Sun Lipeng had more and more tails behind him. When he was about to get to the place, he found that there seemed to be people tracking him around. He felt very strange. He was obviously confidential this time, but why were so many people following him.

When sun Lipeng arrived at the place, when he opened the door, he found that the room was empty. At this time, he asked people to look around and found no one.

At this time, he didn't know what was going on, but when sun Lipeng came to pick up Ji Luo, shangguanyi told him that if there was no one in the house, he would return immediately.

So sun Lipeng returned with a little hesitation.

At this time, all the people who followed sun Lipeng found that he didn't find anyone in the house, and they didn't know anything. After sun Lipeng left, a dozen people rushed into the house and found that the house was full of dust. There was no trace of anyone living in it. They thought, was it fooled?

Sun Lipeng didn't find anyone and carried so many people with him, so when he returned, although he felt that countless pairs of eyes had been staring at him, no one dared to act.

At this time, he went to the court and went to work. He didn't plan to go to the police station to find Guan Yi until he got off work.

When sun Lipeng arrived at the police station, the police told him that shangguanyi had gone home from work early today.

At this time, sun Lipeng went to shangguanyi's house to find him.

As soon as he knocked on the door, he heard the sound of opening the door. Sun Lipeng looked at shangguanyi angrily and looked around for fear of being followed.

So he went directly to shangguanyi's room. He wanted to tell him why he had to tell himself a false clue, but when he walked into the room, he saw baiziqi.

At this time, sun Lipeng looked at Guan Yi's bedroom in surprise. He saw that there seemed to be someone in the bedroom, so he quickly walked two steps to the bedroom and found Ji Luo lying in bed.

"Director Ji Luo... You're back?" Sun Lipeng looked at Shangguan Yi and Ji Luo. "What's the matter? Why didn't I find you when I went to pick you up this afternoon."

"After waiting for everyone, I'll tell you." after shangguanyi finished, he knew that someone should arrive.

At this time, I heard a knock on the door, and beifengyu and Xiaoyao also came in.

"Since everyone is here, I'll tell you what happened recently!" Shangguan Yi smiled. "I think you'd better sit on the table and drink a glass of water, otherwise you'll be too excited or tired. This is a long story."

Beifengyu, Xiaoyao and sun Lipeng each brought a cup of tea and sat around jiluo's bed. After all, jiluo sat on the bed and was pregnant, so they sat around her.

"It starts from the day they disappeared. I searched all night and found no one. The next day, I found the warhead, but I still didn't find anyone. Three days later, I received a letter. The letter the child gave me said their location. And I quickly got to the place and found that they were both there, but because they fell Luo is pregnant and weak, so I need to rest in place for a period of time, so I didn't let her show up, and I rushed back. "Shangguan Yi finished and looked at Ji Luo.

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