Fall in love after simulation

Chapter 300 Not a mother, but a daughter

It's time to choose again.

Nan Youxi scanned the three options and decisively chose option two.

It's not that he has a bad taste. After removing the mostly wrong one and three, the only thing left is option two.

Option one means divorcing Moriya Yuko and severing the father-daughter relationship with Guan Yuejing. Unless Guan Yuejing has a special hobby, he can't imagine how such a plot can continue to develop.

Option three means divorcing Moriya Yuko and letting Guan Yuejing choose one party to be her guardian.

Divorcing and taking away Guan Yuejing is a necessary plot, but it is not an event that should be thrown out now. It can be seen from the simulated text that Guan Yuejing is still very dependent on her mother.

Nan Yuxi can only click option two.

【You tell Guan Yuejing that you can help Moriya Yuko, but Guan Yuejing wants to compensate you. 】

【The girl nodded timidly, she thought that your request must be very difficult. 】

[Your request is indeed difficult, but it is not difficult in material, but difficult in emotion. 】

[You have never asked Guan Yuejing to change her surname. Today, you made this request to Guan Yuejing. You hope that she will take your surname Nan. 】

【Looking into your eyes, the girl hesitated. 】

[In this hesitation, the rejection caused by the anxiety of change only accounts for a very small part, and the majority is self-ashamed. After a day of crazy play at noon in summer, when I return home, I want to lie down when I see the soft bed And cringe at the fear of soiling the sheets. 】

[After several months of getting along, the girl has understood the dream of her current life. You are a good father that other girls will envy. Shiori has always wanted you. 】

[She once thought about the issue of surnames, wondering why the three of you in your family have three different surnames, and mother's words echoed in her ears from time to time during the spring break, she thought it was because she was just an outsider. 】

【The apprehension was comforted by your request, and it turned into a sense of peace of mind. She nodded and agreed to your request. 】

[From then on, her name became Nan Jing. 】

[On the night after changing the surname, the girl dug out all her homework and changed the names one by one. 】

[She thinks the new name sounds nice, and it writes smoothly. 】

【She showed off her new name to Shiori. Shiori disdains, and tells Jing arrogantly, if you marry her mother, you will be the one who will change your surname, and you will have the elegant and noble name Ichinose Yuki. 】

Nan Youxi looked at the simulated text and thought of a six in her heart.

【You helped Moriya Yuko pay off the debt. 】

【Most of your money is in Mrs. Ichinose's fund, and this debt has almost used up all your cash. 】

[You didn't withdraw funds from Mrs. Ichinose, nor did you earn money from other sources to supplement it. You have greatly reduced your own and family's expenses. 】

[Both women in the family noticed this. 】

[Yuko Moritani didn't care, she switched to a civilian casino and continued her mahjong life. 】

【Jing feels guilty and uneasy. She feels that she and her mother have caused you trouble. She can't make up for it. She can't make up. 】

[She dressed up as a silver-haired red-eyed magic girl, a brown-haired purple-eyed magic cannon girl, and a red-haired scorching-eyed tachi girl. 】


Temporarily stopping the simulation, Nan Yuxi pressed her forehead, thinking about her own operations in the Sims.

He thought, as expected of me.

He has figured out his own plan in Sims, and it's not a brilliant plan, but it works, especially emotionally.

There are only zero and infinite times of gambling, and there is no one day to stop until the end of the mountain. Moreover, even if the water in their own pool runs out, gamblers will try their best to get water from other people's pools as gambling funds.

Hiroko Moritani is far from reaching the end of his life, as long as he continues to support, women will not stop until they lose all their wealth.

With his real financial resources, it is very difficult for Moriya Yuko to lose his family property. With his relationship with Mrs. Ichinose, it is easy to control Yuko Moritani's gambling within a certain range.

He can always support Yuko Moriya and make Guan Yuejing happy.

If this timeline is everything, he will not hesitate to do so.

However, in addition to the timeline of Juvenile Guan Yuejing, there is also a timeline of adult Guan Yuejing. He must make Juvenile Guan Yuejing understand and realize something before he can affect adult Guan Yuejing.

That's why he pretended to be an ordinary rich man, pretending to be hurt by Yuko Moriya.

In this way, he will be completely bankrupt after Yuko Moriya's second and third borrowings.

Witnessing Guan Yuejing in such a future, and witnessing Guan Yuejing's family decline again, what kind of emotional changes will happen?

This time was different from her biological father's time. Her biological father died, but his stepfather was still alive. The dead are always less influential than the living.

What kind of changes will happen to Guan Yuejing's emotions? Can she make up her mind to get rid of that unscrupulous mother and throw herself into the arms of his stepfather?

Nan Yuxi continued to look at the simulation interface.

[Yuko Moritani's peaceful happiness lasted for another half a year, and the divorce date you agreed on is getting closer and closer, and the woman is getting more and more disturbed. 】

【She doesn't want to leave you. Although the divorce can get 200 million from you at one time, the money is not enough for her mahjong life in the future. 】

[Moreover, the circle of casinos is also divided into layers. Without the status of your wife, she will not be able to gain a foothold in the original circle. 】

【She wants to continue lying on top of you and sucking you. 】

[She and you hinted at the hope of a continued marriage, but you rejected her. 】

【As a result, she was terrified, and the intense mood swings made her seek comfort and comfort. She participated in several big gambling games, seeking excitement and paralyzing her spirit. She owed a huge debt. 】

[This debt is close to the breakup fee in the agreement, and she feels horrified. If she divorces you and pays off the debt by herself, she will be destitute. 】

【She found her daughter Jing, threatened and coaxed her to speak for her, and asked her to beg you. 】

【She didn't mention her debts, she only said that you will get a divorce. 】

【Jing was shocked at the speed at which your marriage broke down. 】

[If it was a year ago, the girl would not have any hesitation, she would follow her mother's request and work hard to complete her mother's tasks. 】

[But she is hesitant now, she cares about her mother and you, she doesn't want to make you unhappy, she is afraid that you will kill her. 】

【She insinuated and inquired into your attitude a little. You are very firm. You said that she will live with you. 】

[The girl is happy that you are willing to continue to be her father, but also sad that her mother will leave her. She is tossing and exhausted in this sorrow and joy. 】

[Yuko Moritani approached Shangjing again. This time, her persecution was even worse. She threatened her with her daughter's dead biological father and her daughter's best childhood memories. 】

【Her sadness and madness follow the bond of love into Jing's heart along with her demeanor and words, causing the girl pain. 】

[The girl can only go back and beg you, but you clearly refuse. 】

【She is helpless, she feels confused, she thinks she can't change your attitude. 】

[Until Yuko Moritani told the secret, the secret that you agreed not to tell. 】

[Yuko Moriya told Jing that your marriage is because of Jing. What you fancy is not a mother, but a daughter. From the beginning to the end, all you want are daughters. 】

【Yuko Moritani told this secret because she wanted to tell her daughter that she has willful emotional capital, you like her very much, she can boldly intercede for her mother. 】

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