to become a monk and practice!"】

【2. "I can't stay in this house for a moment!"】

【3. "Hey, Ichinose, get some sleeping pills."】

【4. Free Simulation】

It's time to choose again, and this time the choice is very different from the last simulation.

In other words, is this simulation on the right track? Nan Yuxi was surprised.

He looks at three options.

Option one, become a monk.

Option two, run away from home.

Option three, give Nao, Yuko and Mizuki sleeping pills every day.

After interpreting the meaning of the options, Nan Youxi had a headache, none of the three options was serious. Especially option three, is the usage of this sleeping pill too subversive? Is it normal to use it like this?

When he was struggling, Rena, who was pillowed on him, turned over, her white ears were attached to his thighs, and the ear bones pressed against his skin, soft and elastic.

The air exhaled from the girl's small nose, with warmth, blows over the fine down on his legs, bringing a burst of itching and comfort, like a gentle caress.

He tapped the tip of Rena's nose lightly, and said in his heart: You are still sleeping, Nao, Xiko and Mizuki are all a big version ahead of you!

The girl didn't respond, she was in a deep sleep.

Nan Youxi continued to look at the simulation interface, he hesitated for a moment, and clicked option two.

Compared with becoming a monk or using sleeping pills, running away from home suddenly becomes an extremely mild behavior.


The correct option should be three.

This is a simulation of Guan Yuejing. All the options not only correspond to the current problem, but also correspond to his relationship with Guan Yuejing.

Being a monk and turning Naiximei into medicine have nothing to do with Guan Yuejing, only running away from home is the most likely action to point to Guan Yuejing.

Do the Sims themselves know this? Nan Yuxi thought. Probably not, for me in the simulation, this is just an ordinary decision.

In other words, if he really encounters Guan Yuejing, he in the Sims is not prepared at all... In case, like the first time, he is cut by a fruit knife... it should be impossible, he will not be in the same place Falling down twice, it is impossible to enter Guanyue's old house again.

Moreover, he has already told Ichinose about Guan Yuejing, and Ichinose Shiori will take care of her affairs.

Ichinose Shiori should be able to handle Kanyue Jing's matter well, right?

Nan Yuxi thought of the time when Yuko, in the simulation, he left Yuko to Ichinose Shiori to take care of, and the result was the news of the death of the puppet girl. He's not confident anymore, and Ichinose doesn't seem to be very reliable.

With an inquiring mind, Nan Youxi continued to look at the simulation interface.

Tsk, sure enough.

[You feel that you can't go on like this, not because your body can't bear it, but because your spirit is too depraved. Linnai is still in the ward, Kazumi is still in the stage of holding hands, you think you can't go too far. 】

【You decide to move out. 】

【What you didn't expect is that you met a woman who shouldn't be in contact with you anymore. 】

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