Beifengyu nodded and went out. Half an hour later, he hurried over to shangguanyi and said, "I sent people to look around. There's nothing special. He said he had a cold and took some medicine from the doctor. He came out in five minutes, so I don't think there's a big problem."

"My uncle has a private doctor. If he has a cold, he can take some medicine. There is no need to go to the clinic. The clinic is not on his way home, but there is a detour. He will not simply take some medicine." when shangguanyi saw Beifeng language, he calmly told him that he always felt that it was not so simple.

"Maybe you think it's complicated, maybe you just go in and get some medicine, and we found it. Also, people may come to buy some things on the way." Beifeng language thinks there's no big problem.

"You think it's normal because you judge from your point of view, while I judge from my uncle's point of view. Besides, has he gone anywhere except this hospital?" shangguanyi continued to ask beifengyu.

"That's not true. Your uncle hasn't been anywhere except this hospital, so he drove home directly, so I think he should just go to the hospital to get some medicine and then go home." beifengyu looked at shangguanyi and said his own consideration.

"From what I know about my uncle, he won't simply go to a place. There must be something he wants in the drugstore. He came just to achieve a purpose. You also sent someone around the drugstore to follow whoever came out." when Shangguan Yi finished saying this, he realized that it should be too late.

If something really happened, the man might have gone out at that time.

"In fact, I think you've made a fuss. It's normal for people to go to this hospital. Besides, the person you checked was also there. At that time, I saw that he passed your uncle when he walked in." beifengyu seemed to see Bai Zheng according to her own memory, so she said to him casually

"Are you sure you see Bai Zheng?" shangguanyi asked back at this time, asking again and again whether it was true?

"Of course, I know that guy. He's white and has a little temper. He's weird. I thought where he came from. Why is he so weird? I didn't expect to meet him just now." when Beifeng Yu said this, Shangguan Yi stared at him.

"Why are you staring at me? I just said how I feel." beifengyu felt inexplicable, so he smiled and said to shangguanyi.

"I don't think it's because of what you said to me just now, but why you tell me now. When my uncle came out, Bai Zheng walked in and didn't tell me long ago." shangguanyi looked at beifengyu very speechless.

It's really hard for him to track people. Even if there are clues, he can tell himself when he remembers them.

"I just remember. Besides, I'll tell you when I remember. What's the matter? Is it too late?" beifengyu looked at shangguanyi impatiently. How can this man do this? He provided him with clues and was picky. He seemed very impatient. He really didn't know enough!

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